MYO information and TOS

Myo slot prices are as follows;
Minor Nemia: 10usd (May have up to 3 mut/mod)
Beast Nemia: 20usd
Grand Nemia: 35usd
Illegal Nemia: 40usd

Add mutations/modifications: 
1usd each. Caps at 5 per Nemia.  See Species information for available options

Add restricted traits:
15usd, one per Nemia unless an official adopt or special slot sale/event reward

Sigil/Token shop:
You can create artwork or writing of your nemia to collect sigils, the currency of the Nemia world. These Sigils can be turned in to buy mod/mut tokens and myo slots!
Token shop

-Comment in discord or note foxdog2 to redeem sigils into tokens, or apply tokens to Nemia myo slots or existing myo/official adopts. 
-nemia have a max of 5 mutations/modifications unless you purchase a +1 mut/mod token that can be gained through art or lit.

By purchasing or owning a Nemia Artifice or Nemia Artifice MYO design or slot;  you agree to the following TOS regarding this closed species(CS).  

-All transfers of ownership must be reported to me to update the masterlist held in discord.
-You may not claim the species or concept as your own, you may not use my concepts/species for monetary or commercial use unless given written permission by me.  
-Using your Nemia in your own stories or settings/outside of my canon is fine for non-commercial use only.  
-Do not create a Nemia Artifice without an approved paid or free MYO slot that is registered on discord or with an official approval from foxdog2 
-Paid MYO or purchased official designs may be resold for the amount purchased for only, or higher with additional commissioned works included; provided the artists producing the work allow it.
-You may trade, swap or regift a Nemia for no monetary compensation but it's  value will be locked at zero and it cannot be resold past that point.  The only exception to this rule is if you obtain a 0 usd value design  and later commission artworks as the new owner. Further transfers reset the value to 0.
-Trades are allowed with existing  one-off/other-species designs, paid Nemia Artifice myo slots or artwork.  You cannot trade or swap any Nemia Artifice for vouchers or giftcards.
- Nemia obtained through Free MYO events or Raffles cannot be resold. They may be gifted or swapped  with other Nemia artifice only or returned to the group to be raffled/given away in an event.

Regarding design edits/overhauls:
Most  design edits are ok to do, such as changing the host body species to something else in its class,  altering colors/patterns or some modifications to Shields. All I ask is that you check with me in discord/DM for approval first!
Do not create  your Nemia artifice to resemble any offcial IP or fandoms. (Ie. Pokemon)  AU versions of your own original characters is fine!

Terms of service subject to modification at any time.