Nomads of the Steppe

The humans of the Steppe rely almost entirely on Khundii for their way of life, and either receiving a Khundii pup or taming an adult Khundii is seen as an important right of passage into adulthood. Khundii help hunt the meat that makes up a large part of human diets, carry supplies, pull carts, and are even ridden. In return, humans are dedicated to the care of their Khundii, and consider them a part of their families. 

Humans mostly live in small bands consisting of two or three families and their Khundii, although they likely consider their band to be part of a larger tribe. Their level of technology is equivalent to early iron-age, and they rely on Shamans and Wise Women for medicine, weather predictions, and general guidance. They rely on yurts, a kind of sturdy tent, for shelter.

Most of the time the peoples of the Steppe are entirely nomadic, and small groups of bands congregate and separate often as their paths cross and diverge, but in Spring the entirety of each tribe congregates in a set location for the festival of the New Year, a time of much trading, exchanging of gossip, acquiring of spouses, and of course games, contests, and general celebration.