Valces Auteor



3 years, 23 days ago


Valces Auteor

Teal Terror • Goggle Line Tattoo • Bill Nye's Favorite Kinnie

Valces Auteor
7 Sweeps (15)
Male (He/Him)
Witch of Life


Valces, is, by any and all accounts, a science man. There is simply no other way to describe his ramblings and notebook scribblings and procedures and insistence on safety (but only certain kinds). Rest assured, he is not a scientist, those are far too formal and... probably also far wiser, but Valces is definitely a science man.

There are quite a few things to say about Valces, all of which just barely scratch the surface of who he is. If you ask anyone who knows him, they'll probably say he's annoying, impulsive, smart, an idiot, and then be stuck for words. Valces is very careful about which parts of himself he shows to other people and which parts he demonstrates openly, leading some people to not ever get a real sense of his character. To those he's close to however, he is practically an open book and one of the most loyal people you'll ever meet. It does take a bit of time to get there however, and because Valces has a tendency to make poor snap judgements of character, not many people will ever get the chance to grow close to him.



By all means, Valces should not be alive. He knows it. With the amount of dangerous things that he does on the regular, it's only to be expected. He knows that for every experiment gone wrong, every burn or shady deal or cut or infection or bad high that he has, he has an even more infintessimally lower chance of existing the next day, but he keeps getting himself into dangerous situations because he doesn't quite realize the risk involved. He claims he does, and that's why he wears eye protection and gloves (sometimes), but in reality he knows nothing. Although Valces claims himself to be an arbiter of lab safety, he's rather hypocritical, because he rarely follows his own procedures and has a terrible habit of eyeballing everything, as well as using ingredients that are 'APPROX1MATELY' the same as what is on his list. Due to his, he frequently gets injured due to exploding beakers or chemical burns. Despite Valces' nonchalant attitude, he is a very competent chemist and does actually know what he's doing most of the time. Valces is very territorial of his workspace and experiments, and because of his temper, will sometimes throw tantrums when his things are moved around or touched.

Normally, Valces lies in between snappy and chill, depending on the day. He is a bright and idiotic youth who loves what he does and lives life to the fullest, but outside of his group of three friends is somewhat introverted. Valces prefers to stay around what he knows and stick with the comfort of in-jokes and poor puns rather than go out and explore the world, but that doesn't mean he's socially incompetent. On the contrary, Valces is quite amicable, street smart, and knows how to act around strangers, saying all the right things at all the right times. His sharp tongue has saved him many times from angry purples. Valces is somewhat polarizing, acting very nonchalant and somewhat dismissive of some things while being uncomprimising on others. He's somewhat of an enigma, caring passionately about the things closest to his heart, but disregarding most other things. He can be a bit much at times, as he's blunt, crass, and generally loud (he's hard of hearing), but generally if left alone to his own devices, he tones it down and is quite calm. He cares deeply about the people he trusts, and shows his affections through insults and snappy jokes, but also genuineness of his character and kind acts.


KEMIST: Valces always has some dangerous chemical on him. He particularly likes to weaponize chemicals that will explode, which means he throws a lot of glass vials to inflict comically massive amounts of damage. Because of his background in chemistry, he can also synthesize most compounds, and he uses this ability almost solely to make drugs or other dangerous chemicals and sell them on the black market. Hey, a living is a living.

UNKILLABLE: With the amount of questionable materials that Valces has ingested, whether it be drugs or Xarkia's poison, Valces' organs are certainly something. He has a tolerance to most poisons and drugs, and he regularly eats anything and everything, no matter how dangerous, so it's almost impossible to kill him by lacing his food. In addition, Valces' terrible lab safety means he gets injured frequently, but he drank "SECRET SAUCE" while VERY high about a sweep ago which, for whatever reason, makes his minor injuries heal faster.


  • Valces' Lusus is a leetol mouse which he treasures more than his own life.
  • Valces has a terrible habit of eating his own experiments in an effort to get high. It works.
  • Although his workbench is always a mess, he always knows exactly where everything is.
  • Valces' hair is quite long, but he almost always has it up, so no one knows.
  • Valces doesn't have a favorite food and instead proclaims that 'everything is edible'.



Tusila Movfos [ Close Friend ]

Valces' tealblooded friend who shares a lab with him and cleans up the bodies that always manage to show up. He throughly enjoys her company and they have long talks about the best way to get rid of troll remains. Fun times. Tusila is one of Valces' closest friends and has been with him through thick and thin.


Xarkia Privor [ Close Friend ]

A Jadeblood that Valces shares a lab with. Valces sometimes get materials from her, and in return is always trying to concoct some way to kill Xarkia with poison, but they both know that it's a joke and she enjoys it. They are like peas in a pod, although neither would ever openly admit it, though they both know it to be true.


Plauge [ Lab Partner ]

Plague shares a lab with the rest of the Kinnies, but Valces hasn't quite figured them out yet, which makes them quite intimidating to him. They're not so different, but Valces has yet to figure this out and treats them with slight hostility. He wants to get to know them better, but hasn't been able to get a good chance to do so.

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