


8 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info

Real Name

N/A (recognized by scent)


Colleen; Mother Forest


~600-800 years old


Ranger; Diplomat


Pharmacology, Botany, Wilderness Survival, Negotiation, Archery

Family Members

Myko (peer), Flora (older generation), all other woodlings


Colleen is a member of fungal colonies known as woodlings. She is surprisingly mobile and human-like unlike most others of her kind, who are typically confined to large patches of forest. A passionate, extroverted sort who's spent most of her life in the same place before "uprooting" in a rather unique process. Her long existence as a large sentient fungal colony means she's an expert at botany, camouflage, medicine, wilderness survival, negotiation, and logistics, but eagerly wants for knowledge of the rest of the world. She also has a few scores to settle with humanity, but let's not get into that right now ^_^


-"Mother Forest" is a common name for woodlings, given to her by the changeling tribe that used to live with her. "Colleen" is her friend Elle Hendricks making a pun on her being a fungal colony.

-She lacks much in the way of basic, everyday knowledge due to her geographic isolation. What little she does know about the outside world and other sentient beings is from talking and trading with human visitors.

-Fungi aren't known for their speed, strength or physical durability, and Colleen is no exception. However, woodlings have developed immunity to most poisons and diseases. She's also pretty terrible at archery, although archery is uncommon enough that poor skill is better than most people's no skill.

-Despite being a master of most things natural and outdoorsy, animals hate her and she hates animals. This is probably because woodlings do not treat most animals in their forests very well. Also because most fungi don't freely walk around as she should, so she's rather weird to them.

-Her internal anatomy is quite different from human being, and more or less custom-designed to compact in all of her vital functions into a human-sized form, as fungal tissue is not very space-efficient, especially when it comes to generating muscular strength. She can change color at will, due to chromatophores in her skin and or quickly connect herself to other plant/fungal tissue or plant-derived fibers, but other than that, her physical abilities are very similar or inferior to a human.