


3 years, 2 months ago


Name goosestar

Former Names goosebelly

Gender molly (she/her)

Orientation bi

Rank leader

Residence windclan

Past Residences buzzardclan

Mentor goldenstar

Apprentice fogthroat

Theme wip


Once an overeager, rambunctious apprentice, Goosestar has grown into a calm, level-headed cat, though her dedication to her Clan has never wavered. Goosestar is quite sociable and is willing to try and make friends with any cat, and now that she's become leader, she's trying to stay even closer with her clanmates. She's very trusting of others, and puts her faith whole-heartedly in her clanmates, to the point where her trust and kindness could easily be abused. She believes in second chances, and though she may seem to have the interests of others more at heart, she's more than willing to prove her dedication to WindClan with her life.

Recent events have shown her the true weight of leadership, and though she is typically pretty open with her emotions, she's started to withdraw into herself more and more often. She chose this, and with all WindClan has suffered, she has to keep strong for them.

  • content
  • content
  • content
  • the dark
  • confined spaces
  • content


Herb Knowledge

Faith in StarClan


Goosekit was born an only kit, and the only things she knows about her parents are the things she's been told by WindClan's permanent monarchs. They died too young for Goosekit to remember them.

Though Goosekit was a mostly well-behaved kitten, she had a near endless pool of energy. Goosekit had a very hard time sitting still for any amount of time, and had the monarchs eager for her promotion early on in her kithood. She was a very curious thing, and very excited to be an apprentice.


Goosepaw's days as an apprentice were good ones. With Goldenstar himself as a mentor, Goosepaw finally had an outlet for all of her energy. WindClan seemed the perfect place for her, with its sprawling, wide-open hills that she could sprint around all day. She could out-compete a magpie with the volume and frequency of her voice, and would happily chat off the ear of any cat who'd let her.

Goosepaw was a decent study. She wanted to learn, and she wanted to impress her mentor, and her Clan! She was just... easily distractable. And lacked patience. She had a tendency to fling herself face-first into every situation, driven by her eagerness, and sometimes struggled with lessons because of it.

Goosepaw was just an apprentice when SkyClan arrived at the lake, and the newcomers were very strange and exciting to her! Little did she know how much would change following their arrival.

camp tunnels collapse, move to the horseplace temporarily. this is where she's named


Goosebelly got her name alongside Frecklenose, a cat who she'd grown up with and quickly became one of her closest friends. By the time she'd earned her name, she'd mellowed out a bit, but most of her change would come later.

bullet point wip

caught in a fox trap trying to chase titan off clan territory

goldenstar dies

goes on a patrol with flowerpetal to try and lure the rogues into attacking, gets stuck in a tunnel collapse all night and then attacked in shadowclan when they make it out

buzzardstar invades windclan and gives cloudstar an ultimatum, fight with us or watch your kits and monarchs die. goose was standing guard

buzzard rounds up all the clans until he's taken over each one, and forces them all to live at the gathering place. conditions are horrible, there's barely enough food, the kits, monarchs, and healers are all held hostage, and a sickness breaks out. sick cats get sent down to the tunnels, where things are even worse

goose gets sick, and pleads not to be sent there but is taken against her will. freckle tried to go with her

surprise! freckles there now! and she hangs out with sleetfall. and then cedarkit dies and she and sleetfall attack the guard and stage an escape

just in time to witness the blood moon :)

home is great! and goose gets an apprentice, fogpaw! and EVEN BETTER freckle gets summerpaw! mentor buddies :)

actually things are bad again. more cats are dying :( also cloudstar is pissed at thunderclan and now its everyones problem. and riverclan and shadowclan are trying to kill each other. also fogpaw is Going Through It So Bad

me and the besties (freckle and flower) finding a dead body and then getting blamed for it hahaaaaa and then one of them attacks your bestie so you fight back and nearly lose an eye for it hahaaaaa

YIPPEE baby graduation

uhoh my clan is going to beat up another clan in their home. glad im not doing that


damn . maybe she has a point. my clan now


Goosestar's short leadership has been anything but easy. Taking on the responsibility of the Clan right after a war cut short, she had a mountain of work ahead of her to fix their relationship with ThunderClan. Unfortunately, she wouldn't get the chance to start: soon she had another half Clan's worth of cats to look after, and clanmates dying all around her. Some from snakes, others from rogues. She even watched one of WindClan's healers die before her very eyes from one such adder bite.

When SkyClan sent word that the Clan's newest adversary was BloodClan, Goosestar was quick to support their claims, adding to the name a description of fangs in place of claws, vicious and deadly. Goosestar was among those who wanted to stay and fight for their home, though she did not scorn those who wished to leave instead.

Now that the fight is over, and the Clans have come out the other side victorious... Goosestar is maybe at the lowest point she's ever been, barring her time stuck beneath the earth. She barely even has a Clan left to lead anymore.


  • goose — for her loud squeaking as a kitten
  • belly — for her enthusiasm and kindness
  • she has a paper thin scar around her neck from getting caught in a fox trap
  • Scelerisque viverra mauris in aliquam sem fringilla ut morbi.

Relation, †

Your character's thoughts of this character. Can be in character or not.

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One paragraph would fit nicely! Facilisi morbi tempus iaculis urna id volutpat lacus laoreet non. Ut venenatis tellus in metus vulputate. Elit at imperdiet dui accumsan sit amet nulla facilisi. Dignissim suspendisse in est ante in nibh.


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Nunc scelerisque viverra mauris in. In mollis nunc sed id semper risus in hendrerit gravida. Semper quis lectus nulla at volutpat. Arcu dui vivamus arcu felis bibendum ut tristique. Eget est lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit ut.


Goosestar is a silver marbled tabby with a white undercoat and yellow eyes. She has compact, medium-length fur that sticks up along the back of her neck and billows out of her feathery tail. Her tail is abnormally long, nearly two cat-lengths. Goosestar is tall like most WindClanners, though not as lithe, and her height comes mostly from her legs.

Design notes
  • tufted ears
  • scar on muzzle, from juniperthorn
  • dont ask how cats can have stubble. shes getting it.
code by jiko