Howltar Items

52244093_pHCuQPMAutPRiK6.pngStarcoins: [$1 = 1sc = 100 pts]
Howltar currency with a rate of 1usd = 1sc. Earned through prompts and events.

PaintBrush: [$2 / 2sc / 200 pts]
Adds an additional body color to your Howltar. Cannot replace or take away colors.

Minty Toothpaste: [$5 / 5sc / 500 pts]
Removes an existing colour on the howl. Cannot remove the main base colour of a howl.

Citrus Swirl: [$10 / 10sc / 1k pts]
Common fruit trait. Allows you to pick 1 common trait to use on your howl.

Frozen Aloe: [$15 / 15sc / 1.5k pts]
Uncommon fruit trait. Allows you to pick 1 uncommon trait to use on your howl.

Pink Starfruit: [$30 / 30sc / 3k pts]
Rare fruit trait. Allows you to pick 1 rare trait to use on your howl.

Unusual Mushroom: [$40 / 40sc / 4k pts]
Mutation fruit trait. Allows you to pick 1 mutation trait to use on your howl.

Shapeshift Relic: [$50 / 50sc / 5k pts]
You may give your howl a common or existing animal transformation.

Shapeshift Artifact: [$70 / 70sc / 7k pts]
You may give your howl an uncommon or non-existing transformation.

Dragon Eye: [$100 / 100sc / 10k pts]
You may give your howl the dragon form. Very limited. Must be used on a howl within purchase.
