

1 year, 3 months ago


the lights are on but nobody's home
Name jiren tamanaha

Age 17

Height 5'9

Gender male (he/him)

Orientation demisexual

Race human

Eminence vampiric

Occupation high school student

Current Worry just stay awake for the day..


If you come across Jiren in class, you're probably going to see him with his head on the desk. He's perpetually exhausted, mostly due to his own unfortunate decisions. He could get his energy up if he wanted to, but.. Well, he finds it a little embarrassing, to be honest with you. He finds it important for him to keep a low profile, and something like.. You know, drinking someone's blood? That isn't perceived as very "normal" in day to day life. Because of that, Jiren tends to neglect those sorts of things, even if it's at his own expense. He just finds it easier to be drowsy all the time, instead of being teased or questioned.

Despite the fact that Jiren always seems so out of tune with everything in the day time, he has an immense amount of curiousity. He's in charge of the school paper, and is a journalist at heart. He's often up until 5 AM researching a topic that interests him, or watching a video essay while doing homework. He tends to write things on a whim about anything he's interested in, and has strong opinions about many issues. He's not one to debate openly, but he stays firm on his own thoughts and isn't influenced easily. Jiren is more focused on the truth than those sugar-coated articles people write about topics that easily warp people's minds.

  • video essays
  • visiting the aquarium
  • pomegranate
  • red meat
  • the "twilight" series
  • attention (when it's not from kou, that is)




In his early years, Jiren and his family all had a hard time sorting out his eminence. Really, having any eminence as a child is hard to adjust to, but Jiren's was exceptionally difficult. His parents didn't really understand it. Honestly, they just kind of thought Jiren was one of those kids who was prone to.. biting. See, when he was REALLY little, he wasn't really aware of his instincts or his dependency on blood, and he wasn't actively trying to suppress it. Eventually, his parents got pretty exhausted having to deal with their weird, introverted kid who seemed to neglect the sun, have an unsettling taste for blood, and hate the pasta they cooked.

His parents, superstitious as they were, found it would be easier to hand him off to his grandmother to take care of him instead of buckling down and adjusting to his tendencies. It was probably around age 7 or so, so he still wasn't entirely aware of everything. His grandmother was obviously more adept at raising him, and actually understood the process of setting rules and boundaries to keep Jiren's eminence in check. He ended up being very influenced by his grandmother. She's a lawyer, and Jiren ended up hearing various stories from cases she took on, and situations she encountered. This is probably the most note-worthy influence on his interest in journalism.

Jiren, as he grew older, grew more aware of his eminence and it's consequences, at least socially. It's not exactly easy to source blood from anyone in a normal, everyday interaction. So, Jiren simply decided he didn't need to have it! He decided this around middle school, really. As social standing became more important, he adapted to avoiding weird looks or uncomfortable questions by widely covering up a lot of his eminence. This, of course, caused a complete decrease in energy, but he found that to be a worthwhile sacrifice. He's pretty much perpetually exhausted nowadays, and his grandmother has grown concerned of this, but it's ultimately Jiren's own stubbornness that she can't change. It's kind of a trade off, really: it's great that he's strayed from a dependence on blood, but it's also incredibly difficult for him to completely reject it. Who knows, maybe he'll learn how to cope with it better one day.


  • "VAMPIRIC" — Though not a real vampire, Jiren's eminence grants him general traits of one. He's naturally a night owl, and has a somewhat pale-looking complexion, which really help with the whole 'vampire' vibe.. Not to mention the garlic allergy..
  • >Anyhow, mannerisms that aren't specifically linked to his eminence aside, he has a few abilities closely linked to abilities vampires tend to have in fiction. The most obvious of these traits, of course, is blood. Jiren is naturally drawn to it. It’s something akin to an instinctual urge, as the consumption of human blood is a very effective source of energy for him. Jiren, however, has adapted to neglecting these ‘instincts’. He does find that the urge he gets still doesn’t go away, especially around exposed blood, he finds it’s gotten easier to ignore after many years. This does result in him often being exhausted, however...
  • Aside from consumption of blood, Jiren has heightened senses. Something subtle like noise is something Jiren is more sensitive to, at least when he's focusing his eminence properly. It takes energy to enhance his senses for long periods of time, and energy is not something he has. Along with that, Jiren has the ability to move at almost unnoticable speeds if he so pleases. You could brush by him in the hallway, and when you look back he's already made it past you and turned the corner. This helps a lot when he wants to go unnoticed.
  • His birthday is November 13th. He's a Scorpio!
  • Jiren's playlist! (see/click here)
Design notes

  • Jiren has fangs! They're a little hard to notice, but his canines are sharper.
  • His eyes glow a brighter yellow when his eminence is active.
  • This also holds true when he's around blood.
  • Jiren's hair is naturally lighter at the ends.



"If you ask Kou about me, he'll say we're rivals.. But, to be completely honest, I don't really.. See it that way. He's always going to such extreme lengths for me, and well.. Some might view it as strange, but I appreciate him a lot. Well, I mean, the hand thing is a bit much, but.. You know.. I still wonder what I did to deserve him, if that makes sense.."

Jiren's a little more aware of the relationship the two have, but that doesn't change the fact he was completely oblivious to Kou's.. more than platonic actions with him. Jiren's never known anyone who's been as attentive to him as Kou has, and though he was pretty confused by it at first, he didn't mind it. Kou does so much for him and he wants to do what he can to return the favor. Even if Kou doesn't seem to, Jiren's gotten used to calling Kou his boyfriend.


One paragraph would fit nicely! Facilisi morbi tempus iaculis urna id volutpat lacus laoreet non. Ut venenatis tellus in metus vulputate. Elit at imperdiet dui accumsan sit amet nulla facilisi. Dignissim suspendisse in est ante in nibh.


Egestas tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu tincidunt. Amet tellus cras adipiscing enim eu. Aliquet bibendum enim facilisis gravida neque convallis a cras semper. Non sodales neque sodales ut. Eu volutpat odio facilisis mauris sit amet massa vitae tortor.


Nunc scelerisque viverra mauris in. In mollis nunc sed id semper risus in hendrerit gravida. Semper quis lectus nulla at volutpat. Arcu dui vivamus arcu felis bibendum ut tristique. Eget est lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit ut.

code by jiko