Capsule-Mon's Bulletins

Closing to New Members!

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by colercat

We're bringing you this announcement to let you know that the group will be closing for new members tonight 3/1/22 at 11:59 PM CST. There's been a massive increase in members over the past couple weeks, and we feel it will be beneficial to close for a short period of time so that C-M can adjust better. As of currently there's no set date for when we will reopen for new members, but we'll be sure to let everyone know once we do!

Thank you for understanding, and have a great rest of your afternoon!

Important Update!

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by colercat

Hello Capsulemon World! 

We as a mod team have decided that from now on we are going to do all activities (including starter rolls) on our discord! You can find the link on the main page of our toyhouse world here: This world will still be active to house our information, advertise, and for you to submit your pokemon for others to see (if you would like to!). 

If you are still waiting for start rolls, we ask that you please move to the discord and indicate on your comment on the th that you've moved so we don't double up on your starter rolls by mistake. 

We hope to see you soon!

Poke Pelago

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by closedaccount123

Time rolls over @ 11:59PM CST

If your Pokemon are needing that much deserved rest and relaxation, consider letting them spend a day at the Poke Pelago! Break away from the stress of life and take in the beautiful sights and sounds of the island. Who knows, they may even bring home a souvenir to express their appreciation of you!

Important information to note:
- Poke Pelago is a daily activity that you can send individual Pokemon off to enjoy a mini vacation. Not only do they grow in levels, they even have a chance to bring back items and tokens for their favorite person!
- You may send only 1 Pokemon to the Pelago daily
- Item rarity is dependent on the level of your Pokemon. Higher levels progressively yield better drops
- However; Pokemon will not benefit from additional level increases past 100 (meaning that while they can still gain levels, the reward tier caps at 100). Consider letting your lower level Pokemon have a day off, too!
- Not enough pampering? Purchase a VIP Pass in the [Shop] and you may find that your Pokemon are extra eager to show their gratitude
- The Pokemon you're sending off to the Pelago MUST have a profile with the required template from [Reference Guide] filled out
- Poke Pelago resets every night at 11:59PM CST

Poke Pelago has moved to Discord! Please comment in the appropriate channel in the Capsule-Mon server. Any comments left on the bulletin will not be processed.


Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by closedaccount123

Importing is not currently available!

Adoption Agency

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by closedaccount123

The Adoption Agency is now known as the Celestial Crossroads!

Please see the Discord server for available information.

Wonder Trade

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by closedaccount123

Time rolls over @ 11:59PM CST

Important information to note:
- You may Wonder Trade two Pokemon per rollover
- No reference is required to Wonder Trade
- Pokemon received from Wonder Trade will start at Level 1
- The Pokemon you are Wonder Trading must already be present in your inventory
- The Pokemon received will be completely random, meaning that if you trade a traited Pokemon there is a chance you could get back a basic
- Be positive you want to trade, as once that Pokemon is sent to Wonder Trade they will become obsolete in the group (however; you may of course still use any potential design attached to that Pokemon outside the group)
- There is no cooldown period for traded Pokemon. If you get back a Pokemon you don't want, you may trade it immediately next rollover period
- Legendaries are unobtainable from Wonder Trade

Wonder Trade has moved to Discord! Please comment in the appropriate channel in the Capsule-Mon server. Any comments left on the bulletin will not be processed.

Bulletin Board

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by closedaccount123

The Bulletin Board is not currently available!

Winter Event '21

Posted 2 years, 6 months ago by closedaccount123

Event ends January 1st, 2022 @ 11:59PM CST


'Tis the season! Winter has come once again and everyone is preparing to spend December in their own unique way. Delibird especially love to spread cheer through gift-giving, but the catch is showing them a bit of fun first!

Draw or write about a Pokemon(s) of yours enjoying their favorite winter activity

- Drawings must be full body, colored, and have a simple background that shows depth
- Literature must be at minimum 500 words in length

Submitted entries will earn:
- 750 Tokens as an event bonus
- Green Capsule
- A randomized Ice-type Pokemon that has a guaranteed trait

Please comment with your submission here!

Grand Plateau

Posted 2 years, 6 months ago by closedaccount123

Time rolls over @ 11:59PM CST

Important information to note:
- You may visit the Grand Plateau daily
- Pokemon encountered in the Grand Plateau have a chance to be traited
- Pokemon require a Poke Ball to capture them (obtainable in the Shop). Different Poke Balls have different catch rates!
- Items available for purchase in the [Shop] can increase your chances at finding certain types of Pokemon or give special perks that apply to encounters

- Instead of capturing an encountered Pokemon, you can choose to battle it instead for a chance to have your Pokemon pilfer items and gain a small amount of levels
- The Pokemon you choose to battle with must have an approved reference and template filled out on their profile page
- There are three turns to a battle. If your Pokemon fails to KO the encountered Pokemon by Turn 3 they will run away and forfeit an additional item roll
- Items available for purchase in the [Shop] can increase or guarantee that your Pokemon will not miss their attack

- If neither option appeals you may instead flee the encounter completely
- This can be done at the beginning of an encounter or any time during capture / before the 3rd turn of battle
- There is a small chance to find additional items/Tokens from fleeing

Not every Pokemon is a guaranteed catch on the first try.
Pokemon can and will break out of the ball! You may try as many times as you have balls in your inventory until successful.

What if you run out of Poke Balls? Will the Pokemon flee?
If you run out of balls you can simply head to the shop and purchase more at your leisure. The Pokemon will still be waiting for you to capture it when you have the available resources again.

If you have a Pokemon waiting to be caught, can you still go on an expedition?
Yes! As long as time has rolled over since your last comment you can still go exploring while waiting to capture a Pokemon.

How does Nectar work? Where do I use it?
Nectar can be bought in the shop and is used to attract Pokemon of a type of choice! If you're looking for Fire-type Pokemon, you would simply specify that you wanted to use your Nectar in your exploration comment to search for Fire-types.

Can you use more than one Repel to keep rerolling the encountered Pokemon?
Repels can only be used to reroll the encountered Pokemon once!

Will the rerolled Pokemon still be basic/traited/Legendary?
Yes! If you previously encountered an Eevee | Piebald, your Repel will attract another traited Pokemon in its place.

Can you switch methods i.e. choose to battle an encountered Pokemon instead if you've already tried capturing?
Unfortunately you will not be able to switch from capturing to battle or vice versa once you've decided! You can, however, still flee!

Grand Plateau has moved to Discord! Please comment in the appropriate channel in the Capsule-Mon server. Any comments left on the bulletin will not be processed.

Item Usage

Posted 2 years, 6 months ago by closedaccount123
Item Usage has moved to Discord! Please comment in the appropriate channel in the Capsule-Mon server. Any comments left on the bulletin will not be processed.