


3 years, 1 month ago


Name pyro

Former Names nermal

Gender tom (he/him)

Orientation aro/ace

Rank n/a

Residence unknown

Past Residences kittypet

Mentor n/a

Apprentice n/a

Theme content


Pyro has changed radically, for anyone who knew him before BloodClan's invasion. Before, while Pyro generally tried to keep his distance from the rest of SkyClan, he wasn't keen on being bossed around, and spoke with extreme disregard for other cats' feelings. He had a tendency to make threats, though he never actually followed through with any, and his callous nature made it very hard to tell if he was joking or dead serious.

Now, of course, his sharp tongue and even sharper claws have a clear cause. Raised in BloodClan, Pyro has become extremely desensitized to all kinds of death and violence, and seems to have very little remorse for the things he did before meeting Fievel, Tansy, and the rest of their traveling group.

These days, Pyro is quiet, and has basically given up the reigns of his life, letting himself be yelled at and pushed around without any complaint. He shouldn't even be here--the wounds he sustained should have killed him, and for once the weight of all this loss is haunting him. Rarely, a small piece of his old, sarcastic self will slip through the cracks.

  • nighttime
  • quiet
  • content
  • snakes
  • content
  • content


Herb Knowledge

Faith in StarClan


Pyro was born a housecat, though his time there seems like so long ago now. He doesn't remember much of it, anymore. He does, however, remember the night he escaped--Pyro had wanted to see the big world outside those windows for himself, and had no idea what lay in wait for him out there. It didn't take long for a big cat with teeth stuck crudely in their neck to find him, and just like that, Pyro was no longer a housecat.


His early days in BloodClan were the hardest. Picked on, pushed around, barely fed, Pyro wanted nothing more than to run back to his old home and never leave, ever again. For a few moons, Pyro was alone in his suffering, slowly learning how to steel himself against the world. And then he met Casino, and the two cats, both so horribly down on their luck, made fast friends of each other. Of course, BloodClan had eyes everywhere, so they had to be cautious. But it was the one good thing he had there.

In time, Pyro began to climb the ranks. He collected his fair share of trophies, displayed on the collar around his neck, enough to be a Major within the Clan. Pyro became someone who couldn't be pushed around, and though his young, lanky self wasn't very intimidating, he sure could back up his words with his claws and teeth.

The change was difficult. Even with the life he was living, he had those too-short good moons to remember, and the things he was made to do... But that was just the way life was in BloodClan. The cats on the bottom go hungry. The cats on the bottom die. And Casino just wasn't built for this the way he was. So Pyro fought his way up the ranks.

But in very little time at all, the things BloodClan had him doing became easy. He didn't second guess himself. He punished rule-breakers, chased away or captured trespassers, brought his extra rations to share with Casino. Eventually, she started to climb, too, became a Minor in the Clan. They'd carved out a little piece of life in that hell, for just the two of them.

Then, one day, a small group of travellers came through the city. Pyro was the one to find them, and he led an ambush on their party, bringing them to the cages. Jack, one of BloodClan's leaders, caught wind of their wild claims, trying to find a group known as SkyClan, and brought Pyro to speak to him directly. He ordered Pyro to lead BloodClan to SkyClan--though Pyro would not know why, and would only agree.

Pyro pretended to be defecting from BloodClan, and broke the prisoners free, leading them out of the city. He didn't get the chance to explain to Casino why he was leaving, but he promised he'd be back.


Traveling was a nightmare. It was obvious the group didn't really trust Pyro, Boone in particular, and Pyro was not much of a convincing face. In fact, he probably did more arguing than socializing along the way. He was always trying to get the group to go faster, to keep moving, and seemed to always be looking over his shoulder, looking for something that wasn't there.

But, he loathed to admit, he did start to get along with one short, fluffy little tom, affectionately (?) nicknamed Curly. And the other, black and white little thing.

If that were the end of it, then Pyro wouldn't have any problems. He could get over one or two burned bridges. But, somewhere along the way, he started to realize... this could be his life. He could sleep on soft grass, under an open sky, without the weight of eyes constantly on his back.

Still, he kept quiet about his true purpose for freeing the group, deciding that if he chose not to go back, it would only hurt them if they knew.

When they saw the mountains in the distance that signalled the end of their journey, Pyro made his choice. Finally, he shed his collar and the teeth embedded in his paws, the ones indicative of his high status in BloodClan, and left them behind as the group made the last trek to SkyClan.


Not all of the group ended up staying in SkyClan, but Pyro did. Adjusting to life in the Clan was harder than life on the road, and, once again, Pyro was not very good at making friends, or good impressions. Mostly, he kept to himself, and if he spent time with anyone, it was Fievel or Tansy. Relaxed is maybe not the right word to describe Pyro's time in SkyClan, but it was the closest thing he'd ever really been to it.

Then, the worst happened.

One night, while Pyro was out alone, he was confronted by a familiar face--Casino, looking much worse off than he'd ever seen her, and full of hatred towards him. She'd clearly been through the ringer, and had come to taunt him, to berate him, to cut him out of her life. She accused him of lying to her, of abandoning her to her fate in BloodClan, and though Pyro tried to defend himself, he knew--her claims were right. He might've planned on coming back at first, but the moment he put down his collar, he'd known he was never going back.

Things got bad fast after that. Cats started dropping dead everywhere; some from snake bites, some from the paws of BloodClan. Pyro watched it all happen, and all he did was plead with Fievel to leave SkyClan with him. To run away together, though he wouldn't explain why. It wasn't until SkyClan lost both their deputy and their healers, and Slatestar his youngest litter, that Pyro finally cracked and admitted everything to anyone who would listen. Who BloodClan was, what they're like, his true purpose for leaving them for the Clans. He tried to get SkyClan to leave, to explain that all BloodClan wants is destruction or submission, but the Clan would not budge.

So Pyro left alone.

It seemed like that was that, that Pyro had run from BloodClan again and wasn't coming back, but shortly after the invasion began, he reappeared. It's not known why he came back, and he hasn't said, but Pyro fought viciously in the battle. He was prepared to die for SkyClan, for his new friends, and he very nearly did. He caught a deep slash to the face, and was unable to do much of anything while his belly was shredded.

In the end, the Clans won, and Pyro survived, but at a cost. He spent the next full moon in the healer's den, unable to move because of his deep wounds, and has only recently been able to get up and go on short walks. Though he isn't very incentivized to do so. His place in the Clan now is unclear, but he certainly thinks he's unworthy of a place in their ranks.


  • Pyro — given to him by bloodclan, for his firey nature and swirling stripes
  • his right eye is fully blind, and his left eyelid is too damaged to open much more than a squint
  • he has a mark on his neck from where his collar used to force his fur down

Relation, †

Your character's thoughts of this character. Can be in character or not.

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