
3 years, 17 days ago


-- Nini, wait for me!  

Name: Jiji
Age: 15 (KHUX)
Status: Sleeping
Foreteller: Gula

   Jiji is an innocent, eager girl. Though she fell originally under Leopardus, Jiji has a habit of trying to make friends in other Unions rather than her own. She barely escaped the Keyblade War that pitted Union against Union and that's good, that wasn't her scene, she's just here to have fun. She's glad all the Foretellers seem to be less angry now, since this means she can hang out with her 'friends' all across the factions without anyone getting too mad.

   Jiji has a standard Starlight keyblade and doesn't really bother with building it up or customizing the thing. Fighting isn't really her gig, she does it because that's what's asked of her, so what she's hitting enemies with is just a second thought. Her talents lie in a 50/50 magic and physical combat style. She's incredibly acrobatic and playful with her moves. Bouncy steps and handsprings to get her higher in the air for downward swings tend to be her go-to moves and her closest friend has told her it looks like she belongs in the circus rather than on a battlefield.

   Jiji can be a lot to handle and she doesn't realize it half of the time. She's naïve and curious, easy to trick with "just do it, and I'll tell you later," and the bigger picture tends to confuse and scare her. The simplier things are explained, the better. It's not as if Jiji is slow on the uptake or unintelligent, but the reality of the universe is a lot to grasp when all she wants to do is hang out with her friend and have a good time. It's almost a defensive mechanism built into her system; if she doesn't think about it too hard, it can't hurt her. Because of this, it's hard for her to make friends, and more difficult for her to keep them. Either the person gets tired with her childish antics and gives up on her, or she thinks they're too mean and pulls away on her own terms.
   She fancies herself a make-up and fashion fan, though she's not very good at either one. Her tastes lean to the eclectic and it's not as if there was anyone around to teach her how to properly apply eyeliner or eyeshadow. It makes her look somewhat of a smudged mess but she's managed to (somewhat) pull it off. Since she also cuts and styles her own hair, it's sort of like the whole disaster was on purpose. It's not like anyone's insults really land-- they're not wearing makeup, anyway, so what do they know?


♥ Nisang:
-   Her 'One Friend', teasingly nicknamed 'Nini'. She had approached him after returning from a mission, having seen him hanging around by the main fountain looking a little bored "and pretty cool!" Nisang didn't really want much to do with her at first, but her perseverance and Nisang's own 'well this might as well happen' acceptance had her sticking to him like glue. She hangs off him like he was built for it, dragging him around by their linked arms a lot of the time. She even convinced him to try her make-up on once, and she was a little mad he was such a natural at applying it but the feeling didn't stick long. They're certainly an odd pair, sticking out among the other dandelions to the degree that when one is without the other, they'll be asked where they are. Nisang's haori himo looked so much like a puffball to Jiji, and Jiji has puffs on her outfit, that she decided they are now their "Best friend charms" and makes it a point to add more puffs to her outfits.
   Since he's her only actual friend, Jiji's unaware that what they're doing is rather 'coupley' in nature and reacts in a confused way when people ask if they're together. Yes? Of course they're together, Nini is her best friend. She loves him! He's her Nini!! Any of their teasing doesn't stick, and her confused reactions have lead Nisang to believe that she has no interest in him and he's firmly in the friend zone. Sometimes when Nisang hangs out with other people, Jiji gets an uncomfortable feeling in her chest she chocks up to just being hungry or sleepy. Those people aren't flirting with Nisang, though, so she can't put two and two together that what she's feeling is jealousy.

The End:
   Jiji was just a standard keyblade wielder who barely made the cut to be taken in and trained by Ava into a Dandelion, and didn't realize there is anything that dangerous was going on until the world is starting to fall apart. She was terrified, not fully grasping what was happening. Her best friend was a little closer with the other Dandelions and seemed to know some of what was up, but even he didn't seem to fully grasp what was happening in the end. Or, maybe he just didn't tell her. As the digital world went to sleep, Jiji was hiding under a desk in an abandoned building, both Chirithy in their laps, with Nisang wrapped around her like that'd help protect either of them from the World's End. They fell at the same time, both choosing to Sleep and turn into Dreameaters with their Chirithy's help than risk separating and living on without each other. Jiji's last words were "Nini, please don't leave,"

Little Extras:

   Sleep Habits: 
Jiji appreciates her sleep and always gets in 8 hours of it, but the timing of those 8 hours Does Not Matter to her. She will usually attempt 'normal' sleeping hours for what it's worth, aiming for somewhere around 9pm to 10pm, but if she ends up going to sleep at 3am you better believe she will still get her full 8 hours in. She has somewhat of a strong internal clock, and doesn't need an alarm clock to wake herself back up.

x - Jiji's dreameater state is a Jestabocky
x - She has literally no idea she has a crush on Nisang.
x - Previously, she and Nisang didn't get transferred to the Dandelions and died in the war. Nisang refused to let anyone else kill her, and took Jiji's heart by his own keyblade. Some of their first art shows this, but it's since been retconned because I really wanted to give them dreameater states