Hello, and welcome to the Ashen Steppe! This is an ARPG/sandbox roleplay set in the vast rolling grasslands that the species known as Khundii call home, along with tribes of nomadic humans. The goal is to both give the spotlight to individual Khundii and build a bloodline with a legacy. 

Randomly-rolled Gen 1 Khundii are no longer being given away for free regularly, but consider adopting a pre-rolled Gen 1 from the Gen 1 for Adoption folder - these were created just as randomly, except you get to pick one you prefer. In addition, giveaways, raffles, and pups put up for adoption (Newbie-Only Adoption Thread) should be enough to produce enough free Khundii to supply the community with plenty of designs! Please be aware that the game is in early days yet and the system is likely to be subject to change. This is a passion project for me, and one that I can’t always dedicate as much time to as I would like, but I really hope we can all have a good time playing together! 

You’ll probably want to stop by How to Play and the Forums to get started, or join us on Discord

If you need help or have questions, please feel free to ping me, the founder, Yodra