


3 years, 7 months ago


20* - She/Her - 5'3" - Japanese

An aspiring video game journalist, lesbian cyborg trucker, and delightfully chipper member of the Fourth Kind Forums. Virgo handles all matters in life with a lackadaisical, good-humored approach, which makes her charming to some (but really fucking annoying to most) of her peers. Yeah, we're out here unravelling government conspiracies and grappling with extraterrestrial horrors, but it's all fun and games, isn't it? Just like a video game, really! Wow! So cool! Her alliance with a certain mechanized alien has cursed her with a mess of robotic parts. Oops, did I say cursed? I meant blessed! It's actually epic, lmao!! Super strength? Laser beam attacks? Woo, this is definitely awesome!!

(Virgo is an AU version of Emmy!)

Vibes: ♍︎ ✧︎ ✧︎

Created Fall 2020


Virgo is the much-beloved daughter of two government-employed scientists. Though she's always been somewhat privy to the Wacky Alien Research her parents are involved in - shhh, it's top secret, oooo! - it's never actually been of much concern to her. Until recently, that is. She's currently fleeing from the authorities - lol, oh no!! - after befriending and abducting a sentient alien mecha. Er, well. A piece of a sentient alien mecha's cybernetic brain. In a selfless effort to help her new friend, she's trucking across the country, collecting scattered robot parts to rebuild their giant awesome mech body. However, along the way, it seems her extraterrestrial acquaintance is also rebuilding her...


Virgo's insufferably peppy, gratingly gentle tone of voice may sound like some kind of ironic sarcasm, but you can trust me when I say it's 100% genuine. If you're happy and you know it, talk like a Sesame Street character celebrating a 4 year old's birthday! *clap! clap!* Her speech is, unfortulately, marred by the same internet vernacular as her text - peppered with phrases like "LOL" and "aww, frownyface". She tends to type with minimal capitalization and punctuation, except where she can convey Excessive Emphasis (!!!) She also loves tacking emoticons wherever possible. :) :D xDDD


9040202?1606693681; Vinske is Virgo's little buddy!! Her cool new alien friend! She's somehow managed to earn their friendship and respect, despite their clashing personalities. As Vinske's Earthly chaperone, Virgo delights in sharing Cool Earth Lore and Humanity Protips with them.

2985056?1602476708; Leo and Virgo are Good Friendo Buddies!! :) She adores his genuine unassuming kindness, and reciprocates with her own, never stooping to rude humor with him. Will discuss favorite Pokemon with him for hours.

7593020?1595149269; Gemini is an unwitting recipient of Virgo's unconditional friendship, for better or worse. She loves teasing them, riling them up, and fawning over their game dev credentials.

2985975?1588544707; Scorpio and Virgo are gamer gal pals!! Right...? Right, Scorpio?? We're cool friends, right? Haha!

6983422?1590044703; Those Ghosts Scorpio talks to? More super-smart aliens helpin' us out, yeah? Sounds legit! Virgo's all about it!

8435421?1602047041; Reckan's got a lot of bad influences hanging around, and Virgo is one of them. She feeds him gamer jargon and enables his rotten antics, giggling all the way. He's harmless, after all!

8435386?1601960572; Ttari may have one hell of a stick up her ass, but that's not stopping Virgo from wearing her down with silly jokes and overbearing gestures of friendship.

3028971?1620279901; Capricorn? Haha, that kid's so funny! She fluctuates between patronizing him and egging him on, depending on the circumstances.

3029071?1620279923; Sage is so insufferable that he even manages to annoy Virgo. She plays along and pretends to humor his poetry and "daily wisdoms," though - if only to irritate her other friends for the lulz.