Denise Ricci



3 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info

First Name


Last Name









General Personality & Appearance 

Denise is a very strong mentally and physically man, really serious and a bit behind the times, but tries doing his best to topics he doesn't understand and helping his family itself. Can get pretty cocky and ahead of himself but he usually it’s pretty careful about his actions, generally very chill and determined depending on the situations, great leader and planner but they either fail or need big tweaks, but they always reach a breakthrough at one point with enough leaning time Even though he's still very clever in his actions and such, Denise isn't very good at literature and such, he's natural planner, but not that smart, that could be the reason he hasn't overthrown the police already, Denise is the head of the Ricci family consisting of his wife, and two kids, He is also the head of the mafia: “Pepperinos.” The whole point of the mafia is to overrun the corrupt police, they consist of what you would consider the regular mafia, but they help the city more than the actual police, so he's always busy answering the requests of citizens He is by far the strongest person in the whole country, barely surpassing superhuman strength, but he only gains it after consuming any amount of pepperoni, the more he consumes, the stronger he gets, but it runs out quickly since it's based of the calories of the pepperoni, Denise has a simple vest with a red bowtie, a old weared down brown jacket that has the fur ripped apart, jeans,  and black fancy shoes, marriage ring, watch and a wrist rosary as his accessories)


  1.  Taking care of the request his mafia receives.
  2. Dancing
  3. Prime family time


  1. Once took down an entire forest with just a pepperoni
  2. Capable of increasing his strength by consuming pepperoni (called:  Pepperino Strength)
  3. he can lift his entire family with just one of his arms, not the easiest task in the world, but it is possible.
  4. Burning literally everything that isn't a calzone for literally no reason (except not really it's a weird curse/family thing, only happens on males too)

Likes & Dislikes

Great chunk of 80's to 90's music, especially synth and rock, His family (specially his wife), cannolis, clean spaces, rhythm games (like DDR), dancing, golf, Hearing his friends and family interests, Quality times, Noir movies
Sour flavors, Interruptions, The corrupt police, Killing, really complex stuff, his wife (when she's mad), Not knowing what's happening to his family, seeing his family going trough hard times

Random Facts

  • He's sometimes scared of his wife, he knows how powerful she really is and he knows he can't hide shit from her. If something happens, she knows.
  • Denise knows how to do calzones, and that's it, that's the only recipe he knows, they are surprisingly good for not having that much of cooking skills.
  • He absolutely tells dad jokes, but instead of just delivering them easily, he just laughs like a maniac and doesn't ever finish the joke. The world is too good for his jokes.
  • He actually wants to impress his family not only by showing him what he's really capable of, but also to show them how much he cares for them, Daria is his biggest target for that since it's his favorite child of the two, but she doesn't show enough appreciation for him
  • One of his closest subbordinates it's Zen, it was a dude he saw doing a lot of crazy engineering, so he reached out to him, and Zen agreed to work for him, they talk a lot about random stuff and just not work
  • Owns two houses, the one where his family lives, that is out in the fields and pretty rustic, so the police doesn't get them, and the one in the city, where it's usually protected but there's still a possibility it happens, it's way fancier tho
  • He doesn't do his hair, his wife just helps him every morning with it, he could do it himself but he enjoys the bonding he has with his wife
  • Capable of lifting up to 230kg per arm, making him able to lift up to 460kg without being buffed.

  • Denise is an amazing dancer, he can and will, clean the dance floor like no one else, he also has his special dancing outfit too

Pepperoni Strength

Every time he consumes at least a gram of a pepperoni, his strength increases, to be exact, let’s say that if he consumes just 1 gram of pepperoni, his strength would increase by 2.5kg, thus increasing his overall power and speed, he can only consume a max of 100-200gr, resulting in about a 250kg and 500kg increase total, leading up to a possible max of a raw 730kg strength capacity per arm, and by every regular hit he will burn 15gr of the pepperoni, resulting in a 37.5 kg strength loss, other actions like fast running, jumping, blocking, and grappling do in fact burn the effects of it, but by smaller quantities. 


Early Childhood - Childhood

Teenager - Early adulthood


Casino/formal attire

The exact same as usual, but nicer suit pants

Rider Outfit

(Design pending - mostly small modifications?)

Rider Gear

(Design pending, board/handled glider)