
NOTE: Your Watakuma does NOT have to follow the lore below!

WARNING: This section is under heavy construction and might change in the future!

History and Lore


Watakuma is a species of kemonomimi demons who mainly feeds on cotton candy as their source of energy.

They are known to be weaker and unable to prey on actual living organisms, so they have to settle with sugar from candies. As a result, most Watakuma are colorful, high-spirited, and feeble; probably due to the sugar rush they're getting.

Watakuma are pretty much harmless to humans, they only cause a shortage of sugar here and there, but nothing impactful on the world. They usually live in hidden areas so so they won't be hunt down as easily.

History and Biology

A Watakuma is born when a demon make a contract with a Mofumofu, an unknown cotton candy-shaped being. This happens when the demon is too feeble to survive on its own and needs to rely on external forces to stay alive.

A Mofumofu has characteristics that allow the demon to gain life sources off sugar, which is easier than having to hunt prey everyday. It lives off its host body like a parasite would. The Mofumofu control the demon’s mind, which in turn controls their body.

The cross between a Mofumofu only happens on a demon due to its incredibly parasitic nature. A normal human or animal would quickly die under its influence.

For more informations about their appearance, refer to Traits.


The Demon

Usually weak and feeble compared to other demons. Some became a Watakuma for survival, while some did it out of curiosity. It's also dangerous that some are overtly proud (despite being a wealking)

The Mofumofu

A currently unknown parasitic being. No information had been found as to why it is shaped as a cotton candy. Apparently, each Mofu has its own personality, some are proud and demanding, while others are calm and kind.

Common Watakuma

The rising popularity. Common Watakuma are new or adapting demon/Watakuma combos. Their powers and appearances are still very simple.

Crystallized Watakuma

Demon and Mofumofu combos who have adapted to each other. As a result, their body can be seen to be made out of sugar, they have cool powers as well. Wow!


The Demon vs Mofumofu

The relationships varies within the group. Because they both have different personalities, they might plot for the others demise, or enjoy the relation they're having.

Other Watakuma

They often band together as a community, also because of the Mofumofu's sense of company. They get along well and all try to survive together.

Other Demons

Other Demons often look down upon Watakuma for being weaker and letting a parasite control them. Other demons often hunt Watakuma for fun, so the majority are afraid of them.


Humans are vaguely aware that there are various Demons lurking here and there in their world. Warnings and measurements had been taken against them to prevent a (stronger) demon's mischievous deeds.
However, a Watakuma can get along well with a human, due to their harmlessness and only needing to feed on sugar.

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