


6 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info

Obtained ||

MYO slot bought for me by @Fleureni

Worth ||


Attachment Lv ||

my actual child do not touch



Nicknames Cas, Rosebud
Pronouns They/Them | He/Him
Birthday January 18th
Orientation Demirom Homosexual
Status Taken
Role Fashion/Lingerie Model
Moodboard ♡ ♡ ♡
Playlist ♪♫♩♪

At first glance Cas comes off as really bitchy and arrogant. They may seem like they're full of themself and not show a lot of emotion but its really all just for show to hide how insecure they really are. In reality Caspian has a terrible sense of self esteem due to their past and because of this they tend to constantly whine and beg for attention and have no problem whatsoever doing so with little to no shame. They're really dramatic when it comes to their mannerisms, very expressively talking with their hands and if upset turning into an actual child that huffs and pouts everywhere. Part of it could be just to draw more attention to themself but they are also just like that.

If you do actually have the patience or personality that allows you to get closer to them, usually you'll notice their whole demeanor change. Cas will tends to get more clingy with the people their close to, including physically. They won't hesitiate to latch onto someone's arm or touch them in any way to get their attention or just be close to them in general (as long as they have their consent of course). In public they might still keep their "better than everyone" show up, but if its just you and them they will loosen up a bit and you might even get lucky enough to make them crack a genuine smile or laugh.

It also might not seem like it at first but deep down Caspian really does care a lot about other people. Since they faced a lot of pain in their past they're very bent on making it so that others don't have to feel the same they did growing up. Although usually cowardly, they have absolutely no fear and will not hesitate to speak up about the things they believe in. They also care very deeply for those that manage to get really close to them. Caspian has never been good at expressing their feelings of even platonic affection to people and even gets flustered and embarassed when they try to, but they do still really care. In general they try and express these feelings by getting others really exspensive and thoughtful gifts or doing things to assist or make the other happy in some way.

All in all Cas is a lot softer and kinder than you may first assume, if you manage to crack through the mask they put on you'll find that they really are a very kind and reliable person to have around.


  • pink
  • roses
  • fashion and modeling
  • pretty things and aesthetics
  • being spoiled, called pretty, attention, etc.
  • their friends (even if they don't say it out loud often)
  • being physically and emotionally close to people


  • being ignored
  • embarassment/humiliation
  • extra busy work schedules
  • people cuter than them (jokingly)
  • feeling they're not good enough
  • being told they can't or getting criticized for wearing what they want
  • people who only want to befriend them for their good looks or money


  • Their saliva tastes like rose water
  • They're not really interested in romance mostly because they're too afraid of falling in love. Partially because of their ex, but also just because of their general insecurity and fear of not being enough as well.
  • Despite having a decent amount of money Cas still sleeps on the couch in Cody's apartment because they prefer to spend their money on clothes instead of a bed. Plus there's not really anywhere to put one anyways. They could share the bed with the other two, there's plenty of room, but they always VIOLENTLY REFUSE.
  • Cas' guilty pleasure is that they rEALLY like girl bands/groups/idols/singers (really just any female pop musician/artist). They're like a teenage girl that hoards posters and CDs, goes to every concert they possibly can, and puts all their ticket stubs and momentos in a scrapbook. It's a good thing Cody doesn't clean too thoroughly because if he discovered Cas's collection stashed under the coach they would die in embarassment. So far the only people that know of this secret are Yoana and their mom.
  • They get jealous very easily, especially if you're cute/pretty because they probably think you're more attractive than them. They never let it completely take over though and still will have no problem helping them to look prettier since they like making people feel good about themselves more than they hate feeling inferior but they may pout and be fake grumpy and whine about it the whole time.
  • The only person Cas will willingly admit is prettier than them is their mom. They had to get their looks from SOMEWHERE and honestly Cas just loves their mom and misses her a whole lot. They think she is the prettiest, most amazing woman to have ever existed.
  • Cas also gets really defensive whenever someone tries to talk shit about their mom even as a 'joke', or even women in general because they take that also as an attack towards their mother. Not to mention they just really admire women so they won't let others disrespect them and get away with it.
  • On that topic they're also actually really intimidated by girls and women, especially if they're extra cute/gorgeous. They will get flustered if they have to interact them and even become somewhat shy.
  • When it comes to pronouns, Cas generally doesn't have a prefence if you use they or he when referring to them, as long as you do switch it up a bit to show you acknowledge that they do indeed use both sets. If you would rather just stick to one however, they/them is the better pick.
  • They have a rainbow sprinkle patterned Hello Kitty plush that their mom gave to them for one of their birthdays as a kid. To this day they still sleep with it at least nearby and tend to cuddle with it when they especially miss their mom.
  • Cas absolutely HATES pants. They might sometimes wear a more stylish or feminine pair now and then and also doesn't mind wearing them for a few hours for a photoshoot for work but otherwise they absolutely despise them. It's heavily linked to the fact it reminds them of when their father would tell them to change into pants to hide their stockings when they went out, so wearing pants can cause them a great deal of distress and dysphoria.
  • One of Cas's big dreams is to become well-known enough of a model that they'll get to create their own fashion/cosmetic/beauty lines etc. that they plan to use to promote and support the rights of transgender individuals AND to find and love your own beauty no matter who you are or what you look like.



Cas was born to an incredibly beautiful, caring, Dainty mother and hardworking, stubborn, human father. Cas's early childhood was fairly simple, their mother was absolutely in love with them and rarely a moment passed where she wasn't showering her precious child in affection or spoiling them with all the toys and things they wanted as long as Cas had used their manners when asking. Cas's father on the other hand was not as delighted by his child as he wasn't too interested in having to raise one in the first place, but Caspian made his wife beyond happy so that was enough to make him happy as well. So other than that Caspian had nearly the same upbringing as any other average kid in their area.

While its easy to say that Cas definitely got their good looks from their mother, it wasn't until they were about 9 or 10 that they actually started to take interest in keeping up with them. It all started one day when their mom was getting ready to go out with some friends for the night. Cas wanting attention as usual went to go search for her and had found her in her bedroom at her vanity with all sorts of makeup and accessories spread all over its surface. As any young child would be, Cas was very curious as to what this was all for. So as they quietly stood and observed from afar as she put it all on, they came to the realization that THAT must be how she had looked extra beautiful some days. Even during those early years Cas admired their mother's beauty so experiencing that made them want to try it out for themself!

After an incredibly amusing first attempt that ended with Caspian having to get permanent marker washed off of half their fact which left their mother in tears from laughing, Cas's mom was more than thrilled to get her child into makeup and even bough them their first makeup kit to show her support. And from that moment Cas just built up with cute clothes and started taking makeup more seriously as the months went on. As an extremely feminine woman herself, Cas's mother had nothing but excitement towards having a child that she could share her love for dressing up with, but as you can probably guess their father was not nearly as thrilled or supportive of this new hobby as she was.

He didn't think it was right for his son to be playing around with 'girly' clothes and makeup, and that discouragement only increased when the pink, frilly pattern of Cas's stockings started to grow in. Cas's father was never downright cruel or aggressive with his comments on Cas's preference for slightly more feminine style clothing and overall appearance, but his words always had that certain tone to them that made Caspian feel like they were being looked down on or they weren't meeting their father's expectations. Not being used to this kind of negative attention, Cas decided to start keeping their times of dress up to themself from then on. They'd lock themself in their room to get dolled up and take selfie photoshoots in their mirror to share with their mother later without their father having to be around to hear his unnecessary input.


As Caspian approached the age of 16 their love for fashion and makeup only grew stronger, their "girly" pink stockings had fully grown in, and their father's disapproval of letting them express themself how they wanted all ended up throwing Cas into an identity crisis. They just didn't feel comfortable in their own skin when they had to go out dressed masculine all the time, sometimes even being told to hide their stockings and wear pants to save their father from the "embarrassment" of having a son with pink sparkly stockings. It was only at those times where they had makeup and a skirt on that they really felt like themself. There was a chunk of time where Cas wondered if maybe they were meant to be a girl, but eventually came to the conclusion that being completely female didn't feel right either. While they hated being forced to dressed masculinely, a touch of more 'boyish' clothing here and there or softer and prettier men's fashion still made Cas feel okay with themself at times. What specifically made them feel themself changed nearly day to day and it ended up taking a lot of experimentation and self discovery to finding out that they identified as genderfluid.

For several months after Cas still kept this to themself in fear their parents would reject them and stop loving them entirely. But they really couldn't stand pretending to be the "son" they weren't either. They realized their mother would likely be the easier of the two to start with since they were already close and she had been overly supportive of them so far. So once Caspian managed to gather up enough courage, they sat down together when their father was out at work to have the talk with her. Just as she had been with Caspian's initial interest in fashion and makeup, Cas's mother was super supportive of her child coming out and was extremely proud of them for finding themself and being able to come forth and tell her everything even though they were terrified of rejection. She was even there to encourage them and hold Cas's hand (literally) when they eventually decided to come out to their dad as well. Their dad didn't take it horribly.... but he definetly did not take it well either. In fact his dad kinda just seemed brush it off and disregard that that moment had even happened at all. Cas's mother noticed this and how much it upset Cas so she had attempted multiple times to talk with him about it but her husband still gave the same reaction as always even to his own wife. Frustrated, their mother gave up on reasoning with him but still encouraged Caspian to continue to be themself and follow their love for fashion and that she'd support them no matter what and even twice as hard to make up for him.

And eventually, Cas decided to do just that. After many more months of trying to be themself while still having their dad passively breathing down their neck with disapproval, it was still too much for them so Cas decided to leave home and try and pursue a career in modeling immediately after graduating highschool. That way they could not only dress more how they want, but hopefully make a living off of it as well. Cas's mother was admittedly a little heartbroken when her beloved child was leaving home so early as all mothers would, but she kept her promise and gave them all of her support to go and chase their dreams and couldn't be more proud of Cas for doing so. And thanks to their mother blessing them with her good looks, they were able to land such a job quite easily as well as quickly once they took off and started looking. Not to mention the modeling company they were scooped up by adored his lovely freckles and being a Dainty, the natural charm the species possessed also struck the company as an advantage that could be a useful marketing point. Thus the beginning of Cas's modeling career began, and they had already loved it from the very start! Until the issue came of where they would be staying since it wouldn't be at their parent's home anymore.

For a while Cas just kinda crashed on lounge couches or in dressing rooms of the places they worked if permitted, or would even ask to stay with fellow coworkers/models for a night or a few. Occasionally Cas would even charm random strangers they saw trustworthy enough or hotel workers to let them crash for a bit, and in even slightly rarer cases they'd even go as far to offer sleep with them if it meant they could have a roof over their head for a night. This was always a last resort and something Cas is most definitely not proud of but they refused to go home again in fear that they'd just be even more dissappointing to their father, since returning home would mean they were also unable to achieve the goals they had set out to accomplish.

Somewhere in this mess Cas also had a boyfriend that let them stay at his place for a bit, but that relationship didn't last long and ended up very messy as well. Turns out the guy was only using Cas for their money and only "loved" them because they were attractive but aside from that didn't really have any other genuine feelings towards Cas. So Caspian left him and his apartment and picked up their old routine of scavanging for a roof every night, which made them feel worse now after the blow to their self esteem that relationship just took.

Thankfully one day through work Caspian ended up coming into contact with a photographer by the name Cody, who Cas immediately caught the attention of. At the end of their day of working together, Cody overheard them asking around for somewhere to stay for the night while he was getting ready to leave. When no one was offering the dainty a place to stay, he stepped in himself and offered for Caspian to come stay with him for the night or however long they needed if they'd like. He made sure to bring up the other Dainty he was housing at his apartment already which seemend to put Cas a little more at ease. If he was already a host to a Dainty that showed there was a lesser chance of Cas being put into a potentially dangerous situation. And so badly needing a place to stay, Cas agreed.

Little did they know that just crashing for a few nights would end up with them sticking around permanently. After Cas had stayed for a few weeks and had gotten a bit more comfortable in their new surroundings they learned that Cody was pretty trustworthy, so they caved and agreed to officially consider themself moved in. Cody's appartment was conveniently close to most of the venues Cas visited for work and there were public transportation sources all around so it definitely provided a secure place to come home to that made it efficient to get back and forth from work. The other dainty living there was not thrilled with Cas's sudden intrusion and share of attention at first, but she quickly grew out of that once she had taken a liking to Cas too and realizing Cody didnt treat her any different now that Caspian was here. From there she even liked him enough that she would bother him to no end like a little kid. Though annoying, Cas managed to warm up to her after a while as well and slowly the two have continued to grow closer and form an almost sibling-like bond.


Today, Cas lives as comfortably as they can in Cody's apartment where their bedroom is the living room, but they have place to stay with a host that takes good care of them and they can continue to work towards doing more of what they love. They're still a huge insecure mess so things aren't completely perfect but handling their overwhelming insecurity and other related issues is the next set of oncoming obstacles they have to face.



Amélie Bellerose [ Mother ]

Cas has an extremely strong bond with their mother. They may be apart now but they still call and check up on each other as often as Cas's schedule allows. Cas's mom is their absolute biggest role model and even from childhood they've admired her deeply and she's been the biggest source of support for them all their life.


Cody [ Host ]

They met through work and Cody offered Cas a place to stay for the night which turned into them staying there permanently. Cody likes to pick on Cas a lot to intentionally fluster them. He thinks Cas is cute when flustered but the small Dainty certainly doesn't find it nearly as amusing. They might yell at him a lot but they are still extremely thankful the man gave him a place to stay


Yoana Holloway [ Rommate/Friend? ]

At first these two didn't really get along all that well. Mostly because Yoana didn't like the sudden newcomer, but eventually the two did warm up more to one another and act almost like siblings now. Yoana is always there to cheer Cas up and in return Cas is there to protect Yoana if ever needed. Well when Yoana isn't dragging them off into whatever crazy adventures she has planned or annoying Cas to no end that is.

❥ For more of Caspian's relationships go to their links tab in the left sidebar! I just wanted to keep this part of their bio simple with the most prominent characters involved in their story.

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