Aszeilya Ricci



3 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info

First Name


Last Name







84 kg


General Personality & Appearance 

Aszeilya Ricci is a care-free, hobbyist woman, loving and caring about those who surround her, specially her family. . She doesn't like formalities, she's just very casual about everything and sometimes forget basic norms about talking to people, she will interrupt, will talk forever, and just silence someone if she's talking about a topic she loves. Slightly over the top and straight forward, similar to the adventurer kind of girl, still shows a serious side of her thanks to her natural cold calculations, they don't happen a lot but they still make her reliable to become some sort of voice of reason every now and then, pretty emotional when it comes to many things, she is the kind of person to cry in a movie, Aszeilya is a shortstack kind of girl, low height and wide assets  Cup size:  38M (125cm bust, 91cm band, if you need this somehow), Wears dark blue jeans, a button up purple shirt with a green appron, and pink slippers, long brown hair and a sligthly tanned skin, blue eyes and red glasses.


  1. Her biggest hobbies are cooking for her family and people (she learned the value of it by feeding Bedny constantly, her most precious son), 
  2. Reading 
  3. Attending friend meetings 
  4.  yoga and exercises


  1. Cooking multiple full course meals in less than a day
  2. Has multiple high cost outfits
  3. Has "Mom Dance Moves" (Meaning she can't dance very well, needs his husband Denise to Guide her)
  4. Great flexibility (Is able to put her leg all the way to her head despite her age)

Likes & Dislikes

Her family, high quality wine, Lasagna, Sweets, cooking, reading, meetings, exercise, Panetonne, canolis
Clams, Lack of Organization, formalities, the chaos her family can do, smoking, her husband playing DDR late at night, her daughter playing music too loud at any time of the day

Random Facts

  • Expert at cooking, it comes from her family since they  most of them were acclaimed chefs in Italy, she didn't followed trough and followed her dreams, and while she achieved them, in the end the bloodline of cooking still continues.
  • sometimes doesn't even know what she's doing, so she could just scrath her eyes while handling sliced peppers or so, and has a lot of trouble walking in heels and such.
  • She gained quite a lot of weight after getting retired from athletics competitions, making that amount of food for her son, and the rest for her family awakened her family side instincts, just loving eating like there's no tomorrow, she's still very athletic to this day.
  • She was the one who proposed marriage to Denise, she just got tired that he didn't make the move and literally snatched the ring from him and proposed herself to him. 
  • She was a highly acclaimed athlete in the college she attended too, very flexible, and very gracious, that's when she met Denise, and by that point, she never left him again, Denise was (and it still is) very shy at that point, so she got him by total surprise.
  • She snores while sleeping, kinda loudly, for some reason she always sleep happy on a good day, who knows what she's dreaming about
  • She drinks wine when she needs a break, about 1 or 2 months is when she uses to do that, not that much, just a couple of glasses.
  • She actually sometimes cooks with Bedny, but the problem of cooking with him is that he will probably just eat everything before it's done, so it doesn't go well, a shame since Bedny has insane cooking skills.
  • The other thing she loves more than her son Bedny, is her beautiful husband Denise, she usually just caresses him and comforts him whenever he has a bad day, and she will talk about him for hours and hours with no end 
  • She cries in emotional movies, tv series, or the novel she reads, there's a lot of money going to the napkins thanks to that.
  • She has the "Mom dance moves™" she needs Denise to have any idea of what she's doing.
  • If Daria or Bedny show her a meme she does the classic: Take out and squint™
  • She has to control her kids to not doing problems while going out together, one tries to run away and he just gets lost, the other doesn't even wanna go. 
  • She has a gambling adiction 
  • She has a love/hate relationship with her daugther Daria, as she not only gives her a lot of trouble, they pretty much always get into discussions too
  • Her mamma talks a lot of smack about her and they have sort of the same relationship as Aszei has with Daria
  • Her maiden name was Aszeilya Capone
  • Her parents are Mauricio Capone and Angelia Capone
  • The female side of her family (and by so herself) likes to always have something sweet to snack away at random times, and a sweet dessert NEVER is missing at the family dinners
  • Her favorite sweets are Panetonne and Cannolis


Early Childhood - Childhood



Casino/formal attire

Her formal outfit consists of a purple dress with a separated crop top, rombus shaped earrings, heels and white gloves

Rider Outfit

(Design pending, fancier maybe?

Rider Gear

(Design pending, rollerskates type of gear)