Matcher Kitt



Name: Matcher Kitt

Nicknames: Cat Boy (Truvius), Hybrid (Skullmore)

Age: 20

Gender: Male 

Skin Tone: Sand

Eyes: Gingerbread Brown

Hair: Orchid Purple

Race: American

Species: Human/Cat 

Height: 5'7

Weight: 137

Sexuality: Pansexual

Relationship Status:  Single

Birthday: November 24

Sign: Sagittarius

Abilities: Retractable Claws, Cat Tail, Heighten Hearing

Likes: Chasing things, Birds, Rats, An called "Cat Attack", Seth, Unity, His teammates, Giant pillows, Boxes, Scratching couches, Scratching Post, Falling from high places, Getting friends presents, Bells, Fish, Sushi, Yarn

Dislikes: Water, Being bored, Dogs, Pulling his tail, Missing his favorite show, Getting in trouble, Glass breaking, Forgetting things, Danger, Fountains, Letting his friends down, 

Voice Headcannon: Ian Walker:

Theme Song: Stray Cat Strut By Stray Cat

Personality: Matcher is an optimist. Always seeing the bright side of most situations, he is definitely the most cheerful person around. He is a social butterfly as well, making friends with almost anyone he meets. This tends to get him into some trouble. He blissfully walks into situations not realizing it could be dangerous and it doesn't help that he has the attention span of a goldfish. He sees most things as a child would. It's all fun and games. However, with all these flaws, Matcher is a loyal friend through and through. Doing whatever he can to make sure the town is safe and his team saves the day!

Bio: For as long as Matcher could remember, he lived on the streets of Novanoid. He didn't have what most people would call a normal family. He was raised in the alleyways by a litter of cats. He spent most of his childhood following them around and learning how to survive. This cycle continued until he was found by Seth Glass one day. He was used to just watching people pass by but this one piqued his interest. So he followed him to his home. Seth of course was freaked out by this until he finally asked him why he was following him around. Eventually, the two talked it out and Seth agreed to give Matcher a place to live. This eventually leads to him joining Seth's superhero team "Unity". The rest is history.