

Mantsu live deep under the ground, below average caves and far from mankind at a point where it’s impossible for humans to reach, in hidden tunnels and caves filled with glowing crystals, clear water and fine plants.

The small critter’s fully grown height isn’t smaller than 50cm and the biggest they can get is up to a whole meter. Averagely they are around 70cm though. Their ears are usually pretty big, as they rely on hearing a lot. Their eyes are similar to those of cats as the caves are dark, especially the tunnels. Even though the crystals light up some parts of the cave, they rely on their ability to see in the dark very often.
Mantsu barely use their wings as they easily get cold. They prefer to keep their wings wrapped around their body for protection and warmth. Most of the time their wings only get to use for fast travel or when they need to flee from danger.
They are very smart compared to other animals, they learn quick and easily adjust to ways of communication with other mammals. There have been reports of humans befriending Mantsu that have reached the surface.

The small critters live through the energy of the crystals, the crystal that is always at the center of their chest is mandatory for their life.
Young Mantsu cannot leave the cave, as the energy, which they like to call magic, helps them grow healthy. The longer and the more they are in contact with the crystals magic, the more likely they are able to produce crystals, let them even grow on their own body, and produce offspring with the help and magic of their loved one.
Mantsu are omnivore, they eat everything, though their diet contains mainly plants, as they aren't the best hunters. They prefer to live in big groups, as Mantsu can get lonely quickly. During colder episodes of the cave they tend to group together and warm each other.
The critters are very social, communication is a big part of their everyday life. Sharing meals with their family and friends, playing games, venturing into new parts of the caves or even working together to dig more tunnels and more room for other Mantsus. The species can be seen similar to bird’s flocks. Mantsu can feel and express love, in fact, their love is often strong enough for them to never switch to any other partner after they fell in love the first time. You can find more Infos right here!