Shuku Raynia



3 years, 3 days ago


Name: Shuku Raynia

Nicknames: Fuckboy (Multiple People), Waste Of Air (Truvius)

Age: 21

Gender: Male 

Skin Tone: Tequila (Alien Version: Sandy Yellow & Malibu Blue)

Eyes: Baby Blue

Hair: Silver Grey 

Race: American/Sunaraian 

Species: Sunaraian 

Height: 5'11

Weight: 169

Sexuality: Bi-Curious

Relationship Status: Single

Birthday: August 11

Sign: Leo

Abilities: Aerokinesis, Flight

Weapon: Manipulating air to turn into any weapon

Likes: Women, Money, Expensive cars, Fame, Martini's, Hot weather, Surfing, Rollercoasters, Running, Skydiving, Hand to hand combat, Memes, Pranks, Hippos, Frisbees, Video Games, Pancakes, Raves, Parties

Dislikes: Not being paid attention to, Being rejected, Too much work, Cold weather, Reading, Listening to orders, Ugly Sweaters, Sleeping, Puzzles, Documentaries, 

Voice Headcannon: Yuri Lowenthal:

Theme Song: Men Are Trash by Scotty Sire

Personality: The arrogance goes deep with this one. Shuku not knowing a whole lot about communicating with people comes off as very rude. He is very egotistical thanks to the hero status. He loves to get attention from as many people as possible. He is much more headstrong than his twin brother Duku when jumping into action. His confidence is both his defining quality and his biggest weakness. He loves to outshine the other members if he can. Even though they are his friends he adores the competition. However, with all the negatives, there are positives. Humorous and passionate about what he loves he is a character that is for sure. Hope he doesn't steal the spotlight too much...

Bio:  Shuku and his twin brother Duku spent every minute together since birth, being twins and all. They are known as "Sunaraian's" which basically means they are aliens who live on the Sun. They had a pretty normal life for aliens one would say. But as time went on Shuku wanted to see the planet they spent so long staring at. So Shuku convinced his mother to let him and Duku see Earth and live on it. Dawning their human disguises they went to Earth, exploring the world and seeing new things was just what Shuku needed. Eventually, Shuku grew an interest in crime-fighting and just happened to run into Seth Glass who needed teammates. After a very quick audition process, he is now known as Shuku Raynia the cockiest member of Unity.