starbie Starbie species nft nfo forever homed feral uft Species CS Uncommon Forever Homed uncommon cat cs Feral ufo Starbies closed species starbies ufs Cat Blue myo X male Comfort nfs eo Forever homed EO common whispersinthewind space dog NFO not a character Original species They need art flower cookies milk purge glowing aurascape Worth closed-species Common star Starlibe pings ok Male lily waters liquidblue liquid Freebie Feline encanto Closedspecies FOREVER HOMED no spacecore cute petals not for trade trade oc purge NFS UFO ghost australian shepherd needs code rare LillyPads boba_milk_tea rain Nft official Art Tent scale Scales adopt rainy_days Halloween Can be resold DontOffer Rose Fh cow sale group collie plants fh adopts Black Dark ratdoq starble lilypad Gh0stly- masterlist Female Trades liquid Lilypad starbile Undrawn canine Can be regifted Blue_Dreemurr Semi-open TOP Myo cookie stars pop offer semi-open species border collie chomp Sona furry strawberry semi closed species Starbile frog shethey OC water outdated starbie Brown 3 copper Can be retraded