


3 years, 3 months ago



Name: Asterid
Age: She's a growing child, so this shifts as needed for the sake of story. (Max current age: 15)
Pronouns: She/Her
Status: In the future, baby

   When the dust settles and the heroes have time to enjoy the world they helped create, Asterid came to be. She was somewhat expected, occasionally a worry-point, but generally welcomed with open arms to her tired little family. The daughter of Lauriam and Elrena, Asterid ends up the brunt of many flower jokes from her family friends. 

   Asterid is forceful and outgoing, taking the leader position easily among friends her age and trying to be the leader among friends and family much older than her. She's a "Type A" personality; if there's a task that needs completing and she's interested in it, she's going to get it done and drag you along to do it with her. Her high levels of confidence is a rallying cry to friends, boosting their own confidence through her sheer presence and determination--and maybe a little accidental manipulation. She will deny up and down that she's manipulating on purpose. That's just not her personality, you know? It must be the strength of her heart that's making people follow her word or agree to do whatever is asked.
   Sometimes considered rude and a little too eager to finish (or start) a fight, Asterid still has her soft moments especially around people she treasures like her immediate family. Asterid is an angel to her parents, so much so that they can both see through her act. She never fights or fusses with them, opting for the sweetheart route and cuddling up so they can't get mad if she's acted out and needs to be punished. Elrena calls her a little brat (lovingly), and most of the time it's up to her father to actually punish the girl. Their word is law in the end, and Asterid wouldn't be the type to sneak out if she was grounded. Sneak out at night, though, when not directly told to stay in...?

   Somewhere in her bloodline is the heart of a Dandelion, but Asterid has no need or desire to try to summon a keyblade. Instead, she has some knives that she considers "really cute", more for aesthetics rather than any kind of combat with how the blade is cut. That doesn't mean she won't try to use them, anyway, if it comes down to it.


♥ Lauriam | Father:
   Of her parents, Asterid listens to Lauriam the most. He's well versed in her type of personality thanks to Elrena so he knows just how to swat down any of Asterid's attempts to sweettalk her way into getting extra dessert, or another hour out with her friends. They get along amazingly well despite Lauriam being the rule enforcer, though. Asterid doesn't have much of a green thumb compared to him but she tries her best and she's always eager to hang out in their little garden or go with him out to the park just to look around at all the new blooms. Any time their egos do butt up against each other to cause a fight, it doesn't take much beyond Lauriam giving a single inch to let his daughter crumple and pout for everything to calm back down. Even if the answer is still no and she's still in trouble, having her dad smooth down her hair antennae and tell her they can do something else later if she behaves will get Asterid to take her punishment. 

♥ Elrena | Mother:
   Even if she was planned completely, Elrena still felt fairly "I can't take care of a baby" for the first... ten years of Asterid's life. She never neglected her, but it was easier to act like Asterid was a little sister more than something she grew inside of her, which may be where Asterid's personality started taking a turn for the obnoxious. Asterid takes after Elrena almost completely. Growing up, she thought her mom was the coolest and wanted to be just like her when she grew up. The knives, jacket, pushy personality-- if she wasn't born with the natural antennae flips to her hair, Asterid would've tried to style her hair daily to match. They're best friends, sometimes teaming up on Lauriam if both girls want something. They rarely fight now, but if they were to fight at all later on it would probably be from one or the other getting fed up with the other's gentle manipulation tactics.

♥ Strelitzia | Aunt:
   Asterid's favorite person. Sure she loves her mom and dad, but there's something about her aunt that has Asterid ramping up the protective, knife waving cocky behavior in her. She's told her parents that Strelitzia is just too delicate, she has to step in to make sure she's okay, despite how many times Strelitzia has tried to calm her down and tell her it's okay. Like when she's with her father, Asterid likes to sit back and watch as Strelitizia would work with the flowers for hours. It's soothing to her. Being around her aunt in general is soothing, and both parents tend to let the woman babysit and watch after Asterid any time she's getting to be too much of a handful.

Little Extras:

   Sleep Habits: 
Asterid wants her beauty sleep, but there's no schedule for when she gets it. She'll usually be asleep by 10pm unless there's something interesting happening in the house or with her friends, and she has skipped entire nights of sleep due to just too many cool things going on-- up until her father caught her and gently scolded that she'll ruin her skin if she's not careful with all these sleepless nights. It seemed to do the trick... but she'll still stay up way too late just cause friends are getting into shenanigans. 

x - Asterid would be the type to tell the staff in a fast food restaurant that "Hey, my bud said no pickles."
x - Yes, she's a brat. Yes, she's aware.
x - No, she's not going to stop.