Welcome to Anhemyte
23949382_wlPUUb7RhMX0cKC.pngUltimaWeapon - Owner / Creator
23949382_wlPUUb7RhMX0cKC.pngAkushiyama - Moderator
23949382_wlPUUb7RhMX0cKC.pngDigitisedDingo - Moderator
23949382_wlPUUb7RhMX0cKC.pngDarkDragonBloodi @ dA - Moderator
23949382_wlPUUb7RhMX0cKC.pngTechnoctem - Administration account
A Futuristic Humanoid Species
Technoctems (TN's for short) are a species of winged, bird-like humanoids who live on the planet Anhemyte. They have control over two different kinds of power: Vibration or Discharge.
Vibration allows Technoctems to control, feel and create vibrations in the air or in an inanimate or animate object, to the point of creating very small quakes below someone's feet and knock them off the ground.
Discharge allows them to store and release electricity - the more electricity stored, the more powerful the discharge.
As a species, Technoctems are nocturnal and work / live most of their life during nighttime, while they sleep during the day.

Technoctems don't have a rarity, however they have free and special traits that make them varied and different.

  • 05/01/2022 - Species has changed from Closed to Open!
  • 05/01/2022 - Regular and Special traits can be used for adoptables by everyone in the community.
  • A base for adoptable designs will be released soon!
  • Technoctem do not lay eggs; they're mammalian!
  • They're sort of obsessed with human culture and terrible movies.
  • They freely mingle with species from other planets and cultures! They're very inclusive and enjoy having a wide and open view of things.
Featured Characters

Character description Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.


Character description Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.


Character description Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.


Character description Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Character Of The Month


Character description Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.