


5 years, 7 months ago


Leo Oberon
"Stage Name" Leo Abel Oberon
Real Name Owen Abel Pierce-Maxwell
Age 24
Height 6'0"
Background Middle Eastern (Turkish)
Gender Male (he/him)
Birthday/Zodiac October 4th (♎︎)
Orientation bisexual
Setting The American Southwest, 2003
Hometown Dugway, Utah
Job "singer-songwriter"
Playlist(s) [♫]//[♫]
Animal horse
Aesthetic [x]
Code by Vom
Listen, you have to believe me! I don’t want to hurt people. I didn’t ask for this to happen to me! I… I’m not a monster!
A friendly himbo with a guitar and a bit of a pyromania problem, Leo Oberon is a good dude with some unfortunate afflictions. Exposed to a dangerous government experiment as a child, his DNA has been combined with that of an alien race’s, and now his extraterrestrial genes are making themselves known. Half man, half fireproof monster horse, he’s found solace in an online group of other alien encounterees, and he’s working to meet up with them before he finds himself no longer human.


Tall and brawny, with hefty mass and strong arms, Leo is built for farm work and helping you move furniture. He’s extremely hairy, except for his left arm, which is covered shoulder to wrist in heavy burn scars that he usually keeps covered. His hair is deep brown and he keeps it long, either loose or in (admittedly, pretty silly looking) pig- and ponytails. Leo’s nose is big and prominent, and he always has a bit of a beard growing. Denim on denim is his favorite look, and you’ll rarely see him without his jean jacket or cowboy boots. He likes tie-dyes and cartoon-patterned T-shirts, and he doesn’t get much enjoyment out of "formal" attire.

He’s also developed some visibly nonhuman traits as a result of his half-alien DNA. Normally almost black, his eyes are now a fiery orange, and when injured or distressed, rivers of glowing orange light pulse from under his skin. His nails are long and sharp, he nicks himself with them sometimes. His lower canines have sharpened as well, having grown into a visible overbite, and a steadily growing pair of orange-tinted horns have sprouted from his forehead. All things considered, he’s not super thrilled. And one day, his alien blood will take over his appearance entirely.

Design Notes:
  • Usually always wears his small, pink-tinted glasses. He doesn't actually need them to see
  • Has a set of ear piercings, and can wear any type of earrings, but his favorites are his silver sun and moon set.
  • Fairly top-heavy in build, but it's a soft weight, not really "chiseled."
  • Usually wears his hair with 1-2 side-ponytails, clipped with little green butterfly clips.
  • Keeps little star and alien pins on his denim jacket collar.
  • Has thick eyebrows
  • When his Forgesinger DNA takes over completely, he still wears his jacket, though usually with no shirt. His jeans have been tattered down to jorts, but he makes the most of them.


  • Affable
  • Compassionate
  • Emotional
  • Spineless
  • Hopeless Romantic
  • Sensitive

Pure of heart! Dumb of ass! Leo tries his darndest to be a good person, but his anxiety and penchant for unpredictable, dangerous behavior often gets in the way. He’s not a very bright man, but he’s a good listener and shoulder to cry on, even if he doesn’t quite know what’s going on. He tries to be gentle and approachable, and he doesn’t really like being teased, but 9 times out of 10 he’ll be too nervous to say anything about it (and just wander off to go cry privately.) Facing his problems? No thank you! That's much too scary, he much prefers to just run away from them, and finds more joy in helping others than helping himself.

When you’ve earned his friendship you’ll have his loyalty for life, and Leo often finds himself getting crushes on friends and strangers more often than he can handle. He daydreams of mushy romance and happy endings, and forces himself to stay optimistic even in dismal situations. When his nerves catch up to him, though, watch out! He becomes erratic in his decisions; aggressive, almost. He forgets his own strength, and his pyromania urges can become stronger. He’s a mess! And when he finally calms down, you can bet the regret of whatever he did eats Leo alive.



  • Grunge
  • The unknown
  • Being dunked on 24/7
  • Nonfiction
  • Computers
  • People who think disliking country music is a personality trait
  • Himself

Skills & Abilities

Mr. Music
A skilled guitarist and singer, though maybe not the best songwriter (yet! he's trying.) Improvises tunes on the spot, and has a good ear for playing back songs he hears even brief snippets of.
Thanks to his alien DNA, Leo is unaffected by extremely hot temperatures. He can grab hot pans with his bare hands and reach into campfires no problem. Fire and warmth energizes him.
High Horsepower
EXTREMELY strong and burly. Can throw a strong punch and lift heavy objects like it's nothing, and it takes a lot to wear him out.

Arson is Legal and the Only Way To Get Into Heaven

He's good at lighting things on fire :,)


Adopted by one Mercedes Pierce as a toddler, Leo (Owen, back then) was raised on a government base out in Utah, as normal a childhood as one can have… up until he was 8 year olds, anyway. That was when Mercedes’ wife, Cynthia, began overseeing a secret ongoing experiment called project LABYRINTH, a grand attempt to create hyper strong, hyper controllable supersoldiers by splicing human and alien DNA (from real, actual extraterrestrial corpses!!) Young Owen stumbled upon one of the tests, was blasted with DNA from beyond the stars. It bonded to him, fused with his genes, but he was none the wiser. He felt fine! And he looked fine too; when nothing immediately came of the accidental exposure, Cynthia’s higher ups encouraged her to keep the truth of the experiment from him (and from Mercedes too.) The child was to be raised normally, as he had always been. Don’t draw attention to it.

It wasn’t until Owen went away to college that things began…manifesting in him. He’d always had a bit of a pyro streak, but it came to a head when he set fire to one of the campus buildings in a fit of “impress the cool kids” desperation. He was trapped inside, but the smoke and the heat didn’t bother him, and he survived with only a nasty arm burn to show for it…and a prompt expelling. Kicked out of school and too scared to face his mothers, he fled into the desert, deciding to focus on his “budding” music career. He renamed himself Leo Oberon as a stage name, and tried very, very hard to ignore that something was wrong with his body.

But now Leo’s half-alien form grows harder and harder to ignore each and every day, and he doesn’t know what to do. He’s been growing claws, horns, his eyes glow orange and his teeth grow long. But he's also discovered an online community, the "Fourth Kind Forums," a group of other people who have been experiencing, mutations, of their own. He can only hope they’ll help him make some sense of what’s happening to him.


  • Leo is an AU version of Hijack.
  • He loves Dolly Parton, and had a pet rat named Dolly as a child.
  • Before he was expelled from college, he was studying to be a Music Theory major.
  • He can sleep standing up.
  • He signs off on all his forum posts with "Love, Leo."
  • His two prized possessions are his guitar (her name is Virginia), and his lighter, a small blue one with dolphins on it
  • He's Baptist, albeit fairly nonpracticing these days.
  • Always keeps a small can of hair spray on his person, and can use it to make an improvised flamethrower
  • Despite his love of the ocean and sea creatures, has never actually seen the ocean before. It would overwhelm him.
  • His favorite movie is Space Jam, unironically.

Scorpio | Curious Pal!
She's so weird, but kinda funny! He likes her. She's someone else to commiserate turning into a monster with, and he's thankful for that
Sage | Good Friend
A close friend! They talk about feelings and play shitty, shitty music together. Leo has kind of a crush on him, F's in the chat for this poor guy.
Capricorn | GROANS
This guy is so EXHAUSTING! He's so mean-spirited!! Leo wants to give him a stern talking to... or just pop his awful little head off!
Virgo | Oh She's The Best
Her energy and video game talk is hard for him to keep up with, but he loves her earnestness! He's so happy she's in his life :)
Gemini | Intimidated
Leo'd like to be friends with them, but they're so... intense! He feels a little like he's too dumb to keep up with them :(
Ttari | *Blush Emoji*
Oh man, she's so cool! And nice! He would love to get to know her better, but he is Bigly shy. What if she thinks he's annoying?! <8(
Reckan | Whoooa There!
It's kinda fucked up that Reckan just, lives in a corpse, right guys? Guys?? Well, he seems friendly at least... Capricorn is definitely a bad influence, though. Ugh!
The Ghosts | Kinda Unsure...
Scorpio's friends?? They're... uh, fine, he guesses! Are they really aliens? That's so weird... guess that explains why they talk so weird, though.
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