


3 years, 2 months ago


Name jennyheart

Former Names jenny

Gender molly (she/her)

Orientation bi

Rank warrior

Residence creekclan

Past Residences kittypet

Mentor N/A

Apprentice N/A

Theme content


Jennyheart is a gentle, kind warrior known for her ever-bright personality. She's outgoing and friendly, and always assumes the best in someone, even if they may not really be deserving of it. In combination with her naive nature, this often leads to her missing passive-aggressive remarks, especially when speaking with someone she doesn't know.

Jennyheart doesn't have much self-confidence and is quick to brush off or excuse any comments that may come her way, preferring to smile and laugh and avoid confrontation wherever she can. She's quite the pushover as well, and is quick to give in to others to make them happy. All she really wants is to make as many friends as she can, in an effort to make up for her 20-some moons of lonesome isolation.

But lately she’s been a bit more downcast than usual. The weight of what it means to be a wild cat has finally settled on her shoulders, and for the first time in her life she is cold, and hungry, and could very well lose her life out there. What her family has suffered… what her Clan has suffered… it scares her, and she’s more unsure of herself than ever.

  • mice
  • soft things
  • nature
  • isolation
  • fighting
  • leaf-bare


Herb Knowledge

Faith in StarClan


Jenny was born in a litter of five, alongside Justin, James, Jude, and Jade. She was born to Josephine and Maverick, and raised in her mother’s owner’s home. Jenny remembers her kitten moons fondly—she was never as playful as her siblings when it came to wrestling and chasing each other around the den, but those moons were always so fun and full of life.

She was young when she was taken away from the den she and her siblings shared, only a few moons old.


Most of Jenny’s life can be described as dull. She was always warm, well-fed, and safe, unlike most wild cats, but she was also bored out of her mind. Though some kittypets may have been allowed outside, or taken on walks, Jenny never left her den except for to go to the vet.

And for some, that may have been fine. There were times where it didn’t bother her, either.

But her upwalker lived alone, and was often gone from home for hours and hours each day. She was the only pet in the house, so she spent most of her days alone, searching for ways to keep herself entertained. Most often she sat in the window, looking outside and imagining the way it would feel to run freely out there. The days it was open were a gift—she could sit there for hours just smelling everything the breeze pushed through the window, and would play games trying to match the smells to what she was seeing.

Finally, Jenny decided she was going to do something fun. She was going to go on an adventure!

So one day, when her upwalker was gone and had left the window open, she clawed and scraped at the screen until she managed to pop it off. She spent a long while in just her little yard, but then one thing led to another and eventually she was wandering away from her den, exploring everything she could.

At first she meant to go back. But once she’d had a taste of the grass underpaw and the sun on her fur, she decided she wanted more.

She kept going, further and further. Tasted her first freshkill, her first water out of a stream and not a bowl, mud between her toes and feathers stuck on her tongue.

And then she found CreekClan.


Jenny arrived in CreekClan in early spring, when prey was abundant and the weather kind.

And to her surprise, there she found two of her siblings—Jade and Justin, who had been put on the streets after their upwalker abandoned them.

Those first few moons in CreekClan had been some of the best of her life. Suddenly, she was no longer alone. Suddenly, she was outside. She cared very little for the customs and history of CreekClan, though she was willing to put food on the pile if it meant that she’d be allowed to stay. She even took on a name without really asking for it—she chose the name Jennyheart for herself, without thinking to much about what it meant or if she had “earned” it. To her, it was just a way to fit in a little better, a fun part of wild life that she wanted to indulge in.

But recently… she’s started to doubt her place in CreekClan. As the weather turned for the worse, and the murders continued without an end in sight, Jennyheart began to truly fear for her safety out in the wild for the very first time.

Her fun adventure into the wild was turning sour as she slowly came to realize that this wasn’t all fun and games, that there were stakes out here that she’d never had in the safety of her upwalker’s den. And she started to miss it, the warm bed, the bowl of food that was always full, the walls that kept anything that would want to hurt her out.

She began to seriously consider going home, but there were so many problems that kept her from just leaving: what would Wildspirit and Petalpath think of her? Would she even be able to find her way home? Would her upwalker even take her back in? What if she didn’t? What if she was stuck on the streets, or locked in a box all her life? Would she be able to cope knowing that her family was out there, and that she had no idea if they were safe or alive?

It was so quiet in that den.

So she decided she would give this warrior thing a shot, for real. Just like Wildspirit and Petalpath had done. Just like Shalespots had done. She would learn how to hunt, how to fight, how to survive, the way the Clan cats did it, and she would earn the name she had given herself.

And if she can’t do that…

Well. Then maybe she’s just not meant to be a warrior after all.


  • Jenny — her given kittypet name
  • heart — she liked the way it sounded
  • jennyheart named herself, to try and fit in better, before she better understood clan culture. now she's a bit embarrassed about her decision to do so, and is trying to earn her name for real
  • mouse was the first prey she ever caught and tasted


Jennyheart is very proud of her brother’s accomplishments. She thinks it’s incredible the dedication he’s shown to CreekClan, and how well he thrives here despite everything. She worries about his well-being often, and tries her best to lend an ear or lighten his load however she can. She’s glad to see him so happy here.


Jennyheart loves her sister very much, and enjoys spending much of her time with her. The things she’s shouldered, and how much she’s grown, is just awe-inspiring to Jennyheart. Like her brother, she’s glad to see Petalpath so happy here, happy enough to have started a family of her own.


Jennyheart is glad to know Shalespots is well, though she often wishes she would leave CanyonClan and come join the rest of them in CreekClan. She worries a lot, not knowing what might be happening to her on the other side of the border.


Jude Paw has recently come back into Jennyheart’s life, and she’s eager to hear what he’s been up to since the last time they spoke all those seasons ago.


These guys have captured Jenny’s heart. She loves them so much, and is so excited to have niblings now. But she also worries greatly for them, considering the trouble they all seem to have gotten themselves into at one point or another. She sometimes wishes they had gotten to grow up in the safety of an upwalker’s den, like she and her own siblings had, but then she thinks of what a shame it would be to see them all separated as they grew.


A white and brown tabby molly with green eyes, medium-length fur, and a pink collar. She is slightly smaller than the average cat, and has a sweet-smelling scent like newly-blooming flowers and a fresh breeze.


Design notes
  • her collar does not have a bell
  • her fur is often neatly groomed, though sometimes she lets it get messy. it makes her feel more "wild"
code by jiko