


3 years, 3 months ago


Kessho (結晶)
Not defined (he/they)
The Crystal Demon/ Jeweler


Insidious • Proud • Demanding • Cruel

He always appears with a lot of grace and shine and of course adorned in crystals. He is one of those demons that inspire respect even in hell. His special ability allows him to turning anything into the crystals, that's why noone wants to bother him. However Kessho doesn't seem to like using powers if it's unnecessary.

He spends a lot of time on Earth where he pretends to be a jewelry seller. Of course his ornaments are made of other humans' souls which he uses to possession. He also can sign a pact with people to help them with their struggles in exchange for souls. That's what he did with Peter, but he never recieve the full payment and that's the worst act of disrespect that pitiful creature could present to him.


  • jewelry
  • sparkles
  • respect
  • being powerful


  • weakness
  • other species
  • having lack of honor
  • bad manners
"The Diamond on the outside, the coal on the inside"


He wasn't so bossy from the begginig of his existence. He trained hard before he left Hell. But then, he realized that other species are... weak as fuck. It made him angry and dissapointed, and from that moment he started searching for challenges and difficulties. He is terribly easily bored with simplicity due to his ambitiousness, and that's how he has met Ranqarim, the founder of The Brotherhood of Asassins, he was just as ambitious and stubborn in his plans as the Kessho was, and also he was hard to deceive. They became good pals and that's why Ranqarim entrusted the care of his son to a demon, who agreed to it.

Kessho started living on the Earth between humans to trick them and gain jewelery made of their souls. Occasionaly they were summoned by dark magic use attempts like in Peter's case. The Pirate tried to find a way to bring back his brother to life, what Kessho acknowledged as a good chance to torture a human being with doubts and confussion. However this asshole was ready to sacrifice all of his comrades wihtout a complain...what kinda impressed the Demon. He revived his brother in XXI century on purpose and helped him to open time portal. He also knew that two crew members were still alive but he didn't say anything until all of them moved forward in time. It was fun. It was also fun to put Peter's brother in a coma and to blackmail that dodger to obey him. But then that cursed witch ruined his plans! But at least he has a way bigger challenge that he supposed.


• He's 8m (26'3) as a demon and 1,7m (5'7) in human form

• In his human form he has scars in places that are normally separated

• He's covered in shining "freckles"

• He has little diamonds in dimples of his cheeks that looks like tears

• His tail is ended with a diamond too


• He turn things (souls) in crystals with his 5th eye

• He's the least horny demon ever

• He doesn't feel the temperatures in his human form

• His name means crystal of course

• In human form he's known as Mr. Kagayaku




Kessho understands and respects Asmodel's role but he's really not into him. Angel tries to lecture him but then Kessho points his mistakes as an argument for "not seeing Asmodel as a proper role model". Kessho hasn't got the need to demoralise him just like other demons, he's more tend to avoid him but that prude is almost always nearby. However if Asmodel had invited him to tea-talks, he would have come without complaining.



This little shit... He's still not sure why he didn't kill him immediately after this pitiful human tried to fool him. Now he's under the witch protection and that makes him even more pitiful. But on the other hand, Kessho sees a lot of potential in Peter so it would be nice to keep him alive and try to convince him to join him again. He still haunt him in nightmares and pull the rug out from under his feet to make him give up.



This little witch got a lot of nerve to thwart demon's plans. But that's kinda...impressing. He finds Morgan as a quite worthy opponent. Such a shame that witches don't have souls, he would be in his priceless collection.



They get along with each other pretty well. Kessho respects and adore Rex, but he doesn't fear to points things that annoy him in his brother. And the list is long... Even if Kessho treats him like a senpai and they don't argue much, he enjoys compete with Rex. It's the best way to rate progress.



His annoying brother. He doesn't hate Ossis, but it's not hard for him to move Kessho out of balance. At least both somehow have fun in bothering each other.



To be honest, he doesn't have anything against Sonzai. Expect he sometimes...forget about his existence. Maybe because he's so small and doesn't show any strong powers.



The only person he cares about. Kessho is on good terms with Astral's father, the First Master of the Asassins, Ranqarim. That's why he was assigned to look after this little, sweet, naive fool. Demon treats him like a little kid, maybe because he acts like a little kid, but that doesn't bother Kessho this much. Astral is his... friend. The only one he can afford as a hell creature.



Stupid brat thinks he can make Astral fall for him without consequences? Naive. This kid is an absolutely imbecile, Kessho doesn't find him WORTH Astral's love, but he doesn't want to hurt his friend. He's hiding their relationship from Ranqarim, but openly says that he's not a fan of Snort.

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