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About Watakuma

Watakuma was founded by keixcchi & owned by A1righty
Welcome to the world of Marzipan! Home to Watakuma - Wata ame (cotton candy) + Akuma (demon)


Watakuma are types of demons who made contracts with one of the inhabitants of Marzipan, Mofumofu, a cotton candy-shaped parasite that roam the candyfields of the world. Demons that live on Marzipan consume candy in a rapid rate due to being weaker organisms and unable to prey on other species. Due to the rapid rate they consume sugar, they destoyed quite a few candy houses and thats when Mofumofu's started to make contracts with them! It allows them to effectively live off sugar in a slower rate - turning them into Watakuma! Demons inherit the animal charateristics from the Mofumofu, always inherating Kemono traits and Amai in the process.


This is the main hub for Watakuma, besides the discord of course! All official updates, sales, adopts ect will be posted here for all members to see, so make sure to join!

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