Catherine "Kitty" FitzGerald (NPCs: Antagonists)



2 years, 8 months ago



Some important/favourite NPCs, including the sires of the main cast (that are still around) and other characters that interact with the player characters the most.


Quote or tag line goes here

  • CREATOR Storyteller
  • HEIGHT 145cm
  • BIRTHDAY Unknown
  • AGE Unknown
  • SEX Male
  • Role Victim?
  • Species Human?
  • THEME David

Originally a suspect in the Leather Apron Killer case, further information has lead to the idea that Jack seems to be an unwitting participant in it. It has been revealed instead that the Ripper, a strange wraith-like entity instead is the killer, but is hunting down those that consume Jack's blood, and seemingly is after Jack himself. His blood is apparently hard to resist.

"Quote or something."

He was first implicated when 'The Good Father' Athra chose "I'm sorry Jack" as his dying words. Then when the investigation lead the Coterie to an Orphanage that was under Manfred's control (and seemingly previously connected to Edmuns) the Coterie was able to save Manfred's current victim, a young boy who they sent out with Sebastian to get him to safety. When they went to look for him though he was missing, and they learned that the boy in question was Jack. They had a shirt with some of his blood on it though, and upon providing it to Francesca she was able to learn that something was hunting Jack and that he was special. Furthermore, when Charles the Wraith was moving on, he told Robin that he had seen the Ripper, that it was like a Wraith but not quite, and that it had threatened him to keep quiet or it would destroy him,

Most recently Olivia has realised that she had taken some of Manfred's blood while the Coterie was subduing him, and that it might hold some of Jack's blood in it since he had fed so recently. She asked Karim to help her separate out the Vitae from the blood and he was successful, now it is just the matter of using it.

The Ripper

"Looks like you've got a bit of Jack in you, I'll be taking that..."

  • CREATOR Storyteller
  • HEIGHT ???cm
  • BIRTHDAY Unknown
  • AGE Unknown
  • SEX N/A
  • Role Serial Killer

A wraithlike entity with a shifting face, the Ripper is the being behind the Leather Apron murders, and does indeed wear the apron for it. He seems to be hunting down Jack and retrieving his blood, with some ability to sense it and the power to freeze his victims in place.

"Quote or something."

The Ripper was first learned of when the Wraith Charles was moving on and revealed to Robin that he had seen it, and been threatened with destruction if he revealed anything. He was first seen during the second Elysium, right as Adam was about to execute Manfred he appeared, freezing everyone in place including the Elders among them, and pulled Jack's blood out of Manfred, before disappearing again. Many in the crowd assumed it had been Adam's powers of Oblivion doing this based on how he had simply moved on with the executions, but those familiar with the power and the Coterie knew it was not tha case. The revelation of its power and that the kills were based on having had Jack's blood raised concerns for Francesca, and Kharak warded her hospital and room to the best of his abilities, but sadly it was not enough. Francesca seemed to know what was coming though, and invited Robin to see her, resulting in him witnessing her death, and had her Ghoul prepared with instructions for him.

The most recent information on the Wraith came from Olivia utilising a ritual to look back into the past and witness one of the first murders. Here she got a much closer look at the Ripper, leather apron and all, and watched as he cut away pieces of the Kindred victim while she was frozen, and listening as he talked about how she had taken 'too much' of Jack and that she 'wouldn't be the same' after he took it out.


Quote or tag line goes here

  • CREATOR Alice + Storyteller
  • HEIGHT ---
  • BIRTHDAY Unknown
  • AGE Unknown
  • SEX Male
  • Role Hunter
  • Species Human
  • THEME Ghost

William was Robin's best friend and fellow policemen, who together with Robin secretly investigated Clement for corruption. At some point in the process William disappeared though, and Robin assumed Clement had killed him while Clement just assumed he was out of his hair. However, the incident at the Hunter's warehouse revealed that Wililam was not only very much alive but was in fact the newly appointed leader of the Brotherhood of Judas, a vampire hunting group.

"Quote or something."

During their meeting in the warehouse, one of his men noticed Kitty in her bat form and reported it to William, who forced the chained Thinblood Ezekiel to negate all Disciplines in the vicinity, forcing Josephine out of the rat she was controlling and Kitty back into her human form, now hanging from the rafters. While Kharak was ripping up the roofing to get her out, William shot Kitty in the leg sending her into Torpo. When William came face to face with Robin in the burning warehouse, he put down his gun to give Robin the chance to talk, however when Robin saw Josephine ina frenzy and draining one of William's colleagues he pushed past to try and stop her. William saw this as Robin choosing Kindred over him and left. While escaping he came across Olivia and Hector, remarked that Hector was being used, and asked Olivia to give Robin a message to which she naturally happily agreed before he shot her in the arm and sent her into Torpor too.

Robin has been agonising over his best friend's actions, even going so far as to hug Olivia and Kitty. After calling upon a Premonition he foresaw Adam, who has been tasked with hunting down the Hunters, killing William. Robin went to Adam to ask him not to kill Wililam if he found him, and they discussed the issues of the situation, Adam only promising to give Robin a chance to talk to William if it was feasible.


Quote or tag line goes here

  • CREATOR Storyteller
  • HEIGHT ---cm
  • BIRTHDAY Unknown
  • AGE Unknown
  • SEX Male
  • Sire Nicholas Hale

Athra was the first proper antagonist the Coterie encountered, known as 'The Good Father' he had been implicated in relation to the murders by the previous investigating Coterie, and was found to be involved in some sort of child trafficking scheme taking in the children of those who could not care for them.

"I'm sorry Jack..."

When the Coterie encountered him in his church with Kharak blocking the doors, he was becoming a wight with a shard of black faerie glass stuck in his heart. The local priest tried to sacrifice himself to get everyone else away but the Coterie insisted on finding and confronting him. During the fight Kitty and Olivia were able to pull the shard of glass from his heart and he actually appeared to be recovering, when suddenly a mysterious Tsimisce (later learned to be called Kyoko) floated down from the ceiling, reached into his chest, pulled out his heart, and stored it in her leg beofre leaving.

Further investigation revealed that he had been trafficking children through tunnels under the church to Manfred's orhpange to be fed upon as aprt of some as of yet unknown deal.


Quote or tag line goes here

  • CREATOR Storyteller
  • HEIGHT ---cm
  • BIRTHDAY Unknown
  • AGE Unknown
  • SEX Male
  • Sire Unknown

Manfred had Ghouled Ernest for some time before Willow turned him, and was furious when she did. He was an unpleasant man in the court and Ernest was glad to be free of him, though unexpected discoveries were made during the Coterie's investigation of the Leather Apron Killer.

"Quote or something."

Manfred was found to be using an Orphanage to meet his feeding needs - children, some of whom were supplied by Athra through his church as part of some sort of deal. When the Coterie broke in they found that Manfred was photographing his feeding sessions, and that he seemed to focus on young boys. After an encounter with Josephine's malicious sire Friedrich, the Coterie captured Manfred and investigated his rooms, discovering a journal the revealed him to be a member of the cult of Lilith, which included a dried former member of his body...

Manfred was sentenced to execution for his membership in the cult thanks to the blatant evidence found by the Coterie, however before Adam could execute him the Ripper appeared freezing everyone in place and pulling Jack's blood from Manfred's body, killing him.


Quote or tag line goes here

  • CREATOR Storyteller
  • HEIGHT ---cm
  • BIRTHDAY Unknown
  • AGE Unknown
  • SEX Female
  • Sire Unknown

Gabriel is a Salubri who has been masquerading as a Toreador called Scarlett and acting as a Harpy in London. She had been providing Edmund with information to assist it goals but it was all in the service of her own.

"Quote or something."

Maecenas venenatis, ligula at cursus viverra, purus orci dictum ipsum, viverra faucibus eros sapien non dui. In ullamcorper augue ligula, et egestas lacus maximus quis. Integer sed ligula lacinia, posuere erat vitae, euismod lorem. Curabitur fermentum risus sed erat laoreet luctus. Maecenas ornare iaculis eleifend. Mauris imperdiet vestibulum nunc nec malesuada. Phasellus in aliquam metus. Pellentesque sed lorem non lorem lobortis pretium nec ac sapien. Proin in est nec mi pretium placerat. Nam vehicula lorem suscipit elit viverra, ac fermentum nisl iaculis. Vivamus semper euismod eros, non tincidunt eros auctor eu. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque maximus in purus eget luctus. Vivamus sit amet tellus id orci posuere aliquet sit amet sit amet nibh. In mi ligula, vulputate vel mauris quis, tristique interdum eros. Etiam efficitur, ipsum a tempor varius, turpis velit ultrices sapien, et rutrum ipsum lectus a felis.

Donec nec justo sed ex placerat scelerisque. Fusce fringilla, diam non placerat laoreet, neque metus volutpat velit, sit amet ultrices mauris elit eget leo. Suspendisse efficitur iaculis arcu. Donec a metus vitae risus ultrices gravida. Cras ac sem orci. Donec nec feugiat velit. Praesent dictum sed mi eget mollis. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas sagittis enim nec facilisis interdum. Sed tempus viverra pretium. Donec finibus nec orci quis bibendum. Mauris condimentum metus tellus, id varius augue sodales eu. Suspendisse pulvinar lorem laoreet turpis vehicula maximus.

Queen Anne

Quote or tag line goes here

  • BIRTHDAY Unknown
  • AGE ??/300+
  • SEX Female
  • Sire Unknown

Talk about the character here. The box with the image at the side will change height depending on how long your text is. Nulla euismod, turpis sed hendrerit lobortis, orci felis finibus libero, eu mollis est justo et massa. Pellentesque a finibus mauris, et scelerisque odio. Vestibulum quis dapibus tortor. Aliquam volutpat, nibh ac facilisis tempor, odio dolor pellentesque sapien, a blandit ligula risus ac orci. Aliquam vel tellus ac orci elementum vestibulum at eget risus. Duis non turpis malesuada, venenatis lectus sit amet, efficitur lacus. Sed ultrices tellus nec orci semper luctus. Suspendisse semper mauris at dolor euismod semper.

"Quote or something."

Maecenas venenatis, ligula at cursus viverra, purus orci dictum ipsum, viverra faucibus eros sapien non dui. In ullamcorper augue ligula, et egestas lacus maximus quis. Integer sed ligula lacinia, posuere erat vitae, euismod lorem. Curabitur fermentum risus sed erat laoreet luctus. Maecenas ornare iaculis eleifend. Mauris imperdiet vestibulum nunc nec malesuada. Phasellus in aliquam metus. Pellentesque sed lorem non lorem lobortis pretium nec ac sapien. Proin in est nec mi pretium placerat. Nam vehicula lorem suscipit elit viverra, ac fermentum nisl iaculis. Vivamus semper euismod eros, non tincidunt eros auctor eu. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque maximus in purus eget luctus. Vivamus sit amet tellus id orci posuere aliquet sit amet sit amet nibh. In mi ligula, vulputate vel mauris quis, tristique interdum eros. Etiam efficitur, ipsum a tempor varius, turpis velit ultrices sapien, et rutrum ipsum lectus a felis.

Donec nec justo sed ex placerat scelerisque. Fusce fringilla, diam non placerat laoreet, neque metus volutpat velit, sit amet ultrices mauris elit eget leo. Suspendisse efficitur iaculis arcu. Donec a metus vitae risus ultrices gravida. Cras ac sem orci. Donec nec feugiat velit. Praesent dictum sed mi eget mollis. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas sagittis enim nec facilisis interdum. Sed tempus viverra pretium. Donec finibus nec orci quis bibendum. Mauris condimentum metus tellus, id varius augue sodales eu. Suspendisse pulvinar lorem laoreet turpis vehicula maximus.

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