


5 years, 5 months ago


Scorpio Hydrastar
Full Name Scorpio Nebula Hydrastar
REAL Name Isabel Belarmina Mariposa
Online Aliases hydravenom; Venom; V
Age 20
Height 5'1"
Background Latina (Puerto Rican)
Gender Demiwoman (she/her)
Birthday/Zodiac June 19th (♊︎)
Orientation aromantic bisexual
Setting The American Southwest, 2003
Hometown Brooklyn, NYC, New York
"Job" hacker/virus coder/scammer
Playlist(s) [♫]
Animal(s) hydra; black cat
Aesthetic [x]
Vibes [☣]
Code by Vom
I didn't fight tooth and claw for years 'n years for yous to tell me what to do. So knock that shit off right now. Capeesh?

A rude little cybergoth with extraterrestrial connections, Scorpio Hydrastar will steal your lunch, your bank account, and your heart within the hour. A self-proclaimed “expert” hacker with a mile-long list of ex-lovers she’s scammed and identities she’s stolen, she keeps herself at arm’s length from most everyone, though she has more love in her heart than she’d ever care to admit. Having unwittingly “befriended” a strange alien hivemind in her online youth, she’s now at the unfortunate mercy of them and their increasingly dangerous experiments, and she’ll be the first to tell you, it’s getting “fuckin’ annoying!!”


Scorpio is a short little nightmare gremlin, 5'1" and with a rather soft build, featuring noticeable belly fat from years of junk food and her low-activity hacker lifestyle. Her hair is naturally brown, just like her eyes, but she prefers it dyed, a big, brittle mess of black and neon magenta, complimented by two long red extensions and her omnipresent biohazard cyberpunk goggles. She’s usually seen wearing her long, black trench coat and a pair of heavy black boots, with a closet-full of different tank tops, shorts, and tights rounding out the look.

When the alien virus inside her “activates,” her physical form changes rather dramatically. Scorpio’s hands turn into pixilated masses with long black claws, and her head explodes into a long, black-pixeled serpent (or three.) These hydra heads have neon-colored teeth and diamond-shaped eyes, and the “matter” they’re made of is opaque and reflects little light. Even when not having an active episode, the virus leaves its mark; she has circuit board-patterned “scars” on her inner wrists, and eventually develops similar ones under her eyes. They don’t hurt, but they’re hard to hide.

Design Notes:
  • Wears thick eyeliner, and always has two little eyelashes under each eye
  • Only her bangs and the bottom of her hair is dyed magenta; the rest is dyed black.
  • Has two tattoos: a two headed snake that goes down her right arm and splits at her index finger and thumb, and a massive sleeve on her left arm of a rearing hydra. Both are greyscale
  • Has pink "venom piercings" on her tongue
  • Occasionally has black painted nails
  • Her alien "friends," the Ghosts, can possess her, turning her eyes wide and neon red, with cyan-colored diamonds beaming out from them. She doesn't blink in this state, and moves with stiff, twitchy gestures. They can possess her Virus form too, turning her hydra heads' eyes solid and cyan.


  • Guarded
  • Vulgar
  • Stubborn
  • Spiteful
  • Flippant
  • Surprisingly thoughtful

Feelings? Haha, what’s those? Scorpio prefers to keep her softer emotions buried deep under crude jokes and venomous bite. It’s easier to be mean, to not let anyone in, to do whatever you can not to let your walls down enough for someone to hurt you. She can be a passionate, intense person, easily worked up over whatever big project or dubious scheme she’s cooking up. It often seems like the only things she takes seriously are her own petty affairs; towards everything else she acts irreverent at best and entirely apathetic (or downright disdainful) at worst. She’s giggly and full of self-satisfaction at her own deviousness… it’s fun to ruin someone’s day! >:3

Her overblown confidence often gets her in over her head, though, and that combined with her frequent greed just asks for a mess of trouble constantly coming her way. She hates admitting she’s wrong, and hates admitting that she’s hurt someone she loves even more. As it turns out, Scorpio cares quite a lot more than she ever likes to let on, and for the few people she truly loves she’ll do whatever she can for them. Her heart, is, unfortunately, very, very big, and it’s really putting a cramp on her edgy loner style.


  • Romance
  • Most drugs
  • Werewolves
  • Large groups of people
  • Stupid questions
  • The great outdoors
  • Sharing her brain space with these jackass aliens

Skills & Abilities

A skilled computer hacker, and the proud “mother” of the Hydra Virus, a strain of computer malware named after the fact that it's coded to multiply when one tries to delete it--like cutting off a hydra's heads. Scorpio takes great pride in her ability to hack “anything” given enough time, and always keeps her laptop on her to try and cause some digital trouble.
You're Toxic, I'm Slippin' Under
Enjoys dabbling in chemistry and poison-concocting in her spare time, and she’s brewed a collection of varying severities that she keeps stowed in her trench coat. She can drip them into the food of her enemies, or dip rings or other doodads in them as a makeshift weapon.

The experimental “virus” that she harbors has the primary effect of, occasionally, turning Scorpio into a sharp clawed, hydra-headed monster made of black, semi-corporeal “pixels.” She tends to turn into this "Active Virus" state when experiencing extreme emotional distress, and has limited control over these “episodes." But thankfully(?) she remains fairly aware of herself and her actions when they occur.

Nevertheless, her monstrous heads do have more than a bit of animalistic instinct, and they can "eat" digital matter, wiping floppy discs and hard drives by consuming the data within them and causing general computer/technology malfunctions to anything nearby. She can and will eat your Neopets. Her claws and heads can scratch and bite humans, too, leaving victims with the sensation of their limbs falling asleep.

Hopefully she’ll be able to figure out how to control these mildly dangerous, extremely disconcerting abilities. She sure would like to! <8)



Growing up a sullen city girl, Scorpio (Isabel, back then) found comfort in the grungy early internet as soon as she could get her hands on it. At first entangling herself in relationships out of a desperate desire to fit in, it soon morphed into a sick thrill from scamming people, breaking hearts and stealing identities. She crafted a Cool, Edgy Lone Hacker identity for herself in her teens, and wanted to learn to make viruses, to expand her little reign of online terror.

She dove a little too deep, stumbled a little too far onto sites she shouldn’t have. She met some “friends” who said they could help her build malware. She need only help them in return. Isabel was young, eager to impress, even moreso to build her doomsday virus, and heartily agreed. Thus began her relationship with the Ghosts, an amoral alien race eager to, befriend a human to help test their experiments. They kept their word, they helped her create her Hydra Virus. But then it came time for young Scorpio to uphold her end of the bargain...

The experiments began. The Ghosts inserted themselves into her mind, could possess her at will, could breath their thoughts to her from within her own brain. They infected her with their own malware, made her a monster. Between that and increasing threat of repercussions from all the people she’s scammed, Scorpio’s fled into the desert, changed her name, starting seeking out others like her. It’s going, less than ideally. Especially with the whole “occasionally turning into a pixel monster and having asshole aliens in her brain” thing. Oof.


  • Scorpio is an AU version of Vivian.
  • She has a fascination with genetic mutations in animals, especially weird color patterns and polycephaly. She loves looking at pictures of two-headed snakes and Janus cats.
  • Keeps a keyring on her person full of stolen "trinkets" from each of her exes. IDs, driver's licenses, reward's cards... it's all fair game for her in the aftermath of a breakup. She considers them trophies.
  • Owns a gas mask, and enjoys wearing it around and pretending she's exploring a post-apocalyptic world.
  • Built her laptop from scratch. It has a butterfly keyboard, and her custom hydra "logo" on the front of the casing.
  • Loves the traditional Puerto Rican food her grandmother used to make, and laments being unable to get a hold of it now. Scorp is a terrible cook and subsides mostly on junk food and frozen dinners.
  • She's fluent in Spanish and English, and has a very prominent Brooklyn accent.
  • Loves slasher movies and cheap jump scares. They make her laugh.
  • Her favorite video game franchises are Castlevania and Metal Gear. She loves Solid Snake.

Gemini | Boyfriend
Used to just get a kick out of giving him grief, but she's gotten very, very close to him over time, bonding over their similar traumas. She trusts him endlessly now, and maybe thinks he's way too noble for her bitchy ass...
Sage | Big Brother
Her longtime internet pal and surrogate older brother. He's an absolute cringe compilation of a man, but she still cares about him more than she lets on. She feels...Immense guilt over the things she's gotten him into.
Leo | He's...Kinda Cool
She has an uneasy friendship with him, finding some shared comfort in them both having "turning into monster" afflictions. He's fun to prank and mess with, but she finds his sincerity a little rattling sometimes.
Capricorn | Friends...I GUESS!
God, he's always bugging her with stupid shit!! Enjoy the silence for once, dude. He can be fun to hang with, though... sometimes! If he fuckin' behaves!
Virgo | Internet Associate
Knew her prior to the forums, and thinks she's annoying. But, hey, gamer solidarity. That whole robot thing she's getting up to sounds tight as fuck, though. And kinda scary?!?!
Ttari | What's Your Damage?
She's noticed Ttari always seems kind of annoyed at her, and doesn't care to find out why. "Maybe she just can't handle a bad bitch like me, lol."
Reckan | Yous Ain't Half Bad, Kid
Haha, this alien kid is so weird and gross, but she loves that! It's fun watching him cause trouble. Just wait until she teaches him about how cool the F-word and Hot Pockets are....
The Ghosts | "Internet Friends"
The mysterious aliens she "befriended" online. They infected and possessed her, so there's maybe some bad blood there. She wishes they'd never met, but she's stuck with them.
Vinske | Weird Lil Thing, Huh?
This thing is part of a huge mech? Uh huh, sure...she'll believe that when she sees it! For now she just kind of marvels at their text wall forum posts of absolute dweeby nonsense.
>Proceed to Scorpio's Gallery