


3 years, 3 months ago


Agender (he/him)
Bone collecter/ The Bone Thief


Clumsy • Goofy • Friendly • Energetic

Such an innocent puppy. Even when he's a fucking boneless demon which is kinda scary, he doesn't understand why nobody likes him. Humans are scared of him, witches and vampires are mean, but he keep trying to befriend them. The rest of the demons treat him like a stupid dog, but he doesn't mind as long as they keep giving him crunchy bones. He's obsessed with it. Ossis can bend in every shape and direction but the magic keep him stable. He hasn't got a human form, so that's why he shoulnd't go out of hell and magic lands.

The only person who gave him a chance was Zadner. Ossis is really grateful for his friendship. They're in an open relationship but demon really admire his partner. They're also partners in crime, Zander, as a murderer, share bones of his victims with Ossis. That's how they met, demon catch him in advance but got bribed with those crunchy snacks. Love story better than the fucking Twilight.


  • bones
  • humans
  • scratching under the chin
  • catching sticks (or bones)


  • mean creatures
  • holy water
  • yelling at him
  • being alone
"Sticks and stones can't break your bones if you dont have any"


He comes from hell where his main role was cleaning the remains of intruders'/enemies' bodies. He didn't used to eat souls, like his brothers and sisters and that's probably the reason why Ossis has more empathy for human beings. However he became interested in them very quickly. He left hell and start to explore the magic lands at first. Many creatures like Witches and Vampires don't have souls and they are a poor feed for demons, but not for Ossis who ate only body remains. He gained a bad reputation among the magical races but he has no clue about it- just did what he did all over the years. He was chased away and travel from place to place with a grief inside because no one want to become his friend. Then he stopped at human world that he absolutely loved. People are so cute and small for him (guess why XD)but they're also scared of him and their escape attempts anger him more. He eats people alive because of it. Their bones crunch the best. He doesn't have any regrets after this kind of actions of course.

Many things changed when he met Zadner. He cought him in advance when he killed his lover and bribed Ossis to gave him more victims bones for not eating him too. Demon of course did not mind the deal and seized the opportunity to get a new friend in Zander. Their cooperation was comfy for both of them and not complicated and was a great base to build their relationship. It's hard to say if Ossis loves Zander because he's not able to feel and understand this kind of emotions, but he's really close to him and appreciates actions between them like cuddles, petting, scratching and sex. Zander also told him that being 8 meters high is too scary for people and started teaching Ossis how to act like a 2,5 meters height cosplayer to eventaully gain more human friends. Maybe it's not a smart plan but it's better than eating people alive.


• He often stands in unnaturally poses

• His left eye has 2 pupils (grey and gold)

• His right eye is light orange

• He has very long tongue

• He has a bone-shaped sign under his left eye


• He is 8m (26'3) height but can get smaller to 2,5m (8'2)

• Even if he's goofy he can be dangerous

• He doesn't have troubles with killing other creatures

• He's special because he doesn't care about souls like other demons

• His name means "bone" in latin

• He can't get bored, even staring at a wall seems fun for him




His best friend and lover. He is really connected to him but not jealous about his other lovers. Helping Zander is a big fun for Ossis. Also he can learn a lot of things from him like human emotions and habits.



His demon brother which Ossis is a bit scared of but their relationship is like between goofy, energetic puppy and huge, cruel dinosaur. They're used to sow destruction together what Ossis really likes but he prefer to not bother him too often.



This kind of brother Ossis likes to bother. Kessho often beat shit out of him even when Ossis did nothing wrong. But it's fun for both of them.



Angel who tried to understand him and was supportive even when Ossis had no clue he needed support. He likes him, maybe truly likes him but demons don't think this much about feelings.

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