


3 years, 21 days ago




Ryuji Otogi (Ryo Naito)

A young scholar straight from Sumeru. Coming from a family of prestigious mages, he travels through Teyvat to expand his knowledge of the world around him. Stay at the academy?... He prefers to avoid the subject!

Gentle and hospitable in nature, he tends towards pacifism and has specialized in healing, holding to the hope of bringing help to others thanks to his knowledge. However, he should not be underestimated because of his meek nature, beneath his apparent candor hides a formidable warrior.


Foolish devout

Healer/Sub DPS > Claymore

PV %> ATK %> Crit Rate > Crit Damage > Energy


Tall (1.88m) and delicate figure yet he has a developped back and arms due to wielding a claymore.

His hair is two-tone: mostly brown with a dark honey part inherited from his mother. They are tied in a tidy braid on the right side to which 3 rings are suspended, once detached they fall to the height of his loins.

The color of his eyes is a very light hazel brown.

He has many body jewelry: 5 earrings (1 left side, 4 right), a ring on the left nipple and many body rings on the hands and feet.

His skin is strewn with scars that he hides under his layer of clothing. The only visible one is on his face, whom his brother share the other half, resulting from a common accident.

Wears his vision hanging from the left hip.

His outfit is made up of a thrawb, a stole wrapped around it, a short hooded cape as well as leather gloves and boots.


Marcutio is a candid young man affable in nature. His thirst for knowledge drives him to travel through Teyvat and meet new people in order to learn more about the world around him. Naive and blissful, he is nonetheless a scholar with his vision of things and a selective intelligence. A genius in some areas, he remains a dunce in many others and seeks to fill his gaps during his travels.

Gifted in healing and sociable, he is a pleasant companion to have during travels... despite a blinding devotion which pushes him to put himself in danger for others even when it is not necessary.

Maternal, he easily gets attached to his traveling companions and pampers them in various ways to show his appreciation. His care and natural charm make him appears to flirt with many of his interlocutors... making him confused but delighted to receive special attention from them.


A claymore carved from malachite and adorned with gold. It is said that it was in time in the form of daggers, a wedding gift for two legendary warriors fighting in unison ... one being only an extension of the other, being only one in combat. In the throes of war a girl was born in the midst of dust and pain.

"life is much more precious."

Said the two lovers leaving the battlefield, taking with them their treasure of gold and malachite.

The child grew up surrounded by her loving parents well guarded of the secret golden treasure. And when the age came she and her prince charming decided to fly far away from those who had pampered her, how could such young people have made the right decision? And what did they know about the cruel world? The blade was pulled from its secret place by the warriors far from their battlefield, yet they had to wage a new war that no one would win. The prince flew alone leaving no trace except that of a carmine red on the precious blade.

"life is much more precious."

Said the girl wielding the blade above her sleeping parents with teary eyes. She had nothing left except this family treasure, picking up the two stained blades the girl left the family home without looking back, brandishing the sword like one, her eyes shining like gold under the moon.

Character story WIP

Teamate and best friend, they live an untamed bromance together... Marcutio might marry him one day.


Another teamate whom he really respects and likes, whenever it might be reciprocal or not Marcutio thinks very high of Rosaire.


The team leader, he trust him the most as he's the most responsible one around and knows he can talk to him about anything, Oka is like a father figure to him.


A guild member, she seems very devoted to others and forgets herself a bit too much, he'd like to help if she would accept.


He'd rather keep his distances with her... something about her makes him really anxious and he feels like he'd die prematurely if he keeps her compagny too long.


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⋄ He was born under the constellation "Ara Major".

⋄ He his polyamourous and has no sexual preferences.

⋄ His signature dish is a variant of the Squirell Fish: Sweet curry fish.

⋄ He is particularly fond of reading, books full of knowledge and tales of Princesses alike.

⋄ Charming by nature and almost ethereal, he has the misfortune of flirting with everything around him completely by accident.

⋄ He was taught combat by his mother and healing by his father and grand-father.

⋄ Ducks are his favorite animals, moreover he is pisci-vegetarian, allowing himself fish because the ducks consume them.

⋄ He is devoted to the Archons.

⋄ Long ago, he used to wield a catalyst.. everyone preferred to forget this cursed time...

⋄ He and his brother Tybalt share the same birthday although they have been born several years apart.


Normal Attack



Elemental Skill



Elemental Skill