The First Blood Sea

Ⅰ . Scyllasiss

The post-period of our alliance with the Leafwings was peaceful in its infancy (2,998-present AS). Queen Monstera and Scylla formed a fast friendship. Fighting in between them was unheard of, and they agreed on most everything. It was common to hear of their regular meetings outside the council walls. At the hand of their great relations, both tribes flourished. Trade was plentiful and pleasant, technology for Cetawings rapidly improved and our society followed suit. Soon, the first capital was born, Scyllasiss– named aptly after our devoted ruler who led us to our new found glory and power. Scyllasiss remains a great city today, however our capital has since been reallocated to Andromedus.

Soon after Scyllasiss was founded, in 3,004 AS, the Siege Towers and Palace Seacress were constructed. These were built to honor the new city, as well as a celebration of a successful 6 years of alliance with the Leafwings. The Siege Towers would go on to serve as a meeting place for war generals and foreign affairs council dragons alike– as well as an arms storage. Whereas the Seacress Palace would stand as a dwelling for rulers, as well as their council members. However it also housed– and continues to house– our tribe’s historic records and artifacts.

Surrounding these two structures Scyllasiss as a city continued to expand. Scylla hoped for a sprawling metropolis to emerge in the coming moons after the palace was complete. And she got her wish– not long after the 1st Cetawing town became just as large as the neighboring Leafwing village. Sycllasiss proudly held a sizable port bordering the two tribes, huge seabed farms filled with flourishing crops, conch cottages as far as the eye could see, and bustling town squares. Along with our newfound growth, came a time of peace that would last us until 3,056 AS.

Ⅱ . The Death of Scylla

Times of peace must end, and in their ending, a new time, a time of unrest. This unrest would find its beginning around 3,045 AS. Word began to spread, word of an alliance between the Deepsea Cetawings and the Hivewings. This union troubled Rulers Scylla and Monstera deeply. The Hivewings were a known enemy to all Pantalans, especially Leafwings. And now, they were cozying up to the close relatives of the Shore Cetawings, for what purpose perplexed both monarchs deeply. One thing was for certain, the motive was not wholesome, nor would it benefit either the Leaf or the Shore Cetawings. The two consulted their councils immediately. And from their meetings, a hypothesis was constructed. The alliance must be based on weaponry and machinations of war alone. Deepsea Cetawings were the finest weapons makers known to the continent, their deepsea metals and forges ensured it. Hivewings were reputable for their hunger for bloodshed and conquest, the skillset of the Deepsea Cetawings complimented it nicely.

There were no official squabbles until 3,057 AS. The first of many to come came as an attempt on Scylla’s life. Three trained Deepsea Cetawing assassins infiltrated the Seacress palace under the cover of midnight. They made it all the way to the top floor before they were apprehended by Scylla’s guards. It was a close call, a call that did not go unpunished. Scylla was quick to respond, sending troops to sabotage one of the main Deepsea forges, formally beginning the war between alliances.

However, another attempt on Scylla’s life was made, and this one was successful. Instead of a silent death, as the Hivewings and Deepsea Cetawings hoped for, Scylla met her fate on the battlefield.

The first skirmish with the Hivewings themselves was fought by both Shore Cetawings and Leafwings. The battle began on the border between Leaf and Hivewing territories– but despite the two against one odds– the alliance was out-numbered. Scylla and Monstera had no choice but to retreat, not after causing severe losses to the opposition, but forfeiting all the same. Scylla was the last on the battlefield, holding back the King Regent himself. And it was under the King Regent’s talons that her life was taken that day.

Their battle was painful, both dragons were beaten and ragged by the end. It is said that was the very fight that King Orbweaver lost his left eye from Scylla’s scalding water jets. They melted through straight into his left socket, incinerating his eye to the point of malfunction. Though, in exchange for this wound, Orbweaver stuck his stinger clean through her throat, killing her instantly. And so, Scylla fell, but her sacrifice saved countless lives, as she bought the retreat enough time to succeed. Her body was retrieved after the smoke cleared, and was buried outside Seacress palace where a statue of her also rests.

Ⅲ . The Blood Seaa

The aftermath of Scylla’s death surged quickly through the alliance. Queen Monstera went into mourning, leaving the Leafwing forces crippled. A new Shore Pod leader was needed, and fast, as without Scylla there was no one to rally the Leafwings. The council convened in a panic, suitable candidates were chosen, and a public vote was issued. There were few Cetawings ready to take on the war, let alone solely the pod. Only two candidates met the qualifications necessary, Whirlpool and Andromeda. Both dragons were clever, resourceful, diplomatic, composed, and kind– however Andromeda had battle knowledge that exceeded Whirlpool’s. As the son of a general, he had not only seen war before, but was intimately knowledgeable on all facets of it. Thus Andromeda was sworn in immediately. After his coronation he swiftly rallied the Shore forces, and met with Queen Monstera to reinvigorate her support. The effort lasted days, but Andromeda would not let Monstera recede and forfeit her home to the Hivewings.

The battle raged on with Leafwings and Shore Cetawings re-aligned. But before the final victory, three major battles would commence to create the Blood Sea.

The first skirmish– where Scylla fell– would come to be known as the Scalding. The two that would follow were given the titles; the Battle of Deadly Flame and the Battle of Red Waves. The Battle of Deadly Flame follows after Andromeda becomes Pod Leader, and his decision to launch an assault on the Hivewings directly. With aid from his reinvigorated ally Queen Monstera, the two armies would destroy an entire Hive together– rendering it defunct for ages to come. They would do this with the combined power of Kagutsuchi’s ancestor, Stormfront, a Skywing ally, and Leafwing Leafspeak. Weeks before the initial battle, Andromeda sent his fastest messenger to call Stormfront to the battlefield. Andromeda’s father saved him once from perishing beneath the waves– thus it was time to repay his debt. Stormfront came when called, and he led the charge alongside Andromeda and his generals. The sunset dragon set the main Hive alight instantly, his fire breath known to many as the “Deadly Flame.”

Stormfront devastated the Hivewing forces for the remainder of the war– thus the Battle of Red waves was fought against solely the Deepsea army. This time however, it became too close to call, both armies were tired and had dwindled in numbers. The water was thick with blood, from Shore and Deepsea, thus earning the name Red Waves, as well as the moniker for the war itself. The reason for this stalemate was Stormfronts inability to participate, as well as their Leafwing allies. The battle itself was brutal, both sides felt the instinctual pain of harming each other, as they were of the same tribe. Manta, the Deepsea Pod Leader drew her forces back to instigate a retreat. Andromeda decided it was best to retreat as well, instead of pursuing them and continuing the war.

Andromeda and Monstera would both survive the First Blood Sea, but not without immense losses to their forces. Though because the Deepsea opposition retreated back to the depths, Andromeda foresaw this as meaning they would someday return to war.

However before another incident could start, an unofficial truce would be the final act of the First Blood Sea. Andromeda would send a truce document to the Manta, who reluctantly signed it and sent it back moons later. After the signing the relations between the Shore and Deepsea Cetawings would remain frosty and hostile for years to come.