The Phantom Serenade

An organization of medium size with no clear organizational structure. Also known as 'those creepy bastards'. They aim to help ghosts with their music (the existance of ghosts in this world has not been proven)


1. To help the spirits of the departed live vicariously through their music.

2. To seek justice for those who have been wronged by the living.

3. To pass on messages from the dead to the living.

4. To have fun social events with their fellow musicians and ghosts :)


The Maestro
Little is known about the charismic and mysterious figure that supposedly leads The Phantom Seranade. Some rumors claim they don't even exist.


Fame: secretive - they do not advertise their presence and individual members often hide that they are part of a larger organization

Relations: they like messing with the gov't for fun but have a healthy respect for witches

Known Members