


2 years, 10 months ago


Prev. Name hemlocksnarl
Age 44 moons
Gender ???
Pronouns she/they
Orientation bi
Voice info
Theme a deer mistaking candles for headlights

Species cat
Height info
Rank warrior
Clan creekclan
Prev. Clan canyonclan
R.status single
L.status alive
  • cool nights
  • wrestling
  • wind

Hemlock is a distant, quiet cat who looks like she’d be too prickly to get along with, and she’s content to leave it that way. Hemlock seems to be CanyonClan through-and-through; sometimes it’s a wonder why she’s even in CreekClan at all, with her clear disdain towards any non-Clanborn cat and the lack of tradition--or even belief in StarClan--within the Clan. But her reasons for joining the Clan are her own, and she’s struggling with her identity as an ex-CanyonClan warrior, still trying to unpack all of the things she’d been taught and deciding for herself which values matter to her, as well as her own personal issues with the things she’d done during the war. Because of this, Hemlock seems to be full of contradictions, and her true personality can be hard to pin down for her clanmates.

Underneath the guarded shell, she’s strangely polite and well-mannered, though usually only ex-CanyonClan cats will ever see this side of her. With ex-BriarClan cats, she has no idea how to act--she tends to be a little skittish and overly polite, fumbling over her words and making a fool of herself. To everyone else, she’s snippy or dismissive, and it takes a lot more work to get her to open up, typically involving some act to “prove” themselves to her. Hemlock operates on a case-by-case basis with CreekClan--there are few here whose presence she will actively seek out. At the end of the day, she has very little loyalty towards CreekClan, but is willing to do what it takes to remain apart of the group. She’d rather keep her mouth shut and do the work asked of her than put up a fight and have nowhere else to turn to.

  • water
  • kittypets
  • cowardice