Mr. TV



4 years, 11 months ago


He's the best in Hollywood, from films to TV shows.
And you'll be the star of his next show.

His name was Ted, and he loved films. He loved watching them, making them, and he wanted to be the best at it. So he sold his soul. His head turned into a TV, but in exchange he was given brilliant powers. Now he was a force to be reckoned with. Everyone knew his name, even if they didn't know his face. He was responsible for all of the biggest hits, but he wasn't done.
Not by a long shot.

Notes: I saw a picrew that made object heads and suddenly I had all these thoughts in my mind. A lot of scrapped ideas from years ago began combining into Mr. TV!


Full Name: Theodore Vega

Nickname: Mr. TV

Age: Claims to be mid-30's

Sexuality: ???

Height: 6'4"

Weight: 210 Ibs

Occupation: Director and Producer

Personality: It's always hard to tell what Mr. TV is thinking. He's cunning and manipulative, but also friendly and energetic. He's like a fun boss, easy-going and may even tease you, but won't hesitate to turn strict and harsh. Although when there's something he really wants he won't stop at anything to get it.

Voice: Robotic yet filled with... something; Travis Willingham

Non-Human Abilities:
- Film Collection - Mr. TV is capable of trapping a piece of someone's soul inside his films, keeping a part of them and thus forcing them to work under him until he says so. This activates when someone is fully lured into his temptations.
- Blockbuster - A lesser version of Film Collection; when rolling, Mr TV can unleash his powers that amplify an emotion from whomever he's filming. Only one emotion can be amplified each person, though different people can feel different emotions. It lingers for 1-2 hours after filming.
- Playback - Sometimes when he's close to capturing someone's soul the screen monitor of his face will turn on to further tempt someone. They can show either what someone wants, or a memory of theirs. It can only happen once someone's vulnerable enough to open up their hearts.
- Blacklist - Those under his Film Collection, if they anger him, will be given a mark that garners powerful hatred to those that see it.

Drawing Details: Wears a black and white suit with black gloves. The TV screen is usually blank, though it's possible for something to be on.

Fun/Extra Facts:

- He was the one that learned about Cliff actually being a demon, and he's the reason he's gotten so famous.

- Mr. TV is proud of his head.

- Many people think he wears a mask.

- Many well known celebrities work under Mr. TV primarily because of Film Collection.

- If questioned about how he uses his senses like sight and hearing, he'll reply with, "I don't know, I have a TV for a head".

- Wants Jet's power of Greed in order to make people crazier for his shows.

- Blockbuster has an influencer effect on people, Mr. TV has noted.

- Claims to have had a hand in starting TV Land.