Manara Falsaer


Basic Info


Manara Falsaer













Significant Other

Jethro Veltread (boyfriend)

Creation Year


Soul Tune

Demon Caller


Does not remember family


Sakavist - Memioras

Current Home

Switzerconstantinlantis - Memioras


Physical Appearance

  • Light brown/orange-ish brown long hair to waist
  • Blue eyes
  • Fair skinned
  • Medium height
  • Dainty figure and somewhat curvy
  • Medium to large breasts

Clothing Style

Manara likes simple and lovely looking dresses in casual situations and elegant gowns for formal situations. Her favorite color is blue, and her style is typically very modest and tasteful. For casual dresses she's fond of light shades and floral or nature based designs/themes. Her formal gowns tend to have ornate jewel embellishments and are floor length and classy. These gowns tend to have ocean/water like themes.

When working as a medic, she tends to wear blue and white themed simple dresses with stockings, gloves, flats, and minimal accessories. Sometimes she will wear her hair back in a bun when things get more hectic.


Fussy, anxious, shy, and gets flustered easily by compliments or one to one conversations. Organized, responsible, mature, and reliable. Clever, intelligent, and resourceful, but she tends to underestimate and second guess herself. She works very efficiently and with unwavering focus when she's left to her own devices or isn't being checked up on by higher-ups. If she feels monitored, she'll become nervous and her pace will slow drastically. However, if someone is injured or their life is on the line, Manara won't take any interruptions or distractions no matter what.

Manara is rather motherly toward others and is a very respectful and courteous woman. She's rather modest and humble, and she gets very shy when she has a moment to shine. However, she doesn't dislike attention or feel excessively nervous by being the center of focus. She simply doesn't prefer it and would rather let others take the lead while she does her job/plays her role in the background. Despite this though, she gets rather huffy if people actively dismiss her value or don't care about her contributions. Manara won't be bothered if people simply don't know about her contributions because she's not a attention grabbing person, but she will be bothered if people acknowledge her work but don't appreciate it or downplay her usefulness.


  • Lyfe rifting - rank 3/5
  • Has all the expected skills of a certified paramedic
  • Skilled at knitting


  • Organized, reliable, responsible, and mature
  • Intelligent, resourceful, efficient
  • Protective, motherly, and meticulous
  • Loyal, dedicated, and compassionate


  • Shy, easily flustered, and fussy
  • Cries easily, and in her youth she'd often run away crying when overwhelmed by emotion
  • Second guesses and underestimates herself often
  • Rather dainty/delicate and has trouble defending herself


Manara was a Sakavist Academy student born into the system. Her history involving the institution is classified.


  • Manara's first name originally came from a silly on-the-playground RP game of sorts in elementary school, and she was an alternate identity for Demi. She was later repurposed for her "rp maker" instead, but there are elements of her original story in her development.
  • Her birthday is on September 14th.
  • Her favorite color is blue.
  • Enjoys knitting various things to calm her nerves, and also to make things to give to other people.
  • She does like music and dancing, but she can sometimes be shy about it. She's much more comfortable when dancing with her close friends, and Jethro usually does a good job at being an encouraging dance partner.
  • Manara is also fond of tending to plants and would probably love gardening if she could find an opportunity to do so.
  • She usually reads before she goes to bed to help wind down her thoughts. She's fond of nonfiction and pleasant slice-of-life stories, although she also likes reading romance novels every once in a while.
  • She wouldn't say she's a fantastic cook, but she does like baking simple things every now and again, especially to share with her friends.
  • Always carries a first aid kit with her, whether it be a small travel-sized one or a larger one if she expects to go into dangerous terrain/conditions.
  • Can sometimes be a little envious of other people, usually for personality traits or character rather than appearance or possessions. She sometimes uses this as an opportunity to internally beat herself for not having these positive character traits herself, but she's been working on not comparing herself so much to others.
  • Old Charahub blurb: "A fussy healer that is quick to cry and has a pack of demons watching her back."
  • Original file number: 111
    • New file number: 174