Catherine "Kitty" FitzGerald (Coterie)



2 years, 8 months ago


Coterie: Hounds

Put together by the Sheriff of London and tasked to find the "Leather Apron Killer" responsible for a series of Kindred deaths. Soon the disappearance of Mithras, an Anarch secession, and large hunter presence complicate matters further.

Robin Collinson

"We're not friends."

  • CREATOR Alice
  • HEIGHT 168cm
  • BIRTHDAY 18/09
  • AGE 26/29
  • SEX Male
  • Sire Clement

Robin was a cop in life, a talented investigator whose skills marked him out for the embrace. When he and his friend William investigated an officer they suspected of corruption, William went missing. Robin suspected their target, Clement, of killing him before Clement turned Robin, though eventually finds out that this is not quite the case.

"I wouldn't say 'best' friends..."

Robin spent some time sharing his body with a Wraith going by the name of Charles, who occasionally talked to him or took over in situations where he could help. After Robin decided to help Josephine follow her suspicious sire Freidrich, a confrontation with him lead to the revelation that Charles the Wraith was actually Josephine's late husband Richard. Richard took over Robin's body and extinguished Freidrich's soul, imparting Robin with a new power and information about the Leather Apron Killer before moving on.

Standoffish and introverted, Robin keeps to himself and tries not to make friends beyond a lone Hecata name Adam whom he stumbled upon in a graveyard, though that doesn't stop Olivia from proclaiming they are "best friends". After his embrace he moved to the morgue at his station, where his sire Clement kept him busy with Kindred aligned policework and kept him fed with a steady supply of corpses. His relationship with Clement has always been rocky, but has begun to deteriorate upon the revelation that his friend Adam is not only the Scourge of London, but that he is Celement's grandsire (and Robin's great grandsire) and that the two have their own rocky past. Things have become even more complicated now that he has learned that William is alive and running a chapter of a vampire hunting organisation called the Brotherhood of Judas, and is planning to kill Clement soon.

Josephine Dupont

"Would you like some opium?"

  • BIRTHDAY 15/05/1854
  • AGE 24/34
  • SEX Female
  • Sire Charles Freidrich

Lady Josephine is an extravagant French widower with a love for women. Josephine's memories of her embrace are hazy for she experienced a week long frenzy from the moment of her turning, during something that became known as "The Week of Nightmares". Her husband went missing around this time and until recently she never knew what happened to him.

"How can you mistake us? I'm French!"

When Josephine's malicious sire returned to wreak havoc on her unlife, she followed him with Robin to where he was impersonating a friend of hers and confronted him. This resulted in the revelation that her husband Richard had indeed been dead this entire time, and was in fact the Wraith posessing Robin. After extinguishing Freidrich's soul, Richard explained that Josephine had indeed killed him but that he was glad for it as he would have killed her otherwise, having also been turned by Freidrich and in the midst of a frenzy. Both having received some closure around what had happened and how he understood now that Josephine was not attracted to men and that he hoped he had at least been able to do right by her, Richard moved on, leaving Freidrich's empty body as an offering for Josephine to devour.

Josephine carries a lover's eye brooch in remembrance of her true love Sophia everywhere she goes, and as an expert duelist always carries a sword or other weapon hidden in her garments. She is also often accompanied by her ghouled monkey, Sebastian, who tends to spend spend a lot of his time invisible and thus often goes unnoticed by others. Due to her clan's bane, she moves between several houses she owns and other establishments to slumber in, and after the slaughter of Kitty's household has offered up her Bloombsury address as a safe haven for Kitty. At the same time she has begun raising the street orphan Hector after rescuing him from the feeding house of the vampire Manfred, with plans to Embrace him once he is old enough.


"Would you like me to kill him?"

  • CREATOR Unknown
  • HEIGHT 175cm
  • BIRTHDAY Unknown
  • AGE 25/26
  • SEX Female
  • Sire Edmund Wiggins

Olivia is a young woman with a very sheltered and isolated upbringing and an abundance of enthusiasm for all manner of things from friendship to murder. She has a mysterious background and an abusive sire using her to research a special book of some sort. With a need to touch magical and dangerous things that she shouldn't, she has inadvertantly broken her blood bond with her sire Edmund and ended up in a Vaulderie with Ernest. Her penchant for Blood Sorcery has resulted in the Sheriff, Kharak Singh, taking her under his wing.

"After all, we're best friends!"

Olivia was very excited about being put in the Coterie and has shown her enthusiasm in her attempts to make new friends, easily getting on with the affable Ernest and making impressive headway with the awkward Robin after demonstrating her ability to melt flesh when murdering her landlord Audrey's abusive ex-husband. Another result of her fascination with dangerous magical objects is a strange friendship with the recently freed and changed faerie-like ex-Sabbat Elder Balthazaar, who lives in her closet and pays rent to a confused and slightly concerned Audrey.

Olivia is a tall woman who doesn't like conflict and is kind to most though she has the capacity to be cruel to those who deserve it. She works the night shift at her landlord's bookstore when she can and protects Audrey and her daughter Lila both of whom she cares for greatly, while also using them as her food source. Olivia works hard to be friendly with everyone but seems to be slightly concerned when her new friends have other people important to them, whether it's her mentor Kharak's childe, or Robin's recently revealed human best friend.


"Olivia, stop!"

  • CREATOR Unknown
  • HEIGHT Unknown
  • BIRTHDAY Unknown
  • AGE 38/42
  • SEX Male
  • Sire Willow

Ernest is a talented painter who has trapped himself by making his money doing forgeries in spite of his daughter Celeste's encouragement to try more original works. Ernest was ghouled for a time by the unpleasant Ventrue Manfred before his turning by the Toreador Harpy Willow, who disliked Manfred and wanted to support Ernest's artistic talents.

"Could I bond him?"

A friendly man, Ernest has made efforts to get to know the members of his new Coterie, though with a bit more tact than Olivia with whom he has an unexpected Vaulderie pact with due to some incredible timing in his attempts to prevent her from touching some dangerous magical artefacts. While he has been becoming more and more a part of the vampire world, he is still trying to stay connected with his daughter with whom his relationship has become strained. Worried for their safety he has tried to send them to America but those plans stalled when Celeste reported her husband Jonathan missing to him. Although she doesn't know it, Jonathan was found rather quickly, in a cell at Clement's police station having been radicalised by the Brotherhood of Judas, a vampire hunting organisation who have told him of Ernest's nature. After several attempts to wipe the influence of the Brotherhood from Jonathan's mind failed, Francesca finally succeeded, only for Robin to accidentally traumatise him into a suicide attempt with the revelation that he had violently murdered someone (Kindred).

Ernest's family concerns have also lead him to sympathise with the Brujah Arthur who has seceded from Mithras' court in the wake of his disappearance to create an Anarch Barony where it is not illegal to reveal your vampire nature to your loved ones. In the midst of all these events Ernest also has a budding relationship with the explosives expert Karim, whom he has discovered is also an expert tailor.

Catherine Fitzgerald

"My goodness!"

  • BIRTHDAY 14/01/1868
  • AGE 19/20
  • SEX Female
  • Sire Isabella

Lady Catherine, who goes by Kitty, was a young sickly woman in life who never expected to make it to twenty until Isabella, an older woman who took Catherine under wing, revealed herself to be a vampire and invited Kitty to join her as one. Kitty has continued to live as a human in London, away from her family, and has praised a night time lifestyle as a marvellous new treatment suggested by her doctor for her somewhat improved health, though she still played the part of the sick young woman to not arouse too much suspicion while Isabella prepared her for her presentation at Elysium.


One night before an important mission Kitty checked her household to find them slaughtered, including the woman who had practically raised her since she was sent to London. Mad with grief her self control slipped and she nearly mawled Josephine in a frenzy, but regained control and was able to complete the mission properly. When a meeting was called for the Coterie and their sires, she was introduced to the Scourge of London, Adam, who promised to find the ones responsible for the massacre. When the special Elysium was called, Kitty was given the chance to execute the Brujah behind it, and did so with the help of a Draught of Potence from Adam. When the Brujah Primogen declared himself Baron after the reveal of Mithras' disappearance, Kitty stood up to him and engaged in a political debate.

A lover of literature, especially of the romance genre, Kitty is a member of a ladies literature club and has even published a short novel under a penname, and holds to this hobby even after her Embrace. As the daughter of a Duke, Kitty is used to being around other aristocrats and staying out of trouble, so suffered several shocks when joining the Coterie and naturally gravitated towards Lady Josephine, though she has never faulted in her manners and is keen to help solve the mystery of the Leather Apron Killer, eager to make her sire proud. Her confidence was shattered after a recon mission went wrong and a shot from William's electrified gun threw her straight into torpor, but has been recently rebuilt thanks to Isabella taking her to Darius for training and getting her to join them and Adam for some werewolf hunting.


"Got a smoke?"

  • CREATOR Unknown
  • HEIGHT 111cm
  • BIRTHDAY 15/09 (Assigned)
  • AGE 10 (Approximate)
  • SEX Male
  • Sire N/A

Hector is a young boy that the Coterie rescued from Manfred's feeding grounds who was very impressed with Karim's demolition of the orphange and asked him for a cigarette, leading Josephine to take notice of him and decide to adopt him. Josephine had him set up with her friend Hakkerston whose legal expertise helped with the adoption while his Ghoul David babysat him. When Josephine came to pick him up she declared the day she took him in to be his birthday and presented him with a knife as a present. Hector was very happy with his gift.

"Can I have your knife?."

Hector was a street kid and doesn't know much about his parents or himself in regards to things like birthdays and age. He's generally sceptical of people and can be quite sneaky, with a talent for sleight of hand. Hector is cool headed, follows his survival instinct, and has an eager eye for the criminal. He thinks the Coterie members are witches. Josephine wants to raise Hector to understand vampires and wants to make sure he wouldn't be the kind to fall prey to the Brotherhood of Judas' radicalisation, and hopes to Embrace him when he is old enough.

Hector accompanied the Coterie, Kharak, and Karim to the Brotherhood of Judas' headquarters for what was supposed to be a reconnaissance only mission that ended up going terribly wrong. Olivia tried to protect Hector and even managed to make sure to take him with her when running from the fire in a fear Frenzy. After calming down and making her way back to the others with Hector in her arms they came across William who shot Olivia in the shoulder with his electrified gun, putting her in torpor. Hector stayed by her side until Kharak and the others arrived.

More recently, Hector took an interest in magic and sneakily stole some magical objects from Edmund's lab when the Coterie came to find Olivia, starting him off on a slippery slope that lead to him spending several years in the Hedge, though barely an hour had passed outside of it, and becoming some sort of half-faerie.

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