


3 years, 3 months ago


Rex Viamalis
Not defined (he/him)
The king of wrong ways/ The Enslaver


Proud • Bossy • Evil • Impulsive

He's sassy and narcisstic, he has reasons because he's also very powerful. Many creatures heard legends about Rex Viamalis, the Great Enslaver, the one who make you deviate from the route and dive in an absolute madness. So everybody were shocked, even Rex, when a young human, his victim, trapped him in a mirror. He hates Franz but his brothers are "ok" and he used to living among humans some things amuses him, but he would never admit.

Rex's powers consist largely of influencing the consciousness of other beings. Makes pacts with them, thanks to which the contractor gains power and his "providence", the catch is that this magic is too powerful and leads to madness, which the demon uses to later devour its victim.


  • souls
  • sow destruction
  • enslave dimensions
  • making someone cry


  • Angels, Witches etc.
  • everything connected to God
  • emotions
  • Humans(especially Franz)
"I hope you get lost"


He didn't stay in Hell for long. He almost always jumped from one dimension to another to sow terror and gain slaves and souls. He only visited his "birthplace" to to be praised and admired and to show off his achievements to the Lord Satan. He's megalomaniac and other demons pay respect to him, but not everyone are so obedient, especially Kessho, who could be Rex's successor. He was that kind of demon who wouldn't cooperate with Asmodel even when he seduced him to join the parties and orgies and had a good time. He loves humiliating the Angel. Some things changed when he met Venus, a witch with a terrible curse which Rex could heal. He expected soul as a payment and witches don't have any, so she agreed to sacrifice her unborn (at thi time) child. This child was Franz, that's why the demon stick with him for so long. He gave him more power and taught a lot of things with a hope his soul would be useful and tasty. He almost got him and then... this little bitch just sealed him in a magic mirror. He didn't expected Franz to be so powerful. That's why Rex hates him so much. He was forced to live among ordinary people. It was a dishonor for such a Great Demon. But he kinda started to used to it after some time. He made friend with Karl, at least he seems to hate Franz just like him, but demon finds him more interesting and mysterious that this four eyed-nerd he lived with.

After some years Asmodel appears on the Earth and set him free for "a favor in a near future". Now Rex is trapped in half-human form with limited magic powers what trigger him a lot, but at least he's no longer under Franz control. That was the moment he taste human life from another point of view by partying with Karl and his dumbass friends (he treat them as a footrests) however the most "human thing" in his new life was... a crush on someone. He started seeing Faust from that moment when he was scared and hold demon's hand. Everyone laughs at his feelings but offer some help, still demon keeps saying "IT'S NOT A FUCKING LOVE! DEMONS CAN'T FELL IN LOVE!". Yeah, and then he sneak into Faust's room to watch him sleep.


• He's 10m (32'10) in demonic form and can get smaller to 2m (6'7)

• His tattoes under his right eye is shaped like a bat with sharp wings

• Under his left eye are two arrows in different direction

• In par-human form he has two X instead of horns

• He has two pairs of horns


• His signs are arrows which "show the way"

• He spent years inside the magic mirror

• He enslaved a lot of dimensions before he got sealed

• Because he lives between humans he involuntarily cought some human habits

• His name is a poor combination of latin words rex- king, via- way(s), malis- bad




He hates that faggot. Even when he fucked with him regulary. He enjoyed the act but not the person, ew. Asmodel let him go out of a mirror and put him in this half-human form, he also knows about Rex's bahavior near Faust and calls it "love". Rex is done with this angelic bullshit and always finds new methods to upset Asmodel.



That motherfucking bitch sealed him in a fucking mirror! Rex can't belive in it to this days and hates Franz with all of his... heart(?). However he helped him with magic and taught him some useful tricks to handle all of this demonic energy. Rex is kind of the toxic teacher with the God complex. They could be a powerful duo... if only they could refrain from arguments for at least 10 minutes.



He confuses him the most. Demon didn't give a fuck about him until they *touched* when Faust got scared. It was like a Cupid's arrow or some shit. Rex is more silent near him, treat him with a distance and a bit of care. He doesn't understad why he's feeling like this but he doesn't seem to mind it. He likes to stare at Faust in silence, it's relaxing.



Even when he's a human, what's more, not magical human in a magical family, he's somehow like a best friend to Rex. They both love to laugh at Franz and Karl is just a good pal to partying and making noise. He also can keep Rex calm, they both don't know how but they're really close to each other even when Karl doesn't understand much from the magic world. However the demon knows sa lot of secrets about him and his origins that he would not told anyone...



This witch is a huge mystery to him. He likes her, maybe not her personaly, but her actions and knowledge impressed him. She offer him her child for taking off the curse. He finds her mad, but that's attractive. She's the only one person in the world Rex would show that he's impressed with.



Rex's like a senpai to him. He won't hide the fact that Kessho is his favourite brother. He has the potential to destroy and enslave huge amount of souls and worlds. They don't show those kind of emotions of course, but they can communicate without words like real bros do.



Ossis is an annoying puppy. He doesn't care much about this dog, but sometimes manipulates him to service him. Ossis doesn't want to bother Rex so they just avoid themselves often. He's also a good tool to sow destruction and chaos what Rex appriciate.



Another annoying brother, but this one is so useless what Rex loves to mark everytime they talk. Sonzai threat him a lot and then curl up and apologize. His fear amuses Rex. In the reality he tries to take Sonzai under pression to unleash his true power... but unsuccessfully.

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