Masayo Arai



5 years, 7 months ago


a cheerful lady with a sense of responsibility. masayo is the more mature of the duo of artifact hunters, most missions being in her hands (talons?) with estu vuzhu merely sticking around for either company or pacifying the object. one wouldn't expect someone with such a carefree and bubbly demeanor to be such an avid businesswoman! masayo is incredibly organized and makes herself well-liked in most business spheres, with good reason. it's pretty difficult to get rich, power-hungry people to part with powerful magic!
masayo has her ways. and if she's out of options, there's always good old Estu Vuzhu!
masayo is a powerful witch on her own. funnily enough, her career in collecting artifacts came from a hobby she had picked up, which was creating artifacts herself. realizing just how threatened artifacts are by treasure hunters and others tainted by greed, she took it upon herself to bring as many into safety as is ethically possible, later acquiring the help of Estu Vuzhu, someone with a similar goal, but a more selfish goal. he merely agreed to help her because she had a necklace on he really wanted to borrow. they've been best friends ever since