


2 years, 10 months ago


Sonzai Shimasen
Agender (he/they)
Not defined yet


Childish • Loud • Funny • Jester

Sonzai is a little demon who acts like 12 years old kid. That's mostly why noone takes him seriously... even human beings. He doesn't enjoy eating people and other demonic stuff, but he sometimes acts proudly and bossy near other species. That's because he wants to gain friends but he's afraid everyone would see him as a loser. Sonzai doesn't have much experience in befriending others, because he was sealed in a sword. He could only observe how relationships work.

When he finally was released the main goal he has was GETTING A FRIEND. And he did! He befriended Estevan, a rotten orphan, who wasn't scared of him at all, but didn't chase him away. Even when he didn't seem to enjoy spending time with Sonzai, he wouldn't deny their some kind of friends.


  • joking
  • gays
  • being appreciated
  • human entertaiment


  • being serious
  • boredom
  • homophobes
  • being alone
"Don't worry, your friend is here"


Sonzai always was "that loser sibling" in hell, his special ability isn't discovered yet but he doesn't seem to mind it. He had made a lot of stupid jokes to his brothers and sisters however this society wasn't what he wanted. Everyone put a lot of pressure on him to learn about himself and his power but it was BOOORIIING! Sonzai was curious about the whole big world, the magic one and this not magical one. One day he left the hell secretly. He met The Shunsen's Family Cult who at the sight of the demon were speechless with joy and worshiped him. That was way more interesting! They even offered him possesion of the one of their children but... he didn't know how. That's why they decided to sealed him in a sword that later Daichi acquired.

That's how Sonzai found himself in the Brotherhood of Assassins. It was a nice adventure, but such a pity that he couldn't talk to anyone but Daichi. He really liked his owner and tried to protect him. This kind of life suited him. However one day he got realesed. And that's where the true fun begin! He's still connected to Daichi, but now he can even talk and annoy his friend with him! That's why he decided to make his own friends too. He met Estevan when he stole something and Sonzai helped him to escape. True best friend, ngl. And right now he stuck to him like Velcro.


• He has a star "tattoo" on both of his hands

• He's only 1,67m (5'6)

• His scleras are black with red irises

• He loves baggy trousers

• He has a body of 12-14 y.o. kid


• His powers actually are related to making others dependent on him

• His name in poor-japanese means "Non Exist"(存在しません)

• When he was inside a sword, Daichi called him "Buriji"

• He's a pretty good matchmaker even when he wasn't in a relationship

• He probably has more demonic form but he doesn't know how to "activate" it

• Sonzai and Estevan are the ones of my first OCs ever




His very best friend! Estevan is often grumpy but trying to make him smile or laugh is a great fun for Sonzai. Even when their vibes are completly different they understand each other and enjoy spending time together. Demon is the one who has weird ideas and Estevan just follows him without a word. He doesn't judge Sonzai's powers or doesn't point out his weaknesses, as everybody else, what Sonzai really appriciate. Estevan's non-magic life is also very interesting for a demon.



Rex is trying to make a man out of Sonzai! But he... doesn't seem to get it. Sonzai thinks he makes fun of him or uses him as a punching bag. He's even kinda scared of Rex, but he will bother him and make jokes on him anyway to show how much NOT scared he is. But when Rex does something as an answer, he curls up and pretends that it was not him.



He's trying to impress Kessho. But this bro sometimes forgets who the hell is he. That's kinda hurt but not enough to crash Sonzai's ego so easily. He finds Kessho reasonable but also kinda boring at some points. Especially when he refuses his challenges to fight.



Sonzai treats him like another older brother which isn't normal for demons, but Asmodel doesn't complain. He usually asks the angel for advices even when he's planning to do different from the beginning. Sonzai likes Asmodel's warm aura, it's somekind like a kid sitting on mama's lap. He's not so sweet and obedient for angel all the time of course, but their relaion is very good as for the demonic-angelic relations.



Ossis is funny but...kinda odd too. He's defenitely more understanting for Sonzai's position as he isn't a strong demon too. That's why Sonzai finds an ally in Ossis. He tries to cheer him up even when his brother doesn't understand what is he doing and that someone were talking shit about him???



Sonzai spent a lot of time with Daichi as his sword. They weren't able to communicate directly, but sometimes demon found ways to talk to him by telepathy. As a katana he protected his owner literally, because he was able to move independetly or even levitatie. After release Sonzai still feels strong connection to Daichi so he's sometimes jumping into his weapon and they fight together. They're also very similar, childlish, kinda annoying but tireless, which makes them a very good duo.

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