Coryn (Genshin Impact) (Kaeryn (Kaeya x Coryn))



This is an OC x Canon ship.

By no means do I claim the character of Kaeya belongs to me, as he belongs to MiHoYo.
This is mostly a place to list out relationship headcanons beyond the storyline provided in Coryn's main tab.

Coryn Taylor & Kaeya Alberich

If "home" is a world without Kaeya,
then it's not my world.
Not anymore.


A Quick (?) Summary

Admittedly, Coryn was already a bit smitten with Kaeya prior to being dumped into Teyvat, thinking of him as an attractive fictional character. The sheer coincidence of actual, real fucking person Kaeya being the one to pull him out of the ice Corynacht was frozen in, being there when Coryn woke up, and then volunteering to travel with Coryn for answers? It was a no-brainer, sure, but Coryn couldn't help but have mixed feelings about the whole thing at first.

It took time, patience, and a lot of soul-searching on Coryn's part to even begin to make steps towards admitting his feelings for the Cavalry Captain. Soaking in the realization that the only rules here were that of Teyvat's, and not those of Earth, not to mention how easily Kaeya seemed to flirt with him on their journey, Coryn would find himself in his own head quite often after the Lantern Rite Festival.

Naturally, knowing that Kaeya returned those feelings, and had been waiting for Coryn to get around to confessing during the Windblume Festival did fluster him a bit. Even so, Kaeya encouraged Coryn to take his time with each step of their relationship, knowing that Coryn's world seemed to have different standards when it came to relationships with other men.

By the time [ REDACTED ] happened, and he was given the chance to return to his world, Coryn could only stare at the path to what was once his home, before turning away from it. There was no way he could return, as the world he'd left behind paled in comparison to Teyvat...

And he couldn't bear the thought of leaving Kaeya, his love.


After the Mystery

After the events of [ REDACTED ], Coryn remembered the suggestion of Venti from the Windblume Festival, deciding to take it to heart and begin making a life as Mondstadt's local bard, relying more on stories than music as he studied how to actually play and write poetry and songs. While he could never replace Venti (nor did he desire to), the stories he knew from his old world made him a popular guest nonetheless. It helped that he was so excited and emotional when speaking those stories to life.

When night falls, and no other appointments are on Coryn's plate? He returns to Kaeya, knowing the Cavalry Captain must be worn out from a long day...or at least missing Coryn as much as he missed Kaeya!


Song 1 by Artist
Song 2 by Artist
Song 3 by Artist
Song 4 by Artist
Song 5 by Artist
Song 6 by Artist
Song 7 by Artist

Coryn's Thoughts

"You always act like you know something..."

It took time for Coryn to warm up to Kaeya, but admittedly, it was a much faster time getting to warm up to him as a partner in battle than it was to warm up to romance. First and foremost, Coryn knew that Kaeya was a reliable sort despite his laid-back demeanor, and any trust placed in him in the heat of battle held a great payoff.

As a person, it took him a bit longer to warm up, if only because Coryn still held some degree of disbelief towards his situation, as well as the coincidences in play. Between that and not wanting to admit anything beyond what was needed to Kaeya, and there was a gap that Coryn attempted to hold up.

It was in Liyue that Coryn began to show a bit more of himself, albeit unintentionally, wanting to help others in order to ensure the Lantern Rite Festival went on as planned. He showed an interest to the proceedings, this event that he never could've dreamed of being privy to when he was back on Earth.

Coryn's wish during the Lantern Rite was to find the answers to his own situation, about the mystery of Corynacht. In hindsight, he would've wished to get to know Kaeya further, or to have times like this with Kaeya more.

When the Windblume Festival called Kaeya (and by extension Coryn) back to Mondstadt, Coryn had already begun to mentally prepare himself to admit his feelings for Kaeya. The "love poem" classes that Venti offered seemed like a good place to start, and he confessed to Kaeya on a starry Windblume's night.

Kaeya's Thoughts

"Despite all you try to hide, you really are just an open book."

Initially wanting to be with Coryn to figure out this "Corynacht" mystery and what it could mean for Mondstadt, Kaeya was pleased to see that Coryn was easy to fluster, unlike the Traveler. While Coryn was new to combat, his fresh outlook on things intrigued Kaeya, and the knowledge that Coryn came from a world beyond even without the baggage of "Corynacht" was enough to draw him further in.

Kaeya would realize his feelings for Coryn during the Lantern Rite Festival, as the pair helped out others. Where Coryn mostly showed an abrasive persona, seeing him genuinely curious about the culture of Liyue and excited to see the lanterns made Kaeya wonder what more was hiding beneath the facade. As a result, Kaeya's wish during the festival was to get to know the real Coryn -- the one that most others never saw.

Of course, seeing how easy Coryn was to fluster, Kaeya bided his time to allow his traveling partner his space with regards to feelings. The Windblume Festival arriving meant that there was a good opportunity for Coryn to learn more about Mondstadt, albeit at the price of Kaeya having to fill in for Jean. But hey, he was getting love poem tutorials.

Regardless, it would be on a starry Windblume's night when Coryn would take him for a walk to a lovely spot overlooking the large lake around the city, before Coryn confessed. Yes, Coryn wanted to take it slow, but Kaeya assured him that they were partners -- of course comfort in the relationship would be upheld.

Coryn's Gifts to Kaeya

Item_Calla_Lily.png Item_Golden_Shrimp_Balls.png Item_Golden_Raven_Insignia.png

Kaeya's Gifts to Coryn

Item_Windwheel_Aster.png Item_Fruity_Skewers.png Item_Forbidden_Curse_Scroll.png

Important Dates


Mauris gravida augue pharetra tellus venenatis, ut mollis purus porttitor. Nunc sollicitudin erat quis sapien malesuada dapibus. Aenean sit amet sem sed mauris dignissim tempor. Donec et feugiat dui. Nullam rutrum dapibus interdum. Vestibulum vulputate, magna quis maximus varius, ligula elit faucibus nunc, porttitor ornare mauris neque in odio. Morbi mollis pretium justo ac maximus. Sed interdum lorem sem, eu euismod libero faucibus et. Nulla facilisis felis eu quam lacinia, id fringilla est maximus. Nam hendrerit in enim et consequat. Quisque rhoncus vulputate dapibus. Aliquam eget augue lorem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec iaculis egestas vulputate. Nunc pretium ipsum et enim dapibus tempus.


Nulla consectetur enim velit, aliquet vehicula justo aliquam a. Aenean vulputate est eget malesuada tincidunt. Fusce id ornare sem. Etiam sit amet eleifend ipsum. Phasellus vitae lectus est. Fusce purus ipsum, bibendum vitae auctor ut, convallis eu dui. Sed at tortor sit amet magna efficitur cursus. Pellentesque varius iaculis velit, ac tempor neque cursus et. Sed pellentesque nibh risus, vel vestibulum tellus pretium et.


Integer at sollicitudin massa. Duis sed mauris in nibh vestibulum mattis sed sit amet neque. Cras eu turpis urna. Mauris faucibus hendrerit volutpat. Suspendisse sit amet est ac nisl finibus ornare pulvinar non purus. Vestibulum vel erat eu augue lobortis pulvinar id nec enim. Nullam vehicula maximus magna, ut porttitor justo. Nam ac lorem ac lectus vulputate iaculis vel non nisl. Mauris arcu odio, luctus ut eros ac, imperdiet pretium nibh. Proin urna mauris, efficitur in lorem pellentesque, semper consequat risus. Quisque fermentum euismod magna, nec faucibus risus porttitor non. Integer at quam nunc. Nam non hendrerit lacus.

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