Symphony (System) (N)



4 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Same as body (19)


afab female


social part/ ANP



Clothing Preferences

Dresses/blouse+skirt combos paired with heavier cardigans, jackets, etc. Tights and leggings. Fond of plaids and summer colours (greens, yellows). Wears their hair in braids when possible.


N's Profile: social alter (she/her)

When Symphony was young, it was hard for her to interact normally with others, withdrawing deep into herself. Living without a personality was not a great way to go through school. When teachers began to ask questions around 2nd grade, the stressed Symphony drew even further away from reality, until she flipped from nothing to something—a new  personality appeared, excited and happy and the spitting image of a  'happy, functioning child'. Symphony does not see herself as having  'created N, but more of N being born then, maybe out of desperation.

N  is a lively, sweet woman, about the same age as the host body. She's female, and feels comfortable in the body. N is kind and friendly, enjoys making friends, interacting with others, and following her passions. She's especially sweet with children, and dreams to be a teacher. A bright and motivated individual, adults have always enjoyed having her around, as she's responsible, studious, and ambitious.

N's memory is almost entirely separate from the rest of the body. During school and any other activities outside their home (with friends, not family), she is usually controlling the body. Symphony's life is almost exclusively lived by N. She identifies with the name Symphony (Symphony named her N for her ease of communication). She is unaware that she is in a system, and cannot remember any of the abuse that happens at home.  In fact, she hardly fronts during home life, and has made up a fictional homelife that she entirely believes to be true. (If she is asked too much about her home life or is reminded of contradictory facts, she retreats from the front and either Symphony or K switch in. This kind of  switching causes a killer headache.)

N made it so Symphony could have playmates in elementary school—this was all ruined in jr high when K took over the body and pushed people away. Even when N regained control during high school, most people had already made their impressions of her, and so they remained with only surface-level friendships for most of school. However, N created success for most other facets of life outside of the home.
She is only semi-conscious when not fronting; Symphony squashes her influence because she fears N  will try to take over as host. When N fronts, Symphony is usually  co-conscious.

Relationship with the System:
N cannot communicate with the rest of the system, but the rest of the system has a lot to say about her. K often preaches that N should be let in on communication and that they start co-fronting with her to help maintain stability and let Symphony live out more, but Symphony refuses due to her fear. She assumes N would definitely not want to share control.