Heron (Egret [AU])



26 days, 6 hours ago


It was only a matter of time before we ended up with Girl AU.

  • Is still 6'8", athletic, and battlescarred, only now she is a cis woman as well.
  • Late 20's. The same as Heron in every way except with the additional torment of being a 6'8" girl who looks like Heron
  • Still dresses almost exclusively in cargos + lame tshirts + cop boots
  • Name is just as bad of a pun as "heron" was. For you see, she also harbours much (r)egret.
  • Real first name is Evelyn. She prefers Egret. Birdy if you absolutely fucking must.
  • Klutzy as shit
  • Insanely good guitarist
  • Cryptically brief in verbal communication, but only because she's thinking two sentences ahead and has decided you aren't worth talking to if you can't do the same. Unparsimonious with the two-dollar words because she needs to be as specific as possible. Also because she is a wanker.
  • Two bad weeks away from becoming the first female unabomber
  • Needs to keep 5+ layers of irony between herself and her own sexuality at all times