starbie Starbie species nft nfo forever homed feral CS uft Species Feral Uncommon Forever Homed uncommon cat cs ufo Starbies closed species starbies ufs Cat Blue myo X male Comfort nfs eo Forever homed EO common whispersinthewind space dog NFO not a character lily waters liquidblue liquid Freebie Feline encanto Closedspecies Original species They need art flower cookies milk purge glowing aurascape Worth closed-species Common star Starlibe pings ok Male Tent scale Scales adopt rainy_days Halloween Can be resold DontOffer FOREVER HOMED no spacecore cute petals not for trade trade oc purge NFS UFO ghost australian shepherd needs code rare LillyPads boba_milk_tea rain Nft official Art Trades liquid Lilypad starbile Undrawn canine Can be regifted Blue_Dreemurr Rose Fh cow sale group collie plants fh adopts Black Dark ratdoq starble lilypad Gh0stly- masterlist Female water outdated starbie Brown 3 copper Can be retraded Semi-open TOP Myo cookie stars pop offer semi-open species border collie chomp Sona furry strawberry semi closed species Starbile frog shethey OC