♥ The Romance Thread ♥

Posted 6 years, 7 months ago (Edited 6 years, 7 months ago) by GalaxieAuLait

So, you have a crush, or someone you love, right? Naturally they have something cute they do, or something they've said has just sent your heart fluttering! Well, here you can tell the world about it! But first, let's lay down a few ground rules:

  • Stay anonymous! Unless you're confessing here or something, it's a good idea to keep names to yourself. And if you somehow know who someone is talking about, Do. Not. Tell. That. Person. Unless otherwise cleared with the person who has the crush, you should not tell the crush, that is super rude.
  • You can talk if you want here, but try not to stray too off the topic!
  • If your gushing is not safe for work, block it out with a spoiler tag, please!
  • Don't bash someone else's crush/significant other, or someone for having a crush/significant other! That's just super rude.
  • On a related note, don't harass someone for their sexuality. No matter who believes what, it's pretty hard to help who you end up falling for.
  • If you feel a rule should be added, please message me!
  • If you break the above rules three times, you will not be able to post on the thread again.
Now, go on and gush, little lovebirds! ♥

I guess to start this thread off, I should talk about my crush! Man, where to start... She's just so cute and precious? Like, she's literally so pretty, and her voice is so cute I just aaAAaaAA I love it so much! I hope one day I can visit her, that's like my number one dream right now.


oh man oh man i've been thinking about making a thread like this forever just so i could have another place to gush about how much i love my gf so thank you for making this thread

it's 5:30 am and my gf went to sleep many hours ago so for now my gushing will be humble, but still very gay nonetheless:

i LOVE my gf!!!!!!! So Much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she's so cute and sweet and the funniest person ive ever met and she's so creative and has awesome ocs and stories and is so nice and loving and kind and considerate and i want to hug her SO BAD!!!!!!!!!!! i love!!! my gf!!!!!! im super mega big time love this gf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I just really want to show everyone what my boyfriend made for me it's so adorable and I love him so much




I've known him for over five years. We've been dating for over a year, but since we live in separate countries it's mostly a long-distance thing.

And I've got my fears and sometimes I love him so much I never want to let go and other times I don't and this freaks me out but I...

...suppose I love him, and I'm scared of hurting him or losing him or falling out of love. Especially of falling out of love. But even if I did he's still my best friend. We like a lot of the same stuff. Anime, computer games, art, roleplays. We're both socially awkward, but with our powers combined we manage to overcome most obstacles. He's got the prettiest eyes - incredibly dark with the longest, thickest eyelashes. 

It's weird to think that before he came along I'd considered myself an ace, and when he made a move on me I couldn't comprehend what he could've seen in me. It makes me so happy that he loves me though. I feel a lot better about myself, my body. More comfortable in my skin.


Heck me up inside my crush is so perfect in so many ways I'm so head over heels save mE


AAAAAAAa im like excited and also scared?? idk how to describe it i'm just now realizing its not even a month before it becomes a year since me and my boyfriend started dating???? i love him so much??? im screaming how is it a year already??? does being really gay make time go faster???


every time the nickname my crush made up for me is mentioned my heart like leaps because it's so cute and reminds me of her and I love it

I'm so hopeless even the small things like that send my heart aflutter save me



(also... everyone is super cute here... I'm ded)

Today she sneakily left me love notes on my desk again, I put them in my note box that I got specifically because she is always leaving them for me and I can't stand to throw them out. I love her so much 


i seriously wish that my crush knew that i had a crush on her

i hate that i cant hear her beautiful voice all the time, and i could make her laugh, and cuddle her and shower her with soft kisses and just tknDoi:>b 



*i n c o h e r e n t   b a b b l i n g*


Well. I feel like this is as good a place as any to make my first post. 

My crush is a bit unique. Unique in that I have comes to terms with it's impossibility. She is funny. Smart, some times. A nerd, to the extreme. In another life, in another time, we could have been something to each other. We could have been something more. But we won't. And that's okay. Situations are complicated, and life is unfair, but I've come to terms with it. She had a funny way of making me feel special, in ways I can't really put into words. And I hope where ever she is, doing what ever she is doing with who ever she is with, I hope she is smiling, and I hope she is happy.


well here's a story

once upon a time (a year and a half ago) i was in a long distance relationship with the most beautiful girl in the world

and now i am not............................... cuz i'm living with her >B))))

and i haven't been happier in YEARS. it's the best thing that has happened to me. she's the best thing that has happened to me. she's so funny and nice to talk to and we have the most beautiful ocs together!!!

i'm doing things i would never IMAGINE i'd do just out of love. i don't wanna mess this up, i really want to stay, we have such a wonderful domestic life. this is the fucking dream

right now she's not here though. she went to visit her family for a couple days... i miss her a lot. it's so funny that i'm in her house while she's somewhere else, when 4 months ago i was chillin' in my home country. how the turntables


this thread is already SO SWEET just reading through it heals all of my ailments... please keep gushing about your SOs and crushes everyone it's such good content

my gf made a post in a private world abt some worldbuilding stuff we're working on and every time she makes any kind of post i just stare at it for hours fluttering my eyelashes... i love how she writes and i love all of her ideas and all of her characters and also her....... i love my gf