March 2022

Feature another Watakuma!

Simply draw or write about a Watakuma that you do not own.
However, permission must be granted from the owner!


Art by ShibaKiba

Art by ShibaKiba

Art by kija

Art by kija


Art by griefsyndrome

Art by PsyCROWlogist

Art by AussieByte_

Art by AussieByte_

Art by AussieByte_


Written by birthday
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Written by zcowei
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Written by TRICKS
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Mini Prompt

What desserts/sweets does your Watakuma represent?
Whether it's their appearance or personality, try linking them up with a dish!



Momo’s featured dessert is a cupcake! It's because cupcake is small, docile, and sweet! Although, that isn’t what you should tell Momo, because he would definitely get mad for being underestimated. On another hand, everyone loves cupcakes! Momo is not an exception to this, they also like cupcakes because it can be uniquely decorated and easy to snatch from a tray...


Evan's dessert look alike is lemon-lime sour cake. Unfortunately for the demon-mofu trio, none of them are particularly fond of it's overwhelming acidic flavor. But like the unexpected tartness of the cake, Evan himself admits that he is just as unpredictable and zesty. Who would of known that he would not appreciate it's profuse flavor? Regardless, he eats it as an attempt to be polite.


Piper's dessert is a Red Velvet cupcake. When you pull away the wrapper, you're greeted with the smooth, soft, tender and light creamy icing, perfectly paired with the very mild cocoa with a slightly tart edge cake. Piper is just like this. If you can get past her protective emotional wrapper, she’s sweet, soft, and tender to all of her friends and loved ones.


Angelo's featured dessert is lemon candy! sweet and sour lemon bonbons are just like Angelo's sweet and sour personality - he is sour when he doesn't get his way and the sweetest when he does. Hand-designed by Angelo L'echienne, L'emonne candies have a shiny golden outer shell and gooey, gummy flesh within.


Michael's featured dessert is red velvet! Red velvet sweet taste and a soft texture to it similar to Michael's soft and sweet personality! Usually red velvet is used for formal events while some times it can be used for normal gatherings. Usually topped with strawberries and whipped cream red velvet is considered a diamond in the rough amongst most royal cakes.


Xi mengyao's favorite sweet is ice-cream! She loves all flavours, but mint chip and simple vanilla are her favorites! Sometimes, she likes to let it melt, add some sprinkles, whipped cream and sour candies and drink it through a straw! She calls it "Mengyao's special slurpee"! The other watakuma's find it strange, but she doesn't let their judgement prevent her from having her favorite snack!


Faun's sweet is a sweet drink, A milkshake. Faun's confused why the milkshake has some shrubs that she grows on her antlers, atop of some other sweet stuffs she doesn't know about. Faun had always been very isolated from humans, being secluded in the forest and rarely she ever experience the outside world. You can say that to the milkshake, who was made, put in the fridge, and waited in there for quite some time, never seen the light from the outside, Until it does see the outside before being served to Faun.


Kaibutsu represents a delicious sundae! What kind is it you ask? Why is the syrup glowing? Where did she get it? Well… let’s just say she has her ways… The truth is, she made the ice cream herself! With the sweetest raspberries and richest milk, kaibutsu was able to whip up a delicious treat.


Unlike most people, Miyo tends to look upset if they were given any sweets since they start to feel sick at the sight of them but aren't able to say no. They were given an ube flavored ice cream with white sprinkles, ube flavored wafer stick, purple rock crystal candy, and white cotton candy. All they do is stare at it till it melts in their hands. Their tears would start to compliment with their ice cream that will melt soon.


What better way is there to convey feelings of love than by gifting your beloved chocolates? Valentine’s day, White day, or any other day of the year! Mana’s featured dessert is handmade chocolates, which conveys their desire to help others with their own love lives, and their own desire to have someone for themself to love. Plus, who doesn’t love chocolates?


Andonis doesn't really have a preference over sweets, because he eats everything. However, he's usually snacking on lollipops and the like! Especially the twisted ones since they're longer and thinner and can fit in his jacket pockets. Although... Would this be considered cannibalism? His horns are made of the same thing...


Junfeng and Mengyao have always been close, so it’s no surprise that their habits and diets rub off on one another! Junfeng in the past was never one for cold treats, and mostly preferred his typical gumdrops, twizzlers, and other chewy candies. Mengyao offered him to try ice cream once, and suddenly, that’s all he ate until he got sick from the lack of nutrients (warning: do not only eat ice cream! It is not advised!) Be sure to eat a variety of different candies and flavors to keep your vitamin levels strong! 🐻

Code by AviCode