Bedny Ricci



3 years, 23 days ago

Basic Info

First Name


Last Name





1,55m, 1,75m (w/ platform boots)







Sexual Orientation



General Personality & Appearance 

Bedny is a very enthusiastic and cheerful young person, easily scared, innocent and quite gentle in their way of being, although they states that they isn't that strong and that makes it not easy for it to defend others. It's not slightly physically, but also intellectually, Bedny is basically the definition of a cinnamon bun, little buddy will barely try to hurt a fly and would probably feel bad about it, very unaware of their surroundings and just really clumsy at times, Their hair is quite soft and fluffy in a natural brown color with light shades of green, Their favorite color in fact, It's hair can be shaped with great ease and holds it's shape, The fuzzy thing they has on their waist is actually part of their father's (Denise Ricci) jacket, since when Bedny was a little boy he used to like a lot that part of his jacket, so Denise ripped that part and gave it to them. Bedny is also quite difficult to fill up, literally, they can eat 3 main courses of food and not be satisfied, but they still does not get fat and maintains their adorable appearance. They also tend to tease their older sister with one of their favorite things, insects and amphibians, they always find her sister's reactions amusing, Bedny doesn't like to get made fun out of their height, that's why they wear those giant 20cm platform boots. Daria sometimes grabs Bedny and takes of their boots just to tease it, Bedny takes revenge on her by grabbing Daria's side chub. they loves many kinds of animal, they will find at least something beautiful about one of them, but its biggest love are frogs. Ask them about frogs and they will tell you everything about them, they also can pull this trick at party's - Bedny's Party Trick -


  1. Frog catching (just for observation, no harm or captivity)
  2. Eating, (Not exactly a hobby, just a pretty huge enjoyment that they do)
  3. Singing 
  4. Gaming
  5. Outdoor adventures.
  6. Fortune telling
  7. Astrology
  8. horoscope


  1. Capable of recognizing every single frog species just by looking at them and giving all of their information
  2. High running speeds (even with the 20cm platform boots)
  3. Eating over 3 full course meals and not gaining any weight
  4. Ate a giant Ravioli
  5. the upper part of their hair is unmovable, even when getting wet, it will never lose it's shape -The hair section in question-

Likes & Dislikes

Eat, their family, cute things, rain, coffee with cream, video games, sweets (gummies above them all), Playing with his sister's side chub, being called cute, dogs, frogs, animals in general, Ravioli. fuzzy thing they wear on their sides
Being made fun of their height Alcohol, Jessica, horror movies or stories, being yelled at, Being called cuted, sour flavors,  abuse or discrimination against other people, cheesy lovey-dovey moments.

Random Facts

  • They actually resembles more their mother (Aszeilya) than their father, they act sort of the same, and share certain parts/attributes.
  • They can't stand still, They are always in a constant state of movement, will touch stuff, move stuff, or just fiddle with something if it has the chance. 
  • Don't fuck around with them, they will cry, since they are very sensitive about everything, still claims to be strong. Also very jumpy and gets scared very easily. 
  • they can go from being the loudest child in the world, to the most silent buddy on earth.
  • It eats excessive amounts of food. And never even gains a singular gram of weight. No one know their secret, and there actually isn't, just built different. 
  • It's phone has the funny polar bear keychain. that's the fact, also has a froggy caseEraKXJ_W8AAbFKf?format=jpg&name=240x240
  • They always carries a secret frog pouch with them, there they carry the 5 frogs that they own, the frogs are Called:
  • -CanJee (Monte Iberia Eleuth), Bondie (Mountain Stream Tree), Perudil (Physalaemus cuvieri), Branto (Wallace's flying frog) and John (Argentine horned Frog).
  • They are the favorite Son of their mother
  • Their little green painted hair strings are actually luminescent, they can glow in the dark. 
  • Cannot make math
  • Owns a plushie from when they were a baby, it's named Mr Froggy.


Early Childhood - Childhood

They are actually a "accidental child" since it was not planned by their parents. hyper active, outdoor boy and curious about all the things in life, high difficulty on certain subjects at school but still capable of going through it 


At the age of 13 Bedny decided to no longer follow any gender norms and decided to go by the pronouns they/it, as they no longer felt as if they belong in any side of the spectrum, any pronoun is still welcomed by them, but those are the ones they prefer to go by.

Casino/formal attire

Bedny's Casino attire consists of a white suit, paired with their regular boots, the fuzz he uses at his sides goes around their neck and shoulders, a green cape with fuzzy ends, double sunglasses (not needed but cool), the white suit also has golden buttons, the "R" of the family in purple color on the right side of the chest, and in the left, a chest pocket with some green pieces of cloth.

Rider Outfit

Bedny's Rider outfit consists of a loosed up jacket with puffy ended ties, a tucked down fluff cloth into his pants, knee high platform boots with fuzz and puffy-ended strings, different hairstyle (subject to change) a choker, crop top vest? (not sure about the name, coloring pending) - Art by @Colourkat03 on


Rider Gear

Bedny's Rider Gear is a simple speed-based hoverboard (name and design pending)