
5 years, 4 months ago


-- I feel like there are three people inside of me, and nobody knows how to drive this thing. 

Name: Celix [Elci]
Age: ??
Status: Technically Somebody? Maybe.

   An early era Replica experiment using just Data. In their quest to try to make a perfect replica for Xehanort, Vexen got a little desperate and tried everything-- up to and including attempting to adapt some of Zexion's Data to form a new Replica, just to see if it was possible for a Nobody to create one. The experiment was somewhat of a success, but not quite there yet. The failure was destroyed and he tried again, this time digging deep into his supply of gathered up Data from his colleges (all taken without their knowledge, generally). The newest mix of Data and Memories proved strong enough to take, and the replica was deemed somewhat of a success. Kind of. It wasn't enough of a perfect mix or copy to really count for anything as something seems to have messed up along the way, but it was enough to show Xehanort of their approaching success.
   The Replica was allowed to keep existing, should the need arise for Xehanort to need another body as a pitch-hitter for the Organization. Only after meeting with one of his (unknowing) donors did the Replica get a name; Celix. He's unsure why the weird man with the eyepatch decided to name him, he was fine just being known by an experiment number by Vexen, but it's fine. At least this way people stopped giving him weird looks when he said his name was a number.

   A mage with little to no physical strength to speak of. Celix had been replicated into a young adult body, sure, but he still maintained most of his major donor's body type; better suited to be protected or fight from a distance. High attack spells are a specialty, however with his weapon and magic style, Celix has to hand-write out every spell in the air, creating a lag time that leaves him vulnerable.
   To make up for his lack of strength and tendency to just have to stand around writing words out in the air with a magic pen, Celix is rather speedy-- not teleport level speedy, but he can jump and dart to the side fast enough to dodge sometimes it may seem like he is actually warping around. 

Game Timeline: 
   Benched just as hard as Demyx, Celix spends most of his time just wandering around the Castle That Never Was wishing either something would happen or someone would explain half the things going around in his head. It'd be helpful if he'd actually mention half of these things to anyone so they can even attempt to help, sure, but they're all a bunch of Heartless Nobodies, right? He doesn't think they'd care.
   When the Organization falls apart though he escapes with Vexen to hide out until Vexen's act of betrayal can be made. By following Even once his creator recompeltes he's reunited with Ienzo and, after a brief explanation of what exactly is happening here, a few of those memories swimming in Celix's head start to make sense. Still, he doesn't really mention the other ones because they just seem silly.
   Only after he's reintroduced to more and more ex-Organization members does he start to question if maybe he could be a Somebody, too. Even honestly wasn't sure and told him as such since he was a pure replica, someone without a Heart to speak of from the get-go, but the strength of his heart grown through experience might be large enough he could stand on his own as person... even if he was just a semi-failed Replica. Though without the eyepatched man around to name him again he asks Even for a new title, and is gifted the name Elci.
   Elci spent most of his time after wandering the Radiant Garden castle, idly passing his time just like he had back with the Organization. He was able to occasionally provide assistance in studies as a replica, but otherwise the man had no real use to the scientists and was allowed to roam free. He was after all, technically, a grown man-- or at least someone with the memories and experiences of one. With his data-donors' leans to explore and observe, Elci found himself spending a lot of his time sitting on the castle walls and watching Radiant Garden's little town slowly return to a bustling community.

   The best and worst of both 'parents'. While he grows into his own person, Celix starts out incredibly quiet, preferring just to stare and watch the others move around than do anything. He's so painfully silent that Xigbar actually asked if Vexen screwed up and made the replica mute before Celix snapped out a biting retort. Embarrassed that he reacted like that, let alone reacted at all, Celix fell silent again and ran off to go do another few laps around the Castle.
   The more he grows into his own Somebody, the less quiet he is and Celix finally opens up and tries to be less mean to others. It's a rough transitional period with his two data sides fighting the newly growing heart for how he wants to act and behave, but eventually Celix manages to settle in somewhere between "bitingly sarcastic", "underhanded and teasing", and "really rather would be anywhere else." Vexen should've seen this coming with who he decided to mix Data with, honestly. There's just so much bouncing around in Celix's head that it's all confusing for him.
   Once everything goes to hell and he escapes with Vexen, the harshness in his tone lessens even more. Celix slips back into mild silence and staring, too busy trying to understand where his memories come from and how they connect to all the new information he's been handed. By the time he's been gifted his Elci name, he's nearly a full Somebody (or at least the approximation of one) with his own grown personality to match. Generally still quiet and rough on the edges, but only if you deserve it and push him first. The biggest problem is that if you get him talking on a subject he knows of, memory or otherwise, it can be difficult to get him to shut up. Again, Even should've seen this coming.
   Elci enjoys the company of anyone, loud or quiet. He likes to think of himself as loyal but he's unsure, since he's never had to test it beyond the reach of his creators. He wouldn't call himself friendly however, because he's fairly sure 'friendly' people aren't suppose to have some of the reoccurring thoughts that he does. He should really get around to talking about those thoughts with someone as they feel like they could be important, especially after it's discovered he has the memories of those that Even had mixed data with, but the scientists are too busy dealing with the hunt for Sora so he stays quiet and talks it out with the wildlife he runs across on his walks.

Personality Quirks:
   If asked questions he'll answer them, though there's a part of him that wants to be anything but honest with his responses unless Even is the one asking. Lying comes naturally, but being round-about with his answers and not necessarily lying tends to be his standard. If Even were to ask him what color is the sky today, Elci would answer "blue" without hesitation, though if anyone else were to ask he'd sooner respond "what, do they not let you outside?" before eventually answering with the correct color.
   He's learning to crack jokes the more he finds himself slipping into humanity. They're... odd jokes, usually made at the expense of others, a little dated, and probably considered trendy about ten years ago. Elci's favorite jokes tend to lie on the style of "tricking the stooge to say something they don't realize they're saying".
   Elci is a mess of a person but trying to come into his own, it's just difficult. Overall he is a positive person, not necessarily Cheery but not overly negative. He has a resting face that's more of an unamused glare, though, so with his combined 'sarcasm on main' responses, most people tend to categorize him as somewhat of an asshole.
   Elci has a raging sweet-tooth, a habit which wasn't that obvious until they had escaped freely to Radiant Garden where ice cream was readily available. Though he prefers snacks like crepes and cakes, he can be coaxed into the labs for testing by shaking a seasalt ice cream at him. Ansem once commented it's like he's a child with how easily he can be won over. 

Little Extras:

   Sleep Habits: 
Elci is generally the type to go to sleep very late in the evening, pushing times that most people would describe as morning, but his wake-up times vary heavily. Elci is a pretty light sleeper so it's more common for him to have several micro-sleeps and wake-ups until he finally gives up on trying to sleep and opts to stay up. He's not sure why, but staying up until 3 or 4am is pretty easy for him and most of the time he won't realize how much time has passed until someone asks why he's still awake. After one too many almost sleepless nights, Even caved and gave him a checkup just to make sure nothing was wrong with his clone body.

+ Vexen | Even:
     Elci sees Vexen as his father figure, since Elci recognizes him as the one who created him, though technically Vexen would hit in the 'grandfather' range. Elci is most loyal to him, not just because he is his creator, but because Vexen vouched for him and helped assure Celix wouldn't be destroyed once it was discovered he was technically a Failure. Vexen didn't have much to do with him, and seemed to barely care for the boy outside of one outburst that Celix is sure is what saved his life. Still, Vexen took him with him when he fled, and stashed the boy in Radiant Garden while he finished up his plan to betray Xemnas, so that has to mean something... right?
     As Even, their relationship is just as oddly "there, but not there". Elci barely talks to the man unless it's for a check-up, or he's letting the scientists use his body for testing to see how replicas hold up, as he holds the oldest replica frame that is still active and hasn't been traded around. Sometimes Even will pull Elci aside to have what Elci has been told are essentially "therapy sessions", just mental health checks and short discussions about some of the memories he's been having. They're no more than a scientist checking up on his experiment to register the new data, but since Elci doesn't exactly know better, they register as a 'caring father', in his mind.
     (If push comes to shove, Even would vouch for Elci again-- both proud of him as his longest living replica, and for how much Elci obeys Even's command without much of a fuss. He's like the completely obedient son he never had.)

+ Zexion | Ienzo:
     The two barely communicated in the Organization, as Zexion had his own plans and Celix spent most of his time wandering or by Vexen's side. Neither man was even aware of what Vexen had done, and who he was created from, until the truth came out after they had been recompleted and freed from Xehanort's grasp. Ienzo was... torn. Part of him was offended that Even had done such a thing without asking him first, and the other more scientific side of him was too curious about what all a replica made from his data could achieve.
     They have nowhere near a father-son relationship, and barely think of each other as brothers, but that's fine. Elci is... just another person who wanders the castle walls, to Ienzo. Something to observe and possibly rummage in the brain of for any missing pieces, should the boy agree to such an invasion. 

+ Xigbar | Luxu:
     There are memories in Elci's head that he does not understand, and only after all the puzzle pieces align does Elci start to realize some of these thoughts may have come from his second donor. As Celix, Xigbar didn't think much more of him beyond one of Vexen's funny little dolls, a spare body with some sentience that he feels just a little sorry for. Celix enjoyed Xigbar enough as he was the one who gave him his name and didn't treat completely ignore his existence. They rarely talked, and when they did it felt like Xigbar was digging into Celix for information, not trying to have a friendly banter, so Celix tended to feel guarded and on edge around the man. Something in his brain told him this was 'off', but he couldn't place it.
     Even after 'Recompletion', Elci still couldn't understand why Xigbar made him feel the way he did. It was like warning bells had gone off in his head every time they talked. There's a part of him that wants to find him again. He wants to use his newly grown 'heart', his sentience and sense of being a Person, to have another talk with Xigbar because maybe this man holds the answers for what those shaky memories are in his head of an unfamiliar man in a familiar black cloak. 

+ RG:
     Aeleus and Dilan both knew of the replica from their days in the Organization but now that he's freely wandering the castle as Elci, they don't pay him much mind. Outside of the occasional poke from Dilan's spear when the guard passes under him as Elci perches on a castle wall, they don't bother much with him. Sometimes, Elci will talk at Aeleus if he sees the guard alone, but not much comes out of it. A safe explanation would be that they 'tolerate' each other, but hold no strong feelings one way or another.
     Ansem the Wise was a curious person to meet. Something in Elci's coding told him this man was a father figure, but all he'd heard when hanging near Vexen during his plans to steal the King away was just that-- he was a King. Someone he should respect, or so Vexen told him when they hid out in a Radiant Garden alley. The man had greeted him with ice cream and a set of 20 questions, though, which didn't feel very kingly. Then again, Elci's only experience with 'royalty' was how Xemnas and Xehanort held himself above the Organization. If Kings were suppose to be more like this curious scientist, then maybe that's okay.


- In 358/2, Celix's weapon that "most resembles him" is a gel pen with dark, edgy stickers taped all over it. 

- In 358/3, Celix's weapon that "looks familiar..." is a pen shaped like a full dessert character crepe, with wafers and a cute mascot character stuffed into the whipped cream. 

- His body is somewhere in the 'average' range of a young adult/high teenager. A safe guess would be somewhere around 18 or 19. Mentally, thanks to Xigbar and Zexion, his memories hit somewhere between 25 to 100+ give or take where you place Luxu. However, since those aren't his experiences and his life, Elci is technically in the single digits for age.

- This OC was absolutely originally created a decade+ ago as a crackship butt baby between Zexion and Xigbar and i'm not sorry at all. this is an attempt to fix him into a real OC and I still laugh at it

- his working title was DEATH NOTE because his weapon used to be a gun that shoots book pages. Now it's an ink pen that can kill you