Symphony (System) (K)



4 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Maybe a bit younger than the body? (17-19)


bigender he/him/his or she/her/hers (internal body is subject to shifting)





Clothing Preferences

Shiny, stiffer materials and preferred, as well as louder garments with more ornamentation. Poofy-sleeved blouses, shirts with elaborately frilled collars, big skirts...Tries to style their hair in many ways and is interested in jewelery (though they don't have much).


K's Profile: protector (he/she)

K believes she's always been around, watching N and Symphony. She didn't make herself known explicitly until middle school, though.

K's personality is primarily defined by pride, irritability, and feelings of entitlement. He's a few years younger than the host body, which was a large problem during adolescence. He loves to dress flamboyantly, liking fanciful and elegant clothing. While he enjoys how pretty the body is, he occasionally feels some dysphoria. K's pushing is also why the body's hair length is so long; Symphony would much prefer it a manageable shoulder length or midback, but K needs to feel like a princess, go big or go home. (N is fine with it; she likes braiding it.)  K is a 'princess'-type of person, and sometimes claims to be a princess (and occasional a prince, though he consider the idea of princesshood to be gender neutral). Insensitive to others but easily offended, K feels that they (as a system) should be loved, that they have earned love as a right but also should get it on principle (especially due to being so pitiful). He is irritated easily but isn't necessarily an angry person, and actually does her best to protect and care for the body.

Around  junior high K started to surface, asserting his personality and  fronting aggressively. K has a lot of mental strength and helped keep  Symphony together for most of school, but his judgmental nature created a lack of friends that continued throughout school life. He also talked to Symphony's parents, demanding expensive clothing and other gifts as repayment for their atrocious upbringing. K wanted (and still wants) to be a financial burden to their parents as a way of literal payback, but these demands (while often successful) ultimately caused Symphony to be punished later. By high school K drew back and stopped fronting in public situations, maintaining control of the body only when they were alone. However, he started creating a very strong social media presence, interacting with many people online and feeling entitled to attention and communication with others. She has occasionally posted selfies online and promised to meet with strangers irl, which has caused a lot  of stress for the rest of the system.

K fronts only when the body  is alone, or in very stressful (non-abuse related) situations. When Symphony is too drained to do basic self care (showering, eating,  cleaning, etc), K will often take over to do these things. K rarely fronts when abuse is occurring, as he used to make things worse.

Relationship with the System:
K asserts that he always has the system's best interests in mind and should co-front/front more often and contribute to decisions, but he can be obstinate and stubborn and the rest of the system doesn't really get along with him, even though he can offer good ideas. He cares a lot about the system and really does want to help, but he's hard to deal with. Also, the system hasn't fully forgiven him for nearly taking over the body during middle school.