Monthly Prompts

What is Monthly Prompts?

Monthly Prompts are quests you can clear once a month to get the monthly bonus. Their bonus is stackable with regular arts so you can draw a fullbody and cash in along with MP bonus.

Keep in mind that once you submitted one entry for one prompt, to retake the same prompt you must wait for a month or else you will not receive the monthly prompt bonus.

Monthly Prompts resets every 3rd day every month. Reminders for monthly reset will be announced on discord group.

Meeting new friends

"Oh you must be new here! Or I haven't see you. Can we have a chat with coffee?"

Draw your ProtoNet enjoying their time with another ProtoNet. Make sure they never interacted or draw the other ProtoNet before.

Bit bonus: +5 for prompt entry, +10 for every other ProtoNets.


"Do you feel like wanting a new portrait of yourself? I've always wanted to see if you ever draw yourself on a big canvas. Can I?"

Draw your ProtoNet or other member's. Headshot to bust-sized only. Backgrounds and frames are optional.

Bit bonus: +5 for prompt entry. Singular character only.

Room Activities

"Am I allow to see your room? Or perhaps any of your private chamber for me to visit? My room is rather bland and both Adam and Eve have basic room."

Draw your ProtoNet in their private chamber or house. You can draw with other ProtoNets. Draw them doing anything inside from laying on the bed to do quiet activities.

Bit bonus: +5 for prompt entry, +10 for every other ProtoNets.

Taking a stroll

"Well we can't stay in our space forever. How about if we take a walk outside?"

Draw your ProtoNet taking a walk (float) around Re:Access. They can do any activities such as shopping, smell the flowers, or just enjoying the park.

Bit bonus: +5 for prompt entry, +10 for every other ProtoNets.

Skill training

"I love to craft items for you to explore outside but the ingredients don't emerge magically. If you can gather some I could make your desired items if you have any."

Draw your ProtoNet exploring The Crying Air. They could gather materials through nature gathering or take datas from fallen monsters they had defeated.

Bit bonus: +5 for prompt entry, +10 for every other ProtoNets, and +20 for every monster included.