Symphony (System) (Symphony (host))



4 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Same as body (19)


afab female


? probably straight

Clothing Preferences

She likes light, flowy clothing like silky tiered skirts, thin cardigans and shawls, and dresses. When at home she doesn't tend to dress up much, and will be fine in a tanktop and a skirt. She doesn't like heavy clothing despite (and maybe partially due) her difficulties with temperature regulation..


Symphony's Profile: host (she/her)

She is, as far as anyone can tell, the original.

A  fragile and sensitive girl. She's triggered easily and breaks down  crying with very little stress, or otherwise numbs her emotions (especially in public). Has a lot of anxiety related to her alters. Very absorbed in her illness, prone to denial easily, often panicked by the  same things repeatedly (such as, photographs/writing/etc that she  doesn't remember...this frightens her every few months, even when she's feeling confident about her DID).

Seeing as she only gets to be herself at home (when K isn't using the  computer) and when out with her parents, she doesn't get to do a lot of  stuff. Her favourite times are when her parents say she's good and get  tickets to a ballet. That's the best. It doesn't happen often.

Relationship with the System:
Symphony  is simultaneously terrified of and grateful for N's existence. On one hand, Symphony wishes she could be like N, and is glad someone like her  is controlling the body. She's also grateful that N has many ambitions and motivations, which let them get good grades (she does homework during school),  join clubs (more time away from home), and create good relationships with teachers (avoid suspicion of home life).

However, Symphony knows many of those things might also be N subconsciously attempting to have more time in the front; Symphony fears that N will try to take over as host if she ever is made aware of the system. Symphony's feelings of inadequacy also make her think that N is more deserving of taking over, which makes it more scary (K constantly berates Symphony for these thoughts). Symphony feels privileged to get to experience life through N, viewing what N does as a spectator, as she  wouldn't be nearly as successful; but she still has some qualms about having so much of her own life out of her hands.